Chapter 92 Collision

"God... what is that monster!!?"

Even from miles away, the shinobi alliance saw the huge blue monster, the otherworldly momentum radiating from it, scaring everyone.

"Susanoo on such a large scale…he was just playing with us earlier" Said Onoki with a wry smile on his face, a powerless look in his eyes, clearly understanding the gap between him and Madara.

"We can only pin our hopes on Azuma now, the power he displayed is no less impressive then Madara…"

"But do inform the other Kage of the situation Temari, in case of any accident, we all five would try to stop Madara!"

Said Gaara to Temari with a solemn look on his face, eyes focused on the giant blue monster far away.

"Um, I'll contact the headquarters!"


Nodded Temari with a worried face, immediately rushing towards the sensory shinobi unit.

"A blade which holds the power to smash everything in the universe huh? Well… in front of a black blade…words like that are all mere delusions"

Dark Red lightning crackled around Azuma and around the blade in his hands, Azuma responding to the arrogant words of Madara, gazing straight towards the forehead of Perfect Susanoo, before him.

"A black blade? guess…there are still things in this world I'm unaware of…though that matters not now…because it's time for you to leave this world…"

"But don't be sad…you will always live in my memories as a worthy opponent…a commoner who defied the gods with just a blade"

Said Madara with an acknowledging look in his eyes, someone just using a blade was able to push him to limit, he deserved his praise, the matter of what a black blade is interested him slightly but he had bigger things to do now, so he ignored it.


Saying that, Madara hummed slightly, the arms of Susanoo moving, the huge blue blade raised high, crashing down towards Azuma who looked like an ant before it next moment.


The blade slashed downward, the air making a huge tearing sound, just from this the force in the blade could be measured.


Seeing the blade approaching him at an impressive speed, Azuma breathed out, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands.

"One Gorilla!"

"Two Gorilla!"


Said Azuma, the biceps of his both arms suddenly bloating, yellow hawk like eyes narrowing a bit, the dark red thunder around the black blade crackling even more.

"One Sword Style! Divine Ripple!!"


Shouted Azuma, the blade leaving a black arc in the air, slashed upward, towards the approaching huge blue blade.

BOOM!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!

But both the black and the huge blue blades, without colliding, stopped at some distance from each other, in the mid of the blades, blue and red energy flickering, hundreds of meters away, the already divided mountains, bursting open completely, turning into rubble, sand in a wide area, all shooting towards the sky, the dark sky above divided into two, like even the heavens were cut apart.

A pothole spanning at least half a kilometer had been created where Azuma with his blade still in a tug of war stood, blue and red energy flickering everywhere.




Suddenly a roar resounded from the pit, the huge blue blade pushed back, even the giant monster seemed to have been hit by a mountain, taking a few steps back, the earth trembling due to it, Madara in the crystal forehead crying out in disbelief.


But Madara hadn't gotten much time to get over the shock, a huge crescent shaped, dark red slash, at least a hundred meters wide, rushing towards him.

"Yasaka Beads!!!"

In a hurry, Madara in the forehead, made hand signs, two more arms sprouting out from the back of the Perfect Susanoo, around 20 to 30 boulder sized blue tomoe spinning in them.


The Yasaka beads came in contact with the approaching red slash, both colliding, explosion going out in the air, flames everywhere, lighting up the dark sky.


Amid the destruction and explosions everywhere, the laughter of Madara spread, like a maniac in the forehead of Susanoo, Madara with arms wide laughing.

"Haha!! After Hashirama, you are the first to push me this much... Come on, keep going... Don't let that blade go dull!!!"


Said Madara, with nearly tears coming out of his eyes, the loud voice spreading everywhere, the passion and intent to fight in that voice, even a deaf person could probably find it.

"Ha... it's really fun but..."

Even Azuma chuckled a little at hearing his laughter, lips curved into a smile, eyes gleaming with red light, purple thunder appearing around him.

"It's time to end this!"


That purple light started to seep into the black blade, dancing around it, mixing with the already present dark red thunder on the blade, purple and red light flashing around Azuma.


Next moment, Azuma raised the blade with lightning and Haoshoku coated around it high with both arms, the purple and red lightning expanding out from the tip of Azuma's blade, reaching high and high, getting wider as well.


Soon, above Azuma was a phantom of a huge 200-meter-high, red thunder blade with purple lightning at the edges, even the space seemed to break from the power in it.

Madara looked at the red thunder blade that was as high as his Susanoo, just staring blankly at it, the Rinnegan nearly about to pop out.

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