Chapter 88 Madara Uchiha

"Looks like things went slightly different from the plan!" Thought Madara, after hearing the words of Mu, a slightly confused look in his eyes.

"It's an honor to meet you!"

But just when Madara was lost in his thoughts, the voice from his right, somewhat different from before sounded, the eyes of Mu, currently white.

"Hmm~ so you finally come forward!"

Madara was lost for a second before he understood it was the caster of reanimation Jutsu talking to him through Mu.

"My name is Kabuto and no need to be wary of me, I'm working together with him, though due to strength of ninja alliance, your legendary Uchiha Power is needed to capture all the tail beasts"

Said Kabuto in a calm voice through Mu, some expectations in his tone, couldn't wait to see the strength of someone who rivalled the once God of Shinobi.

"So, they haven't been captured yet!?"

"Only Eight Tails and Nine Tails is left, but both are difficult to capture!" Said Kabuto, pushing his glasses in the cave behind the scenes,




Madara parted his lips to say something, but suddenly he jumped up and so did Mu beside him, sand appearing where they just stood, Madara landing on the sand.

"Guess It won't be that easy!"

Said Gaara in a slightly regretful tone, putting his hand back, as his attack to take down Madara by surprise failed.

"Oh~ do you want to dance!!?" Asked Madara, who landed on the sand, his knees bent slightly, his slightly amused eyes stuck at Gaara, some thirst for battle on his face.

"Raikage behind and Madara front, damn, it couldn't get worse!" Cursed Onoki, behind them was Raikage thrashing the ninja alliance and another monster had joined, it couldn't get worse.


"All of you guys stop Madara for a little while, I'll help you after dealing with the Raikage"


But at this moment, followed by wind whizzing, a sound entered the ears of Gaara, Temari and Onoki, looking behind in surprise.

Behind them stood a black-haired figure, a poker look on the wild handsome face, a slash mark on the left cheek, a huge gem inlaid sword on the back.

"Are you sure?!"

Gaara quickly got through the surprise and asked in a hasty tone, they didn't have much time.



Nodded Azuma, as the next moment, like a cannon ball he rushed towards Raikage, leaving Temari and Onoki somewhat stunned, as the other party didn't even greet them at all.

"Let's contain Madara, since he is confident in dealing with Raikage, then we naturally don't have to worry"

"Umm, ok!"

But Onoki didn't say speechless long and said to Gaara, knowing it was not the time to whine on the attitude of Azuma, Gaara nodding with a heavy face.



"Haha!!, entertain me more, this is nothing!"

Another batch of Shinobi were blown away by Raikage, who without any sense of danger on his face, laughed heartily, his laugh despairing every shinobi around.



But at this moment, a purple light flashed on the battlefield, amid the lightning, a black hand bypassing the thunder armor around Raikage, landing on his face, blowing him away, everyone moving back a few steps due to the attacks aftermath.

"It's Azuma-Sama!!

After the wind calmed down all the shinobi gave the shinobi who blew Raikage away a look, Konoha Shinobi in the alliance recognizing the handsome swordsman, the passionate voices resounding, smiles appearing on Konoha Shinobi.

"Leave things here to me, you all help Kazekage and Tsuchikage"

Hearing the passionate voices for him, Azuma remained calm and pointed towards Gaara and Onoki, who stood along side with Temari, some distance from Madara, watching them with interest.


The aura of a leader around Azuma, made no one reject his orders, all nodding in obedience.


The huge army immediately changed its route, rushing towards Gaara and others, leaving Azuma alone, in a pit at some distance, lay Raikage, dust swirling around him, getting up slowly.

"Haha, so you are finally her___"



"I don't have time to waste on defeated people" Soon Raikage finally recovered as laughing he walked out of the pit, but he didn't get a chance to complete his words, a purple light flashing by him, Raikage stiffening, a huge line in the mid.


Like a piece of paper, Raikage divided into two fell on opposite sides, dust swirling around him, a shocked look in both separated eyes of Raikage.





Azuma calmly walked up to the divided Raikage, and squatting beside him, he took out a red tag placing on Raikage, the screams and explosions from the other battle resounding.



Soon, black markings completely covered Raikage, but at this moment Azuma frowned as he felt a shadow over him, causing him to look upward.

A huge meteorite in the air above, his hand automatically reaching to the hilt of his sword on his back, a somewhat excited look like never before on Azuma's face.

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