Chapter 93 Fleeing



Everywhere in an area of kilometers was shrouded by darkness, purple lightning raining down from the heavens, making numerous potholes everywhere.


The crackling voice of lightning resounded everywhere, in the air, even from miles away a huge red thunder blade could be seen, purple lightning at its edges, the power in the thunder blade unimaginable.

"This….is…it even possible to reach this step without any Kekkai Genkai…?"

Muttered Madara with a disbelief look on his face, staring wide eyes at the thunder blade that was as high as his Susanoo, o, this power… how could someone reach this step without a Kekkai Genkai.

He has read the stone tablet left by sage of six paths, only Senju or Uchiha could achieve this power, why was someone with just a blade breaking every rule of the world.

"One Sword Style!"



At this moment, Madara heard a voice, Azuma down moving his arms, the huge red thunder blade moving, leaving a huge red and purple crescent trail in the air, rushing towards the huge Susanoo, o.

"I am Madara Uchiha, I'll never lose!!"


Red light blinded the eyes of Madara, the thunder blade approaching the Susanoo, o at an impressive speed, an unwilling look appeared in the Rinnegan of Madara, crying out in anger, his voice even shaking the heavens.


Two huge energy blades immediately condensed in the hands of Susano, o, like a madman, Madara shouting, both blue blades slashed towards the approaching Thunder Blade, air cracking.

"Thunder Doom!!!"

"The Hell is this Power!!!!!?"



The blue and red blade approached each other, but the voice of Azuma rang again this time, the world suddenly seemed to have stopped, a horrified color appearing on the face of Madara, seeing purple thunder from the sky rushing down, attaching to the huge red thunder blade, making a pillar of light connecting to the sky, Madara yelling out like a madman.

The shinobi alliance miles away all saw the huge pillar of light connecting with the heavens, the shock even more than when a meteorite had appeared.


In the unwilling eyes of Madara and in the shocked eyes of Shinobi alliance, the huge pillar of thunder, moved, crashing down on perfect Susano, o, which looked nothing more than an ant before it, the pillar of thunder, at least reaching a height of 1000 meters.


"I can't lose!!!!!!"

The thunder pillar came in contact with both blue blades, the blue blades instantly disintegrating, thunder enveloping the huge Susano, o completely, the cry of Madara from the Susano, o resounding everywhere.


Purple light brightened everything in an area of miles, sand like wind, blowing everywhere, sand storms everywhere.

"Protect Yourself!!!"

The aftermath of the attack, even reached miles away, sand storm rushing towards the audience shinobi alliance, Gaara crying out in panic.

Everywhere was a scene of doom, terrain altering completely, earth turned upside down, sky cracking, wind and sand rolling everywhere, the fight between gods, harming the world.

!Zzzzz!!! !Zzzz!!

The scene of disaster lasted for more than 10 minutes, and when all the was over, a huge pothole around a kilometer long was revealed, with black charred sand in it, from time to time purple lightning still flickering in the charred pothole.


From the center of the huge pit, heat and radiated at an astonishing rate, even the air seemed to burn from it, and right on the hot black sand, was a sound of footsteps, a tall figure with short black hair, a slash mark on his left cheek, a gem inlaid big sword in his right hand, appearing.

"Hmm~ as expected of Madara Uchiha, he nearly made me go all out"

Muttered Azuma with an acknowledging look in his eyes, eyes gazing around at the destruction caused by his attack, like looking for someone.

"Huh, it seems Haki has an unexpected effect"

Said Azuma with a surprised look in his yellow hawk like eyes, he couldn't sense Madara at all in an area of kilometers

There was no way he could have ran away from his senses, so it means he was completely evaporated, not even getting the chance to regenerate, which Azuma amounted to his Haki, since Chakra can't stop a reanimated Shinobi.

"Well~ it's time to end this farce completely"

Madara defeated, Azuma found no reason to stay here. It was time to deal with Obito and end this war completely.

"But before that…"

Said Azuma gazing towards the direction of Shinobi alliance, ready to go and meet them.


But unknown to Azuma, at miles away, suddenly a figure in red armor fell on the sand, a defeated look on his face, one of his eye, grey, Madara Uchiha still in this world, saving himself at the expense of Izanagi.

"To think…. I would lose and be forced to run away!"

Madara on his knees, sat on the ground, murmuring with a mocking smile on his face, the strength displayed by Azuma was completely above his, his perfect Susanoo, o was disintegrated completely, even Hashirama wasn't his strong.

Using Izanagi, he saved himself from flying back to pure land and also using the duration of Izanagi, he saved slipped through the senses of Azuma, running away, because he knew if he stayed there, he would end up getting sealed.

"You may have won…but this war wasn't about you and me…I will have the last laugh"

Said Madara as he stood up and gazed at the direction from which he could sense huge chakra, the familiar chakra of Nine Tails and Gedo Statue.

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