Chapter 89 Meteor

Sand Battlefield.



A figure with a red armor whizzed through the battlefield, cutting every person before him like vegetables, blood splashing, screams resounding.


Fire Style! Majestic Demolisher Flame!!

Suddenly the figure was hit by a wind gust from Temari, pushing him back a few steps but Madara seemed unfazed, as he quickly made hand signs, putting his hand around his mouth.


A huge sea of flames rushed out from Madara's mouth, hundreds of meters wide, the already heated environment now blazing, orange flames flickering everywhere.

"What powerful Jutsu!!"

Someone commented in despair, watching the approaching fire in shock, the most spectacular scene he had ever seen, was this truly even fire style.

"Water Style Ninja's, hurry up!!"

But the shout of Onoki from behind woke the stupefied Alliance shinobi, urgency in his tone, solemn eyes stuck at Madara.

Water Style! Water Wall!!

Water Style! Water Wall!!

Immediately Kiri shinobi came in front, everyone lining up, making hand signs, everyone spewing out huge amount of water, all mixing up, rushing towards the sea of fire.


The fire and water collided, with a screeching sound, steam began to waft in the air, water evaporating, every thing soon covered with steam, the light dimming a little.


"Damn it's too strong!!"


But suddenly numerous balls of flames in the steam appeared, falling around, burning everyone who came in its way, shinobi cursing in despair, screams resounding, charred shinobi falling down, some turned into ashes thoroughly.

"Sand Barrier!!"


But just when every shinobi was gradually being enveloped in despair, a huge sand wall rose up, at least hundred meters wide, the flame balls colliding with the sand, both cancelling each other.

Particle Style! Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!!"

But this was not the end, in the slightly dim environment due to the steam, a white light flashed, going straight towards Madara, who was harvesting lives, eyes widening a bit.

"You have gotten somewhat good, little Onoki, but this is not enough!"

But Madara didn't panic at the white light approaching him, as murmuring with a arrogant smile, he stretched out his gloved right hand forward, his eyes changing rapidly, from basic tomoe pattern to mangekyo sharingan, and then to purple patterned eyes.


The white light touched Madara's hand but instead of erasing it, it began to shrink, soon vanishing, smoke emitting from Madara's right hand.

"Those…eyes…it's Rinnegan…"

"How can Madara have Rinnegan!!"

Onoki was stunned at Madara absorbing his Jutsu but when he saw those purple eyes, his shock increasing, Gaara also asking out in panic.

"Guess I have to get slightly serious"


Muttered Madara, a somewhat excited look appearing in his godly eyes, turning into an afterimage, he appeared back on the cliff where he stood earlier, Mu or Kabuto controlling him already there.


"What's that blue giant?!!"

Appearing on the cliff, Madara without wasting a moment, began to make hand signs, blue chakra emerging out of him, two opposite blue giant's appearing behind him, making hand signs as well, the shinobi below pointing out in shock.

"It's the legendary Susano, o, be careful he's up to something…" Cleared Onoki the confusion of shinobi around him, but not forgetting to remind them, he had a bad feeling.

"Huh? Why is it getting darker?"

Just when everyone was looking cautiously at Madara, Temari suddenly frowned at the sun light going away, confused asking out, looking above while doing so.


But the moment she laid her eyes above, they seemed to nearly pop out from the sight, voice stuck in throat, motionless staring at the sight above.


"He…He…what's the point of even resisting…?"


Other's followed Temari looking above as well, despairing cries sounding everywhere, a shinobi smiling wryly, falling on his knees in helplessness, no intent to resist a little on his face.

"This…is this the true power of…Uchiha Madara…?" Muttered Gaara in fear, his eyes stuck at the massive meteor above, totally stupefied.

"Wake up, it isn't the time to despair, run back everyone, run as fast as you can!!!


"Hurry up!!"

But the timely shout of Onoki woke everyone, everyone running back at full speed, madly trying to outrun the massive meteor.

"It's too big, we won't be able to make it!" But no matter how fast everyone ran they just couldn't outrun it, Temari shouting with a panicked face, her eyes stuck at the gradually lowering meteor.


"One Sword Style!"


Onoki seeing the situation wanted to come forward and stop the meteor, but at his moment, a calm voice resounded on the battlefield, the calm voice sweeping all the fear automatically, everyone suddenly stopping at the place, all eyes towards one direction.

"Hawk's Wrath!!!



But just when everyone was about to eye the figure, green light blinded their eyes for a moment, followed by the cry of a hawk, a slicing voice resounding everywhere.


"He…he…sliced the meteor…"

The Kunoichi all covered their mouths in disbelief, other shinobi equally stunned, the sluggish eyes stuck at the neatly divided meteor from the middle, speaking out like a robot.

"Just what is his limit...."

All eyes were on the black-haired figure under the meteor, immense admiration, fear in those eyes,  Gaara couldn't help but murmur, as whenever he saw him, he never was able to gouge his limit.

"This…. what amazing swordsmanship!!!"

Madara who also saw the divided meteor in the air, couldn't help but be stunned as well, he's most sensitive to chakra to anyone else here, he could sense no chakra was used in the attack to slice the meteor, purely swordsmanship.

"This guy…" Thinking of this, Madara eyed the figure who stood calmly under the divided meteor alone, a huge black gem inlaid sword in his hands, the eagle like eyes looking straight back at Madara.

"Haha!! I'm feeling it, come on let's fight!!!!!!!


The eagle like eyes ignited the long-lost passion to battle of Madara, as he burst out laughing, chakra revolving around him, laugher resounding in the void, jumping down from the cliff, rushing towards Azuma with madness in his eyes.

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