Chapter 85 War

Ryuchi Cave.

The big snake stood up immediately from the couch, all scales standing straight, the eyes which were always calm, looking at the human before with immense fear in eyes.

"Even she…even she wasn't this…" Murmured the huge white snake, fear in its tone, the memory of around a thousand years before coming into her mind, a look of disbelief on her face.

"Hmm~ as expected this power is immense…but even I need to spend some time to master it…"

Azuma didn't care for the shock of the white snake sage, as feeling the immense power in his body, a satisfied look appeared on his face, the red tomoe under his eyes gradually vanishing, his blood hawk eyes, changing back to yellow.

It was due to the chakra of White Snake Sage in his body that he was able to enter sage mode so quickly, next time he wants to enter sage mode, he needs to absorb the nature energy, and even he has to spend some time on it, to become proficient enough to quickly gather nature energy and enter sage mode.


But just when Azuma was planning to stay here for some while to completely master the power of Sage Mode, he frowned suddenly taking out a kunai, marked with Flying Raijin formula, currently the formula was lit up.

"Thanks for your help, Farewell!"


Next moment, raising his head, Azuma thanked the scared white snake sage, disappearing the next moment.


The whole world was engulfed in war, everywhere it was destruction, forests, canyons, valleys, rivers, everywhere corpses of shinobi and white beings were everywhere.

Sand, Stone, Fire, Lightning, Water, every nation was engulfed in the war, the shinobi alliance fighting with a huge army of white zetsu.

Genbu Island.

In the endless sea, it was a huge living Island, the huge turtle head could be seen clearly from above.

Behind the waterfall on the Island,

It was a vast hall, with murals of cat and octopus carved on the wall, on the blue walls, was a strange door, closed.

Beyond the door was a bright room, colorful surroundings, on the floor sat cross-legged a blond hair kid, half of his body covered with red chakra, beside him stood, Killer B, Jinchuriki of Eight Tails.

Inside Naruto's spiritual plane,

"So the brat wants to control my power now!!!"


On the damp floor, was a huge orange fox with nine tails, before him Naruto with orange shade around his eyes, Nine Tails who was just freed by Naruto, yelling at him, banging the ground with its tails.

"I need your power to protect my friends Kyuubi" Replied back Naruto without any fear in his eyes, the determination to protect his friend overwriting his fear for Kyuubi.

"Like hell I'll let you control my power after all things you humans did, just die!!"


Said Kyuubi with extreme anger, roaring towards Naruto, the latter immediately jumping back, knowing this matter couldn't be settled with talk anymore, force was needed.




But just when Naruto was about to fight Nine Tails, a yellow light flickered in the surroundings, followed by countless golden chains, rushing toward Nine Tails.

"This chakra…Kushina…Fourth Hokage…" Nine Tails was caught off guard by the sudden golden chains, and couldn't dodge them, the chains binding him tightly, Nine Tails felt the familiar chakra, speaking out in disbelief.


Naruto looked at the blonde handsome man and red-haired woman who had appeared before him in disbelief, wondering who they are and how did they reach this place.



Unlike the whole world, the village hidden in the leaves was currently in peace, though the streets were deserted, and the number of people in the village seemed a lot less, only women and children could be seen.

Konoha Hospital.

In the basement,

It was a separate dark room, silence was everywhere, on the platform sat a topless figure, his eyes covered with a blindfold.

"Hmm~ this power…magnificent!"

The handsome figure gradually unfolded the blindfold on his eyes, two beautiful red eyes, coming into view, the handsome figure murmured with a smile on his face.


"It's time to join the war…I'm coming Nii-San!"


The figure quickly wore his clothes, as finally putting his sword in the sheath, he strode out from the basement, excitement to test his newly obtained powers in his eyes.

Sand Battlefield.


The sand was to the end of sight, Jutsu was flashing on the battlefield, sound of explosions resounding everywhere.

Numerous shinobi wearing the same headband were fighting four figures at four different locations, every minute someone was dying.

One of them was covered with bandages all over his body, Second Tsuchikage, the second wore a grey kimono, no eyebrows, Second Mizukage, one of them using golden sand to attack, Fourth Kazekage Rasa fighting Gaara, the fourth was a burly man with a lightning mark on his chest, Third Raikage.

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