Chapter 98 Another One

"You seem to be enjoying this…Haha…you are one hell of a guy!"

Said Hashirama laughing, some admiration on his face, spotting the little battle craze on the face of Azuma.

"But…I advise you to be careful from now on Azuma-Kun, it's going to get difficult!"


Chipped in Minato who stood with Hashirama and Tobirama, concerned eyes at Azuma, Tobirama nodding as well, agreeing with Minato.


Next moment, Azuma who stood at some distance from the three, saw chakra bursting out of the three, their hair fluttering, black lines appearing on the face of Hashirama, chakra overflowing around him, Hashirama entering into Sage mode.

The chakra around Tobirama also overflowed but the biggest changed occurred to Minato, dark orange chakra like flames covering him whole, black markings appearing on his attire, Nine Tails Mode.

"Nine Tails Mode…It's gonna take some time now"

Muttered Azuma with a hint of surprise in his tone, Hashirama using Sage mode was under his expectations but he never expected Minato who was under control now could enter Kurama Mode.

Even for him it was gonna take some effort now, the hands holding the blade clenching, a serious glow in his hawk eyes.


Purple thunder flashed around Azuma, the blade immediately coated with Haoshoku Haki, red and purple light flashing around him, on the other side, Tobirama taking a stance.


"Odama Rasengan!!!"


"What the…?"

Minato moved as well, like a flash appearing above Azuma, a gigantic Rasengan in his hands, crashing down on him, Azuma responding even quickly slashing upward, a red light going through the huge Rasengan, dividing it neatly, Minato stunned.



Years of combat instinct kicked in at this moment, Minato leaving a yellow trail disappearing, the divided Rasengan exploding, a visible wave of wind spreading out in every direction above Azuma, the impact of Rasengan explosion.

"Infinite Darkness Jutsu!!"

But Azuma ignored the impact above, as he suddenly found the world around him going dark, eyes unable to see anything, utterly dark.


In the dark, a water beam like tearing the air rushed towards the back head of Azuma, mere inches away from his head already.


But even in the dark, Azuma seem to see as clearly as a day, tilting his head to left, the water beam passing by him, Azuma with a burst of thunder, disappearing.


Suddenly a booming sound shook the dark surroundings, the darkness dispersing immediately, Azuma standing in the mid of a huge pothole, Tobirama pinned to the sand with the dark blade in his head, Haoshoku flashing around it.

"How did you know where I was…?"

Asked the immobile Tobirama with disbelief, his jutsu even dealt with sensory type shinobi but Azuma located him so accurately, catching him off guard, dealing with him in one blow.

"So long, Second Hokage!!"


But Azuma ignored his question with a calm face, the output of Haoshoku around his blade increasing, Tobirama bursting open completely, dirt flying around, a white light shooting towards the sky.


But Azuma didn't get time to breathe a little, around his left and right, two figures at extreme speed appeared, two fists, one coated with orange and other with blue chakra making way towards his face.


Azuma in the middle quietly let go of the blade, it drilling into the sand, the hands of Azuma turning black, moving them across his chest.


The sand in an area of hundreds of meters, suddenly shot towards the sky, the sound of the booming impact travelling through miles, in the midst of the rising sand, Azuma with his hands across his chest, on his palms covered with black matter, two fists stuck.

"He didn't even move a little…. just what is this Jutsu?"

Said Hashirama in disbelief, his eyes on his fist in the grasp of Azuma, or more precisely the black matter covering the hands of Azuma, his fist was coated with sage chakra, he could have destroyed a hill with his punch, yet Azuma was unfazed.

Same were the emotions of Minato, the opponent was unfazed despite him using the power of Kurama.



Azuma in the mid ignored the shocked eyes, humming a little, yanking his arms inward with force, both Minato and Hashirama feeling like a mountain pulling them, without any resistance, both colliding into each other.

"Too strong!!!"

Being a reanimation, Hashirama and Minato didn't feel any pain, but the moment they banged into each other, both had the same thought.

But the sufferings of Minato and Hashirama were far from done, once again feeling a pull, the leg of Azuma coated with Armament falling on the chest of Minato, Hashirama behind Minato also feeling the impact, the backs of both them bursting open, flying back upside down.

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