Chapter 86 Emergence


Between the high and low canyons, on top of a huge mountain, was a huge building, the entrance of building was marked with black markings.

Inside the building,

It was a vast hall, on top of a platform at the center of the hall, three shinobi one with an eyepatch covering his eye, one with blonde hair and one with black hair and somewhat lazy eyes, Ao, Inoichi Yamanaka and Nara Shikaku.

Shikaku stood around Inoichi and Ao who sat on the floor, between them in the air floated a huge bloated ball, eyes of both Inoichi and Ao closed, monitoring the whole situation of the war.

This was Ninja Alliance Headquarters, sensory shinobi like Ao and Inoichi were tasked to monitor the whole situation of the battlefield and give orders after discussing with Shikaku, the brain of the ninja alliance.

On the side at some distance from the platform, five chairs were side by side, three were empty, on two sat Tsunade and Fourth Raikage, Ai.


"I have to go Hokage, there is no way they can take my old man without me!" With urgency in his eyes, Raikage banged the table, his eyes stuck at Tsunade before him, the news from the sand battlefield that his father, Third Raikage was reanimated, making it hard for him to stay here.

"Calm down Raikage, you are the supreme commander, you are more needed here!!"

Roared back Tsunade, trying to calm him down, him being the leader of shinobi alliance, had to maintain his cool.

"You don't understand the horror of my old man, Hokage, even I was no match for him!" Said Raikage shaking his head, as only he knew how strong his old man was when he was alive.


"It's not good Lady Hokage, Lord Raikage!"

Tsunade seeing him stubborn, wanted to say something, but at this moment, Ao on the side suddenly frowned, before a hasty look appeared on his face, calling out for them, interrupting Tsunade.

"What happened?!!"

"Naruto Uzumaki and Lord Bee, both of them escaped from Genbu Island and are approaching the battlefield!"


Stood up both Tsunade and Raikage in disbelief at his words, never expecting such a sudden situation.


"Quickly tell me their location, and I'll personally lock them back on the Island, this war was to protect them, we can't hand them to the enemy in a plate!"

But Raikage quickly calmed himself this time, knowing it was not the time to be shocked and he had to lock his brother and Naruto back on the Island.

"I'll go with you!" Said Tsunade, a serious look on her face, knowing being the stubborn he is, would definitely not listen to Raikage, she had to go herself to pursue him.



Nodded Raikage, letting Tsunade join her, soon both of them turned into an afterimage and left the headquarters going in the direction which Ao told them.


Land of Fire.

In a vast forest,


In the woods, two figures could be seen fighting a reanimated Mist Shinobi with a huge sword full of paper bombs, one had Onex eyes, black hair, and a calm look on his face, easily dodging the attack of the mist-reanimated Shinobi, and the other was basically just playing around, long white hair reaching his back, red paint under the eyes, a huge scroll on the back.

Uchiha Itachi and Jiraiya, fighting Jinpachi, one of the seven swordsmen of mist.



Suddenly, chakra appeared around the legs of Itachi instantly appearing before Jinpachi, surprising him, never expected such speed, but he couldn't complete his words when red windmill-patterned eyes came into his view.


The left eye of Itachi spun at high speed, and blood began to seep down to his cheek, but Itachi remained calm and said lightly, Jinpachi before him going completely motionless.

"Huh? Damn Itachi, I underestimated you!!"

In a hidden cave, the cloaked Kabuto who sat on the ground, a board before him, suddenly saw a black piece on the board out of control, stunned for a second before he cursed out loudly, anger and astonishment in his eyes.

"Back in the forest"

"How is it?" Asked Jiraiya looking at Itachi, who was wiping the blood from his cheeks, Jinpachi motionless before them.

"Umm, it's done Jiraiya-San, I've found his location"

"Good, Let's go then, we can't waste time!"

Replied Itachi calmly, an admiring look appearing on the face of Jiraiya, who couldn't help but praise him, but knew they had some more serious business to attend to.

Both of them were assigned by Tsunade to find Kabuto, the man behind Reanimation Jutsu, though precisely it was Azuma who had suggested Tsunade to let Itachi find Kabuto, now Jiraiya could understand why.


Both Itachi and Jiraiya stepped on the branch of the tree, soon disappearing in the woods, destination Kabuto.


Sand Battlefield.


"Hey, who is that!!?" Under the scorching sun, the fight was going on, blood flying everywhere, but amid all the fights suddenly a shinobi pointed towards a cliff, with a sound of footsteps, two figure had appeared on top of the cliff,

One was covered in bandages, like a mummy the other had long black hair reaching the back, donned in red armor, hands across his chest, and a calm and arrogant look on his face.


Everyone's attention was shifted towards the direction pointed by the shinobi, Onoki seeing the red armor figure, going blank in shock, his whole body trembling, words too hard to come out.

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