Chapter 95 Appearance

"Azuma…It's him…where's Madara?"

Seeing the fuzzy figure approaching them from distance, Tsunade who had just arrived on the battlefield with other Kage was the first to recognize him, but the absence of Madara also took her attention.

"This altered landscape you see, it's all due to the battle between Azuma and Madara, the return of Azuma only means one thing… Madara was defeated!"

Answered Gaara the question of Tsunade, Azuma's return clearly telling the result of the godly fight that just took place.


"I won't be surprised no matter what he does from now on"

Said Tsunade letting out a small emotional laugh, the guy who suddenly appeared had completely numbed her sense of surprise.

"It's Azuma-Sama!! He defeated the enemy!!!"

Soon the army also recognized it was Azuma who was approaching them, loud cheering shaking the heavens, excited smiles on everyone's face, eyes looked at Azuma with nearly worship.

"Sometimes you just can't help but admire… no matter how much you don't want to, it's a blessing we are not in a war with Konoha anymore"

Thought the Fourth Raikage, eyes focused on the approaching Azuma, even someone stubborn like him having no choice but to admit he was not in the same league as Azuma.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the headquarters?"

Asked Azuma arriving near amid the excited shouts of the allied army, still a calm look on the face, eyes on Tsunade.

"Madara appearing wasn't something we could ignore, we had to come but I guess it was useless, you have dealt with him already"

"Seriously, how did you reach this height just using a sword!"

Said Tsunade in response to Azuma's question, her tone a little annoyed and curious at the end, a 17 something kid had left her so much behind.

"My power…it's the power of the will…if I don't have a strong will…I'll lose everything…that's all"

Said Azuma calmly, not a trace of hesitation in his tone, it's true system aided him in getting strong quickly, but in system space he went through stuff even tougher then Hawkeye had to go through in his journey, just to unlock the template more.

And Haki is the power of will, the stronger your will, the stronger it gets, if he loses his will to fight and stay strong, then he will lose all his power, so he wasn't lying to Tsunade.

"Power of will…truly a mystery" Thought Tsunade inwardly, eyeing Azuma, his answer only increasing the mystery of his power.

"Azuma-San, everyday my admiration for you grows, if we are able to end this war, I'll be honored to host and show you around my village"

At this time, a sweet voice fell in the ears of Azuma, Mei Terumi arriving near him, speaking to him while giving him a charming smile.

"Ugh…I'll think about it"

Said Azuma after hesitating a little, caught off guard a little by her strange request.

"Anyway, we can't waste time here, I can sense Naruto's charka along with Eight Tails, he is fighting the masked man now"

"Let's leave, I have already dealt with Ma___"

But not thinking much about Terumi's invitation, Azuma turned to Tsunade, Gaara and the other Kage, bringing up the topic of importance but midway he suddenly stopped, for the first time, Tsunade seeing surprise on the always poker-faced Azuma.

"What happened?"

Inquired Tsunade hurriedly, a bad feeling rising in her heart, others equally worried.

"Madara…how did he…was it Izanagi…really an annoying ability!"

But Azuma didn't reply to Tsunade, muttering to himself, cause suddenly Madara who had vanished once again appeared in his sensing range, Azuma's mind working at light speed, immediately coming up with the only reason behind Madara slipping through his senses.

Izanagi, a jutsu that can even alter fate, it's possible to slip through his observation Haki using it.



Coming back to his senses, Azuma spoke to the worried Tsunade but stopped midway, his looking at one particular direction, four massive chakras', one especially even higher than Madara appearing in his range.

"Hey, who are they?!!"

Tsunade and others who were still waiting for an answer from Azuma, suddenly had their attention shifted by a voice, a shinobi pointing towards the charred sand faraway, four figures walking slowly towards them.

One of them wore a long white cape, had blonde hair and had a handsome face, but it had cracks like the earlier reanimated shinobi.

The second one had white hair, dressed in a blue battle armor, the third looked old and was dressed in a black battle gear, and the last one, had a different aura compared to others.

Black hair and a red battle armor, cracks on the face like the others, but even the air seemed to tremble from the chakra of his.

"Its…The Past Hokage!"

Tsunade exclaimed, horrified, as she recognized everyone who was approaching them.

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