Chapter 96 Past Hokage

Sand Battlefield.

"So my fellow Hokage, it seems we are going to be used against our own will"

"This is why I told you to not to create this Jutsu, Tobirama!!"

Said the First Hokage with an annoyed look on his face, walking towards the army at some distance from him, Tobirama, Sarutobi and Minato alongside him.

Just now all four of them reanimated and were told to take down a person here by the caster, Hashirama really angry at being forced to do stuff he didn't wanted to.

"What's done is done Elder Brother, but still… I do regret creating this jutsu, just how many died in this war because of the jutsu I created, just how many… sigh!"

Said Tobirama with some regret in his voice, they have been told everything about the war from the caster, Tobirama who learned that reanimated shinobi were the main force in this war, really regretted creating this jutsu.

Sarutobi and Minato also had helpless looks on their faces, knowing that they were about to be forced to kill someone they didn't wanted to.

"Grandfather, Second Grandfather, Sensei and Minato, just how much force kabuto is hiding!"

Said Tsunade with a horrified look on her face, eyes on the approaching Kage, looking at them with dread.

All the other Kage and the shinobi also had worried expressions, especially seeing Hashirama in between them really scared most of the shinobi.

Which shinobi doesn't know about the God of Shinobi, someone even stronger than Madara Uchiha who they just saw fighting.



At this moment, the sound of sword shaking fell in everyone's ear, a figure taking a step forward, walking towards the Past Hokage, everyone's eyes on his broad back, on which hung the black blade Yoru.


Eyes of Tsunade widened, calling out from behind, for the first time, a scared look in her eyes for Azuma, what he was about to do now was ten times more dangerous than facing Madara.

Her Grandfather and the other three, together they have enough power to take down the whole world, Azuma would never make out alive facing them.

"Leave them to me, go with everyone else to Naruto's aide, I did defeat Madara but somehow he managed to escape from me and is going after Naruto"

"Go there, none of you are needed here, I'll catch up after dealing with them"

Said Azuma, pausing his walk for a second to speak, after finishing, resuming the walk towards the Past Hokage

"What? Madara is still here, Naruto is already fighting the masked guy, but…we can't leave you here…facing them, you might not make it back"

Said Tsunade biting her lips, a struggling look on her face, the thought of letting Azuma face them alone was too scary for her.

"Yes, Azuma-San, this is suicidal!"

Said Gaara, chipping in as well, trying to persuade him.

The allied shinobi also had struggling looks, none of them wanted to leave him here, after all he had already protected them once from a monster like Madara, they didn't want to do nothing again, leaving everything on him.

"Don't make me repeat myself, I said leave this place, you all are too weak to participate in this battle, you'll only be more of a burden on me, just like you all already are!"

Said Azuma mercilessly, the hawk eyes looking straight ahead, an annoyed look on his face.

"Weak…well compared to you…we really are nothing"

Muttered Tsunade giving a helpless smile, never finding herself so weak as like now.

"Let's do as he says Hokage, protecting Naruto and Bee is more important, if they are captured, then this war we fought would be for nothing"

"I agree!"

Spoke Raikage to Tsunade, Onoki agreeing as well, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Tsunade stayed silent at their words for a while, a look of struggle all over her face, but eventually that look died down, replaced by a sense of duty.

"We are leaving to help Naruto, let's go!!"

Said Tsunade loudly, turning her back to Azuma, looking straight ahead in the direction which Naruto and others were, all shinobi and Kage doing the same.

"Thup! Thup!!"

Tsunade took the first step forward, the Kage following her and then do the whole army, sounds of footsteps resounding, in the endless desert, a lone figure walking opposite to a huge army gradually moving away, eyes on the four figures that stood at some distance, eyeing him.

"A broad black blade and hawk eyes, so you are the one the caster wants to kill!"

Said Tobirama to Azuma calmly, Kabuto earlier had told them the description of the person he wanted them to kill.

"A lot of people want to kill me, anyway let's start, I'm getting annoyed by this war a little"

Said Azuma as he pulled out the black blade from his back, bringing it forward, unwavering eyes at the four strongest shinobi in front, no fear.

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