Chapter 84 Terror

The Outer Area of Ryuchi Cave.


Said the green-haired woman who stood at the entrance of the brightly lit building, gesturing to enter, the extremely delicious food on the table, Azuma could even see it from outside.

"Take me to White Snake Sage!" Azuma didn't enter the building and standing still at his place, he gave the green haired woman a look and said lightly.

"White Snake Sage? I will but why not freshen up first, you must be tired from the long journey of reaching here!" Said the woman smiling kindly, a motherly aura around her, once again gesturing him to enter.



Hearing her words, Azuma sighed helplessly, in the gloomy surroundings a red aura appeared around him, the green-haired woman immediately frowning.

"Don't play these games with me, and you two come out as well, I don't have time to waste on these petty trials"


Said Azuma lightly, his voice loud and clear, the green haired woman looking at him like she had seen a ghost, her fingers pointed at him.


But just when the green haired woman was in a shock, shadows flashed around her and two figures appeared beside her, a petite black haired girl, hair tied into two buns, and a woman dressed in black and red kimono, having long black hair.

"You…who are you? How do you know about the trials?!!" The woman dressed in black and red kimono, asked with furrowed brows, a curious look in her eyes, the petite girl beside her also eyeing Azuma.

"Don't ask me questions, just take me to her already! My patience is limited!" Azuma said in a slightly annoyed tone, the red aura around him intensifying.

"It's been a long time since a human appeared here... and even longer since a cocky one like you appeared, the trails are necessary to reach white snake sage"

"If you don't want to take the trials, then be prepared to get eaten!!" Said the green haired woman in an angry tone, her beautiful face changing instantly, snake like eyes appearing, wider mouth with a sharper teeth and a long blue snake tongue, scales on her cheeks, turning into a scary monster instantly.

"Don't hog him all for yourself!"

"Hehe~ no one touches his chakra, that's all mine!!"

The woman in black and red kimono and the petite girl also had a change in facial features, snake like long tongue hanging out, beautiful to ugly, just in a second, a change surpassing the one after removing makeup.

"Hmm~ want to eat me?" Said Azuma in a slightly funny tone and eyeing the tense three he continued:

"But do remember this! It's always been hawks that prey on snakes!!"


The words fell, all three snake featured woman felt huge hawk eyes staring at them, a red hawk sweeping towards them.


Like a primal instinct, the three of them all screamed together seeing the hawk approaching, on knees, hugging each other with immense fear in their eyes.

"Don't hurt the children…you three bring him to me…"

Just when Azuma was getting even more annoyed at the howling of the snake woman before him, a voice spread in the surroundings, Azuma still calm, though the women finally stopped screaming.

"Please…don't eat me…I'll take you…."

The bigger snake woman though stopped howling were still too scared to speak, but the petite snake girl changing back to her beautiful face, said in a quivering tone, tears at the corner of her eyes, scared too much.

"…I was just joking…now lead the way…" Seeing the now meek and terrified loli so different from before, Azuma was left a bit speechless but shaking his head, he assured her, asking her to lead the way.


The loli along with other two keeping a distance of 10 meters from Azuma led the way, and soon arrived at a wide room, on a huge couch at some distance, was a huge white snake, coiled with golden hoops on its body, a turban with two pointed edges and huge burning cigarette in its mouth.

"Those Hawk resembling eyes, so it's you, the swordsman who killed Orochimaru!" The huge white snake raised its head and gazing at Azuma who had arrived before her, she spoke in a cold voice.

"Hmm~ so Kabuto told you?" Responded Azuma lightly, no change of expression on his face, he knew Kabuto in original did arrive here to learn Sage Mode, so he wasn't surprised at her knowing the death of Orochimaru in his hands.

"Interesting human~ you seem to know a lot" Hearing him mentioning Kabuto, some surprise appeared in the eyes of huge snake, not being able to understand how Azuma knew this, surely Kabuto wouldn't have told him.

"I do know a lot~ but that doesn't concern you, and the reason why I came all this way, I presume you should be aware already" Said Azuma shaking his head, getting to business, he didn't have time for mystery talk.

"Hmm~ quite rude you are but then again… I also don't want to see someone related to hawks in my place for too long, so let's get started"

"But do remember, if you fail, you'll end up in my stomach" Said the White Snake Sage in a chilly tone, her hungry eyes staring at Azuma, like looking at an exquisite dish, couldn't wait to devour it.



Azuma just nodded at her warning calmly, tilting his neck to left a little, the huge white snake whizzing towards Azuma, who didn't move at all.



Arriving near Azuma, the huge snake opened its mouth, it's huge fangs drilling slightly in the neck off Azuma, the former frowning a little, feeling a different chakra entering in his body.


After biting Azuma, the huge white snake moved back to its original position, looking interestingly at Azuma who stood motionless in his place with eyes closed.


The face of Azuma suddenly began to turn whiter, some scales appearing at his cheeks, and all over his body, his face deforming at an astonishing rate.



Seeing his change, an excited look appeared in the eyes of huge snake, finally the meal was ready, but suddenly dark red lightning burst out of Azuma, scaring the huge snake a little.


The huge snake watched with shock in its eyes, the deformed face of Azuma, at an astonishing rate, began to shape back to its original state, the scales all over his body and face disappearing completely, two small dark red tomoe marks appearing under his eyes, dark flames flickering around Azuma.

"This human…."


The next moment, Azuma who had gone under a massive transformation opened his eyes, the dark red hawk-like pupils coming into the view of Snake Sage, the latter speaking out in shock, the scales all over her body standing up in danger.

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("Haki Mode" Good or any suggestion?}