Chapter 82 Leaving

Hidden Cloud.

The village hidden in clouds, located between high and low canyons, most of the buildings at the top of the mountains are hidden under clouds.

Raikage Building.

Around the table were seven chairs, on them sat the Five Kage, Mifune and a young man with black hair, a cold handsome face with a small slash mark on his left cheek, a huge gem inlaid sword on his back.

The shinobi alliance for the fourth great ninja world war was established, every village was preparing for the war, another strategic meeting was currently being held at Hidden Cloud.

"Edo Tensei?"

Currently the eyes of the five Kage, Tsunade, A, Terumi Mei, Onoki and Gaara were on the handsome black haired young man who despite not being a Kage was able to sit in equal footings with them.

"Yes, Edo Tensei!" Nodded Azuma calmly and giving everyone in the room one look, he continued: "When I entered Amegakure, aside from two members of Akatsuki, I also encountered the past Kage, 2nd Mizukage, 3rd Kazekage, 2nd Tsuchikage and 3rd Raikage, the reanimated Past Kage"

Said Azuma lightly, his chin supported by his both hands, elbows on the table, a calm look on his face, yellow hawk eyes facing everyone.


Everyone aside from Tsunade who seemed to know already, sucked in a deep breath at Azuma's words, this single sentence had so much information in it.

This once again shoot their curiosity for Azuma's full strength, wondering what was his limit and also gave them the intel about the enemy that they were about to face, who had such an ace in his hands.

"Do you have any clue about who the caster can be Azuma-San?" Calming his surprise, Gaara inquired in a polite tone, his eyes on Azuma.

Others also quickly calmed down as this was not the time to be awed, they needed to plan everything for the upcoming war.

"It's Orochimaru's past attendant Kabuto, he has collected the DNA of all the strong man in the past, Said Azuma lightly.

"Reanimation Jutsu…Orochimaru…Kabuto, hmph! You Konoha has a shadow behind everything Tsunade-Hime" Raikage sorted the information and snorted at Tsunade, as behind everything to him was a shadow of Konoha.

Reanimation Jutsu created by Second Hokage, Orochimaru, Uchiha Madara everything started from Konoha.

"I know that but looking back into the past won't do us any good now, Raikage" Calmly admitted Tsunade, as she knew Raikage was right and there was no point in denying it.

"Reanimation Jutsu it can really turn the tides of a war, not just strength wise but when shinobi meet their loved ones who had died in the past, it will easily lower their morale to fight"

"But it's good we are able to know about it beforehand, now we can make everyone mentally prepared for it"

Said Onoki after thinking for a while, his hands rubbing his chin, a relieved look in his eyes.

"Yes, and we also need to assign a separate sealing squad with every company, we can't kill the reanimated Shinobi and can only seal them…" Said Terumi, chipping in as well, giving a suggestion.

"I'll send a unit to look for this Kabuto guy as well, if we can catch him before the war begins, it couldn't be  better!"


Said Raikage, everyone nodding, catching Kabuto before the war begins, it couldn't get better if they succeed.

"Now, I think we should decide who will lead all the five companies, the commander" Finally the meeting came to its last phases the time to decide the leaders of companies had arrived.

Tsunade taking everyone's attention inquired, the face of everyone changing, all eyes converging towards the man with black hair.

Darui, Akatsuchi, Kakashi, Gaara and Mifune were the leaders of five companies comprising of 80000 Shinobi respectively from 1 to 5, only the commander to lead them was left, someone strong and reliable.

"No, there is somewhere I need to go, I won't be joining the war any soon"

Seeing all eyes focused on him, Azuma raising his hand calmly refused, no intent to grasp the honor of leading all shinobi on his face, a flat poker face.



Everyone stood up at his words, never expecting him to even refuse to participate in the war, even Tsunade looked at him, lost for words.

"You can distribute my Flying Raijin marked Kunai to every company leader, if my help is really needed badly, I'll reach there instantly, but I won't take part in war actively, I need to do something, it's necessary for me"


Said Azuma without a hint of hesitation on his tone, nearly everyone at a loss of words, his sudden withdrawal left them completely flabbergasted.

"Your strength is needed Azuma-San…without you…it would be a lot difficult"

"Are Five Great Nations really that helpless without a single man? This is my final decision, even the Hokage can't force me, So long!!"


Saying that, Azuma didn't give anyone a chance to say anything, vanishing from his seat, leaving five Kunai's and a silent room.

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