Chapter 97 Battle

Sand Battlefield.

"I admire your calmness young shinobi, It's really sad that I have to fight a shinobi of my own village, forgive me"

To the words of Azuma, Hashirama responded with a sad face, an aura of helplessness around him.

"How long it has been since my death young man; I don't remember seeing you in the village!"

At this moment, Sarutobi came forward and inquired, eyes looking at Azuma with confusion, if the enemy had to pull them out to kill this young man, then he must be strong, but he doesn't remember seeing him in the village.

"It's around 3 years, and I usually don't act high profile, maybe that's why you never saw me"

"Anyway, I really don't have time to chat with you all, so let's begin!"

"Boom!!" "Swoosh!!"

Saying that, Azuma squatted a little, purple thunder flashing around him, like a cannon ball blasting towards Sarutobi, sand under him blowing off, instantly in front of Sarutobi.


Eyes of everyone including Hashirama shrank, but the black blade of Azuma already inches away forehead of Sarutobi.


Years of battle instincts of Sarutobi exploded at this moment, making a hand sign at the last moment, th4e blade going through him, Sarutobi turning into mud, falling down.

"Swoosh!!" "Swoosh!!"


But Azuma didn't get a chance to breath, on his left and right two kunai's appearing, next second two people appeared around the kunai's, one with blonde hair, a basketball sized Rasengan spinning in his hands, the other with white hair, a water blade in his hands, both attacks directed towards Azuma in the middle.

But no panic was on the face of Azuma, his yellow eyes currently red at the moment, the black blade already around his waist.



Holding the black blade around his waist, Azuma suddenly spun at an extreme speed, the sand under him flowing up, around him a huge sand typhoon created in micro-seconds, both Minato and Tobirama blown back in opposite directions by the typhoon, shocked look on both faces.

ROAR!!!! ROAR!!!! ROAR!!!!!

In an instant, Azuma stopped his spinning movements, the sand typhoon slowly starting to disperse, but a roaring sound shook the desert, five huge dragons, one fire, one water, wind, mud and lightning, each nearly 20 meters in height and width, rushing towards Azuma.

At the other end of the attack, five Sarutobi standing with hands still around the mouth, just had fired the jutsu at Azuma.


In response to the attack, Azuma still didn't panic, black matter completely surrounding his body, the sand under him blown back, Azuma plunging into the approaching dragon combo.


A black light cut through all the huge five dragons, from top to bottom, all the dragons suddenly halting for a second, before from the mid, horizontally dividing into two, exploding the next second, flames enveloping everything.


"Not even a scratch!!"

But from the flames rushed out the uninjured Azuma, the haki covering him dispersing, the swordsman already before the stunned Sarutobi, hawk eyes on the face of Sarutobi, the hand not holding the blade, grasping the neck of Sarutobi.

"Thud!! "Thud!!"


But right at this moment, the ground under Azuma began to shake, who seemed to have expected this already, dense haki covering his legs, Azuma putting force in his legs, the ground under him bursting, broken pieces of wood flying everywhere, including a huge wood dragon head.



This sight horrified Sarutobi, speaking out in shock but couldn't say a second word, Azuma squeezing the neck in his hand covered with red flickering lightning, Sarutobi completely bursting open, dust flying around. {Haoshoku coated on his hand}


From the dust blown around, a white light shot towards the sky, the soul of the still stunned Sarutobi going towards the sky.

"As I thought, Haoshoku can really stop Reanimation Jutsu"

Murmured Azuma lightly, calmly watching the soul of the Sarutobi ascending back to the pure land, the doubt that he had earlier now changed into a fact.

Tap! Tap!"

The sounds of heavy footsteps on the sand brought back the attention of Azuma who was in his thoughts, turning around, around 10 meters away from him, stood Tobirama, Minato and Hashirama side by side, all eyes on him.

"Amazing Strength , he brushed off all our attacks like it was nothing, and even managed to take out Lord Sandaime"

"You must be Azuma-kun that Naruto talked about, he really seemed to admire you, now I can see why"

Said Minato to Azuma with a sunny smile on his face, happiness in his eyes for Naruto to have such a strong and reliable comrade.

"I wanted to ask you about the situation of the village earlier, but now there is no need, with you there, no one can harm it"

Said Tobirama to Azuma with an impressed face, acknowledgment in his tone, what he had just witnessed was otherworldly, the kid opposite to him had so smoothly and calmly managed to tank their attacks, he has never seen something like that.

"Haha!! My worry is gone as well, this young shinobi, I have a feeling he can surely stop me, even Madara never gave me this dreadful feeling!"


Agreed Hashirama with Tobirama while laughing, Azuma chuckling at his words, the annoyed look from before gone, for the first time since the system left, his blood boiling a bit.

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