Chapter 90 Clash

"Damn...he really cut a meteorite...just how much strength this guy is hiding?!!"

Commented Temari looking up at the divided meteor above in the sky, this power was truly in another dimension.

"Move back, there is another one!"

But just when everyone was looking at the divided meteor in awe, they heard the voice of Azuma, saw him waving his hand to go move back.

"Swoosh!!" "Swoosh!!"

Next moment, Azuma waved his sword frantically towards the sky, green light flashing in the void, everyone squinting eyes a little.


The divided meteor from earlier was completely blown to pieces, and behind it another divided meteor appeared, only to be crumbled to pieces from green slashes.


"This speed..."

But just when Azuma had dealt with both meteorites, his eyes shrank slightly, a figure in a red armor, approaching him at an impressive speed, this speed was truly comparable to a Yonko.



Immediately, Azuma brought the blade before him, a gloved fist hitting the blade, the metal hitting sound spreading in the void, immense wind pressure spreading around.


With his gloved fist stuck at Azuma's blade, Madara raised his head, looking interestingly at Azuma, kicking towards his face.


The leg went towards Azuma's face, who without any panic, took a step back, dodging the kick easily, swinging the sword towards Madara in response.


Madara immediately ducked, the blade going over him, the clouds in the sky behind Madara scattering, a green light disappearing in the sky.

The shinobi behind who saw the sight, couldn't help but speak out in shock, they didn't even last a single round against Madara, but Azuma was fighting him equally.

"Everyone move back...this fight isn't something we can participate in...getting involved in the fight will only distract Azuma!"

"Lord Tsuchikage, we'll deal with Lord Mu!"

Said Gaara, waving his hand towards the whole army, remembering Azuma had ordered them earlier to move back.


Everyone immediately moved back, soon a huge area was cleared, on the vast endless sand, only two figures danced, the shinobi army watching from far behind, Gaara and Onoki chasing Mu.

"Haha...this is it...this is what I was missing...come on let's dance more!!"

Madara who had ducked the blade of Azuma, from the corners of his eyes saw the clouds scattering away and couldn't help but laugh out excitedly, blue chakra appearing around him.

Two huge blue arms condensed behind Madara, two shining blue blades appearing the giant palms, both slashed towards Azuma, Madara already entering second stage of Susano,o. {The stage in which only the the upper body is condensed, not legs}.


Both huge blue blades were slashed towards Azuma, on whose eyes, a slightly serious look finally appeared, his hands turning black, slashing back towards both blades.


The black blade collided with both blue blades, air burst around, blowing sand around, covering everything.


But from the sand that covered everything, making it hard to see, two huge blades flew out, drilling far away.


"What monstrous physical strength!!!

Madara with the blue chakra still around him was pushed back a few steps in the sand, his surprised eyes stuck at Azuma, the blades in the hands of Susanoo nowhere to be seen.

Earlier his Susano,o lost in the contest of strength, the moment his blades collided with Azuma's blade, he felt like he was hit by a mountain, both blades automatically slipped out of his hands, even he along with the Susanoo was pushed back.


But just when Madara was shocked, even with his mangekyo he only saw a purple light flashing, before the huge blue Susanoo, in the air appeared Azuma, the black blade slashed towards the Susano,o.

"Haha...impressive speed but it's useless against the absolute defense!"

commented Madara while laughing, not taking the blade approaching the Susano,o seriously, full confidence in it's defense.

"Kach! "Trrr!!!"

But the moment black blade came in contact with the blue armor, there was a little sound like glass cracking, followed by a huge tearing sound, green light blinding the stunned Madara.


Dust and sand rolled around, once again amid the purple lightning, a green slash flew towards the sky, in the explosion, the huge blue Susano,o from waist neatly divided into two, but Madara nowhere to be seen.


Suddenly the divided Susano,o turned into blue energy dispersing, as at some distance from Azuma appeared Madara, dust swirling around his left hand, which was half missing and was regenerating rapidly.

"Cutting Susano,o so deserve my full strength!"

Said Madara in a serious voice, no longer acting arrogant like before, maybe he was slightly careless earlier that costed him his hand, but the defense of Susano,o was real but Azuma cut through it like butter.

Though Susano,o was hardly near it's full strength but still, after Hashirama no one has been able to deal with his second stage Susanoo so easily.


Saying that, Madara began to make hand signs, the ground under trembling, near Azuma a huge wide root sprouting out from the ground.

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