Chapter 100 Hope

At some distance from the coastline of Kumogakure,


The red moon hung high in the sky, the roar of the huge monster shook the sea, setting massive turbulent waves.

Amid the destroyed landscape, was a huge monster with a red eye on its forehead, ten tails dangling behind, a huge shell with spikes on its back, on its head, stood two figures, one with red armor and arms across his chest, one eye purple, the other grey, Madara Uchiha.

The other had tubes attached to his back protruding from the huge monster, a purple rugged attire, one eye purple, the other red, Obito Uchiha.

"Damn!!! This monster is too strong!!"

Before the huge monster stood a golden fox with nine tails, at the head floated Naruto, an angry and helpless look on his face.

"We have to stop it from evolving any further, let's try again, Naruto!"

Beside the huge fox was an equally tall purple tengu-nosed Susanoo, wings on its back, at the crystal on the forehead was Uchiha Sasuke, shouting at Naruto.

Aside from Naruto and Sasuke, some shinobi shinobi could also be seen on the surface, a part of the shinobi alliance gathered here, the remaining still dealing with the reanimated shinobi.

"This feeling of helplessness, can we do nothing!!?"

Said Tsunade with an angry look over her face, her helpless eyes on the ten tails, the other four Kage beside, Gaara, Terumi, Onoki and Ai, all silent.

Tsunade and co, after separating from Azuma arrived here but they were a little too late, Obito using the charka of nine tails in Kinkaku and Ginkaku, resurrected Ten Tails.

Eight Tails was already extracted from the bee, who lay dead at some distance from the heavy faced Fourth Raikage.

Not only that, beside the dead body of Bee were two pale faced other bodies but still alive, barely breathing, Guy and Kakashi, it seemed like chakra from both of them have been sucked out.

Against the otherworldly power of Ten Tails, Naruto and Sasuke were barely holding on, and they had no hope doing any damage to this monster.

They did try to use earth style to limit its movement, but against ten tails it couldn't last long, and now they could only stand and watch Naruto and Sasuke tackle it, their power not enough to make a difference.

The morale of the other shinobi present was down as well, if strong shinobi like Kage could only watch from the sidelines, there was nothing they could do either.


'There is simply no end to their chakra, how do we defeat them?"

The state of other allied shinobi wasn't much different from here, all around the world, everyone had helpless expressions, dealing with strong reanimated shinobi was too difficult even for a whole squad.

"There is no other option, we have to deal with Kabuto, someone has to find him!"

At the coastline, stood Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, before them was a sealed reanimated shinobi, other members of Ino-Shika-Cho were around as well, Shikamaru with a sullen face speaking to everyone around.

Lord Jiraiya along with Itachi has been tasked to find him, we have to believe in them!"

Said Ino to Shikamaru with a hopeful face, the helpless expressions of everyone around easing a little as well, the trust in Jiraiya easy to spot.


Just when every place in the world had turned into a battlefield, in a cave lit a little by the seeping moonlight, sat Kabuto with a shogi board in front of him, the snake like eyes focused on the board completely.

"Second and Third Hokage, both of them had been dealt already…don't tell me this still isn't enough to take him down?"

Muttered Kabuto with a dreadful look, first Madara Uchiha and now the past Hokage, this line up was enough to conquer the world, yet taking one guy down with them was getting difficult.

"If this fails as well, I can only pin my hopes on the power of ten tails jinchuriki to take him down"

Thought Kabuto, he didn't have any more cards left to deal with Azuma, if First Hokage and Fourth Hokage failed as well, the last option left was for him to wait for Madara to become a jinchuriki and deal with Azuma.

"But that guy doesn't seem like cooperating with Madara, hehe… guess I have to use that on you, Obito Uchiha"

Laughed Kabuto, planning to use the other DNA that he got from where Madara was buried, the DNA that made him gouge out the identity of the masked guy.


Immediately, Kabuto began to make hand signs and at last placed another shogi piece on the board, and far away where Ten Tails was battling Naruto and Sasuke, a coffin rose up and the lid fell down, a figure stepping out.


But just when Kabuto was done performing the jutsu, there was a bang in the cave, rubble flying around, with a sound of footsteps, two figures appearing in the view of Kabuto.

"Hehe…So you are finally here, Itachi…"

Said Kabuto laughing, pushing his glasses while saying so, a light flashing in them.

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