Chapter 99 Red Lightning

Sand Battlefield.


Both Minato and Hashirama with their backs having a huge hole in them, flew backwards from the impact of the kick, hitting the sand far away with huge force.


But misfortune continued to follow the fellow Hokage, a huge red slash cutting through the sand approaching them, ready to decimate them completely.

"I'll deal with this, stall him for me!"

Said Hashirama to Minato after standing up quickly, hands making signs, tapping the ground next moment.

"Five Layer Rashoman!"

Black markings appeared on the sand followed by smoke, one after another five huge gates almost hundred meters high rose up from the ground, scary faces patterned on them, bells hanging as well.


Minato disappeared with the appearance of the gates, appearing right behind Azuma far away, a huge yellow chakra hand sprouting out from his shoulders, crashing down on Azuma.

The red slash as high as the gates crashed straight in the mid, followed by a huge tearing sound a red light passing through each gate, dividing every door neatly from top to bottom, also leaving a huge gash on the sand underneath.

Azuma's focus though wasn't on this, the appearance of Minato behind him, no matter how fast not outpacing the future.


Just when Minato expected to crush Azuma completely with the huge charka hand, the latter who just divided the huge gates, without any break turned around, the black blade swung towards the charka hand, the chakra and the haki colliding, a huge explosion setting off.


"It's not a battle instinct anymore…he's predicting our every move!!"

Minato blown back by the impact quickly drilled his soles into the sand, stopping himself forcefully, an enlightened look on his face.

He is the fastest shinobi in the world and coupled with the power of Kurama, he is way faster than his prime now, no one should be able to deal with his speed like Azuma is doing, unless he knows where he will appear in the first place.

"If that's the case…then how about this…?"

Quickly the witty Minato came up with a plan making hand signs, smoke bursting behind him the moment last seal performed.

"Wood Style! Wood Golem Jutsu!!"

Azuma unlike Minato wasn't blown back by the impact of the explosion, not even moving a little from his spot, though this didn't give him any extra time.


The ground under him shaking, a huge humanoid wood monster comparable to the height of Madara's Perfect Susanoo, rushing towards him, a wood dragon coiled around its neck as well and on the head of the golem stood Hashirama, both hands folded in front of him.

"Need to make a fast work of this!"

"Conqueror's infusion! Red Thunder!"


Muttered Azuma eyeing the approaching huge golem, purple thunder bursting out, but the conqueror haki suddenly began to mix into the purple thunder, soon dark red thunder covering the whole body of Azuma, flashing around him.

This was the ultimate change of lightning chakra nature, without the power of Haki, it was impossible to reach this step, Raikage's lightning chakra mode was mere child play before this.

"This violent power…it's not just chakra!"

Hashirama on the golem, saw and sensed the red lightning around Azuma, his eyes contracting, now in sage mode his senses were at maximum, he could feel the danger from that power, and it was not even pure chakra.



Azuma with haki infused lightning around him hummed a little suddenly, lifting his feet to take a step forward, everything around him going motionless, the sound of wind, the sand rustling, everything still.


"The Hell!!!!!?"

The huge golem which was hundreds of meters away from Azuma also seemed to have gone motionless, and so do Hashirama on top of its head, but the world returned to original state suddenly, the incredible cry of Hashirama breaking the silence.

Azuma who was hundreds of meters away from the golem was currently somehow behind it, the red thunder dancing around him, the black blade in the grip.

But the reason of Hashirama's cry wasn't this, the golem was currently missing its huge head, separated from the neck, the huge head blown up in the air still could be seen, Hashirama on top of it in the air in a state of shock and disbelief.

One moment Azuma was hundreds of meters away from him, the next micro-second, his wood golem had lost its neck, even in sage mode, he couldn't see or sense what had happened.

This power just displayed by Azuma was truly in another dimension, no way he and Madara had ever even come close to this power.


Amid the shock and disbelief of Hashirama, the huge golem which had lost its head, toppled down, impacting on the ground, terrain shaken completely.


But Azuma didn't get time to admire his masterpiece, a yellow light flashed above him on the sky, hundreds of Minato in Kurama Mode with a huge Rasengan crashing down on him.


Not only this, some distance away a huge golden fox with nine tails roared towards him, a massive purple ball condensed in it's mouth.

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