Chapter 87

Sand Battlefield. {A little while ago}

The scorching sun hung high on the blue sky, literally spitting fire, even the air seemed to burn, endless yellow blazing sand under the blue sky.



With thunder around him, the Third Raikage whizzed through the battlefield, every shinobi who came in his way to stop him, blown away, screams resounding.

"Use Wind Style against him, anything else is useless against his defense!" Shouted Dodai, the experienced Jonin from Kumo, an eyepatch covering his left eye, immense panic on his face.

He has been the advisor of 3rd Raikage in his youth, he knows his horror, his defense is nearly invincible.


"Leave it to us!" At this moment, numerous shadows flickered, a girl with sandy blonde hair and a huge fan in her hand appeared beside Dodai, wind style shinobi behind her.

"Wind Style! Wind Storm!!"

Wind Style! Great Wind Vortex!!

Wind Style! Wind Wave!!


Shouted Temari, her fan opening to its limit, a huge green storm of wind, rushing towards 3rd Raikage, the wind squad following her, all releasing wind style Jutsu, rushing towards Raikage, blowing everything away.

"Hell Spear!!"

Seeing the massive wind rushing towards him, Raikage whose right hand was stretched out, suddenly only 2 fingers were left pointing towards the shinobi army, Raikage rushing towards the wind barrage.


The thunder coated two fingers of Raikage miraculously cut through the massive wind collectively released by hundreds of shinobi.

Raikage not stopping after cutting the wind, clashing with the squad under Temari, everyone including Temari blown back, sand rolling around.


"Dang!! I don't even come close to his strength"

After flying back dozens of steps, Temari was able to get a footing, as wiping the blood from the corners of her mouth, she said in a heavy tone.



"Particle Style! Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!"


At this moment, sand rose up, holding Raikage's ankles in his place, and a white light fell from the sky, Raikage frowning, lightning bursting out of him.



The white light fell from the sky, on the sand a smooth pit was created, but Raikage stood safe and sound some distance, lightning dancing around him.

"As expected from a monster that took 10000 Shinobi to defeat, really annoying!" Onoki floating appeared at some distance from Raikage, right beside Temari, a solemn look on his face.

"We have to come up with an attack that can break his defense, otherwise everything would be useless"

Gaara sitting on the sand, also appeared near Onoki, his serious eyes stuck at Raikage, the opponent was truly strong.

They have sealed 2nd Tsuchikage, 2nd Mizukage, 4th Kazekage but even together they couldn't deal with 3rdRaikage, showing his strength.

Nearly all the enemies at Sand battlefield including White Zetsu were dealt with, except Raikage, all the remaining shinobi gathering behind Gaara, Onoki and Temari, all awed eyes on Raikage.

"Haha…it's above your ability to deal with me, bring that Konoha's swordsman, only he can deal with me"

Said 3rd Raikage laughing, standing calmly on the opposite side, facing Gaara, Onoki and every shinobi before him with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Damn, get him!!"


Hearing his words, and seeing the disdain in his eyes, a shinobi couldn't help but get angry, madly running forward while shouting, the whole army following him.


"Swordsman? I think it is truly time, Temari take that out!"

The battle between Raikage and Shinobi Alliance started again, like before one sided again, though Gaara didn't join madly like others and focusing on Raikage's earlier words, he turned towards Temari by his side, said lightly.


Temari nodded heavily, rummaging through her ninja bag, taking a kunai out with flying Raijin formula marked on it.


{Back to present}

"Hey who's that?!!"

But at this moment, on top of the cliff, two figures appeared, one with bandages all over his body and the other with a red armor around him, black hair reaching his back, arms crossed on chest, a calm and arrogant look on the face.

"He....Madara Uchiha…." Onoki's whole body trembled, sweat rolling down his brows, as exhausting his full strength he spoke out.

"Madara…a man considered equal to First Hokage…interesting…"

"His face…he…is reanimated. So who is the masked man?"

Everyone went in shock from his words, even Raikage stopped fighting, looking curiously at the red armor men, though Gaara pointed at the most important detail.

"And that's Lord Mu beside him, didn't we seal him?"

And Onoki also spotted 2nd Tsuchikage beside Madara, and couldn't help but point out.

"Hmm~ their headbands, is it some sort of alliance?"

Madara who stood on top of the cliff, calmly analyzed the situation and seeing the headbands bearing the name of every village, he couldn't help but ask looking to his right.

"Apparently, we are in a war and all the villages has allied to deal with the caster of reanimation Jutsu"

Said Mu, as he didn't know much about the details as well, just a fur, which he was able to analyze till now.

(Two chapters today)

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