Chapter 94 Kabuto's Curiosity

Yoshitake Azuma…To think that you forced Madara Uchiha to flee... just what is this black blade…what is the reason behind your unbelievable strength?"

In a cave somewhat lit by the moonlight, sat a cloaked figure on the ground, a tail behind him, a wooden board with shogi pieces on it right before him, the figure murmuring with a curious tone, light reflecting in the glasses on the snake like face.

"Just two years ago…you were ordinary to the point of being non-existent…just what happened to you…?"

Thought Kabuto with intense desire to solve the mystery of Azuma in his eyes, the fight that just ended, made his interest in Azuma reach a level even above Sasuke.

Madara one of his trump cards was defeated by Azuma, which he never expected and Azuma talking about Black Blade during the fight took his attention, just what is this black blade he talked about.

"It's time to bring out those four…even you must be tired after this fight…time to know your secrets"


Said Kabuto with an exciting look on his face, making a hand sign, and placing new four shogi pieces on the board.


But unknown to Kabuto, two figures, one with long white hair and red paint on his face, Jiraiya and the other with onex eyes and calm look, Itachi Uchiha, both were approaching his hideout at a quick speed, moving through the woods together.



The sky was dark, at a completely destroyed forest, roared a huge monster, it was a giant earthen-colored humanoid entity with a mummified appearance, numerous spikes like protrusions on its back, it had nine eyes but all were closed at this time, Gedo Statue.

"Damn, it's one after another!"

Cursed the blond hair kid with some anger on his face, yellow flowing chakra shrouded his body completely, a long robe, with black markings and lines, on his belly, chest, arms and legs, Naruto currently completely controlling the chakra of Nine Tails.

"Naruto…try to do Tail Beast Transformation again…only that way you have hope of fighting the Gedo Statue"

Behind Naruto was a huge monster, an octopus with eight tails, who was currently completely curled up, in seven of its tails was held one person each, with cracks on their faces, the past jinchuriki, that they defeated after a lot of effort.

"But I can't, it's not easy to link with that stinky fox"

"Ha!! What did you say brat!!"


Retorted Naruto with an annoyed face, Kurama sealed inside Naruto yelling at him with a displeased look on his face, Naruto with a flattering look immediately trying to please Kurama.


"Try your best to link Naruto, we'll buy you time!"

"Yosh! Leave it to us!"

Two assuring voices fell in the ears of Naruto at this moment, a figure with a blue mask covering half of his face and white hair and the other in green tights and a watermelon head appeared near Naruto, Guy assuring Naruto with his iconic smile, teeth shining.

"Everything you do is futile…the red moon will shine upon the world…nothing can stop it"

At this moment, a voice full of longing fell in the ears of Naruto, Kakashi, Guy and Bee, on top of the Gedo Statue, stood a figure with a black and white mask covering his face, two holes on the mask, revealing a red and a purple eye, lustering the dark.

"Stop acting like a winner out there, if you are really that confident, take that stupid mask off and let us see how calm you are!"

"Way to go, Naruto!!"

Yelled Naruto pointing at Madara{Obito} with a mocking look on his face, Guy on the side giving him a thumbs up, liking his response.


"Watch out!!"


Obito stayed silent at Naruto's taunt and just waved his hand, the huge palm of the Gedo Statue crashing down towards Naruto, Kakashi and Guy, Naruto yelling, immediately spreading out, so do Kakashi and Guy, the palm falling on the surface, cracking the already destroyed landscape even more.


Sand Battlefield.

"That…the fight has stopped…who won…?"

The shinobi alliance lead by Gaara and Onoki gathered at some miles away from the battle point, all under the dark thundering sky, looking towards the point where cyclones of sand could still be seen, the place where the world ending battle had taken place, Temari breaking the silence of awe, with a nervous face.

"I have__"



Gaara at her words came back to his senses and parted his lips to reply, but he was cut in half when with a burst of light, several figures appeared near them, everyone coming back to senses.

"Lady Hokage!"

"Lord Raikage!

"Lady Mizukage!"

One was a woman with blonde hair, from whose forehead black lines extended to all over her body, the other was tan skinned burly man in a white haori and other was a woman with long brown hair, dressed in blue, the shinobi alliance immediately recognizing them.

"What happened to Ma____This….?"


"Is this even possible?!!"

Tsunade ignoring the surprise of shinobi alliance went straight to the point, but she stopped midway, when her eyes unconsciously traced the surroundings.

Looking at the altered landscape, the sliced or blown away mountains, or the numerous pits that spanned kilometers, the minds of the three Kage went blank.


But just when the freshly arrived Kage were in awe of the aftermath of the battle, sounds of heavy footsteps spread, a fuzzy figure calmly walking towards the shinobi alliance, the long black blade in his hands clearly visible, even in the blowing dust and sand.

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