Chapter 101 Fragile

Sand Battlefield.

"Odama Rasengan Barrage!!"

Above Azuma were hundreds of Minato in Kurama Mode, each having basketball sized Rasengan revolving in the palm, crashing down on the former shrouded in red lightning, the dark desert brightening up.

"Tailed Beast Bomb!!"


A humongous purple sphere of energy shot from the mouth of Nine Tails, rushing towards Azuma the sand in its way simply disappearing just from the contact, creating a long wide gash.

"Fourth Hokage…Ironically speed will be your undoing!"

Facing the world ending attacks from above and front, Azuma gave Minato a look, muttering with a light smile on his usual poker face.

"Zzzzzz!! "Thsh!!" "Zhoooom!!!"

Azuma ending his words lifted his right foot a little, miraculously stepping on the air, a huge pressure jetting out from the foot pushing him up, Azuma literally turning into the shape of a red lightning bolt, a zigzag red light passing by the countless clones of Minato in the air.

Poof!! Poof!!

"How do we even react to this!!!?"

One by one all the clones of Minato burst into smoke, the Rasengan dispersing as well, all clones having the same thought before dispersing, this was simply teleporting, it wasn't speed anymore.


In just a second, all the hundreds of clones of Minato dispersed, but the red bolt in the sky not stopping, whizzing through the approaching huge Bijudama.

"If this doesn't work…then I'm truly out of cards!"

Far away, Minato in the tail beast transformation saw the red light flashing and also felt his clones dispersing, pinning all hopes to take down Azuma on the huge Bijudama.


But all the hopes of Minato crashed when he saw the red lightning bolt crashing straight into the massive Bijudama, tearing through it, the Bijudama exploding, the dark sky and the desert lighted up, fireworks going up.

"This…its otherworldly!!"


This was all Minato could say, from the flames of explosion, the red lightning bolt in an instant came parallel the face of the Nine Tails Fox, a huge red slash blinding Minato completely.


The painful Roar of Kyuubi sounded for a second before dispersing, the huge golden fox vanishing, a figure from the sky crashing straight into the sand, drilling deep in, a human shaped pit created on the charred sand.

"Impressive…I nearly flew back to the pure land!"

In the pit was Minato with an acknowledging look on his face, the golden chakra around him no more, dust swirling around to recover him but the rate of recovery extremely slow, haki affecting the reanimation jutsu.


"Hmm…still here huh!"

With lightning still flashing around him, Azuma landed back on the surface, muttering with a slightly surprised face after finding Minato's aura.


But suddenly Azuma's expression shifted a little, from the remains of the earlier wood golem, huge chakra suddenly burst out, the voice of Hashirama falling into Azuma's ears.

*Wood Style! Veritable 1000 Armed Kan'on!!!*

The earth trembled, before Azuma appeared a titanic wooden statue, easily dwarfing the earlier Nine Tails and Madara's Perfect Susanoo, at least 1000 meters in height.

Thousands of arms originated from its back in concentric rows, two main hands in front as well, clasped, on the head of the wooden statue, Hashirama Senju.

"Truly Impressive!"

Even Azuma couldn't help but praise after seeing the massive wooden statue before him, this power truly deserved the title of God of Shinobi.

"This is the last…live through this young shinobi!!!!"

Shouted Hashirama, the countless arms of the statue began to move, thousands of gigantic fists crashing on Azuma who looked even smaller than an ant before them.

"Impressive may it be…but no point unless it hits!"


"Kach!!" "Swish!!"

The vision of Azuma was blinded by numerous wooden arms crashing down on him, still not panicking, lightly speaking to himself, turning into a red lightning bolt again, charging straight towards Hashirama on top of the statue.


The black blade with conquerors around it flashed under the dark sky, cutting every huge arm in its way like butter, in a matter of seconds all the wooden arms dropping down, the earth shaking, Hashirama speechless.

"Haha!!! I have never felt so weak before…the old leaves truly replaced by new ones!"

But Hashirama didn't feel bad or something, laughing out with a happy look on his face, seeing the will of fire still continuing right before him.


These were the last words of Hashirama, as the red lightning bolt appeared in front of him next moment, the black blade with conquerors infused going through his head, Hashirama bursting open completely, a white light shooting towards the sky.

The huge statue burst into smoke as well with the defeat of Hashirama, disappearing.

"Phew…It's finally over!"

Landing back on the surface, Azuma let out a little breath, the lightning around him dispersing, the conquerors around the blade vanishing as well.

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