Chapter 102 Obito's Shock

Sand Battlefield.

"Ha…the expense of Haki was a lot more than I expected!"

Muttered Azuma letting out a small breath, he had gone through two huge battles consecutively, he didn't feel physically tired at all as the body of One Piece world had given him stamina to battle for days and nights.

But he consumed Haki more than he expected, somewhat underestimating the strength of Madara, Hashirama and Minato, and at the last moments using red thunder consumed a lot of his haki.

Using Red Thunder was also him going all out completely.

The trump cards left in his arsenal now are Sage mode and Eight Inner Gates.

But both are in the stage where they need to be perfected, Inner Gates completely riles up the chakra of the body, combining it with haki and making it stable is very difficult, even for Azuma.

And Sage Mode he had just learned it, if he wants to enter it again it's gonna take some time to do it.

"Huh? He's surely making quick work of them…maybe it's fate that you just survived!"

Suddenly Azuma frowned, far away the familiar aura appearing in his senses, but way stronger than before, and the aura of Naruto and Sasuke weakening by every second.

Azuma immediately guessed what had happened, as calmly he gave Minato who was in the pit motionless a look, muttering to himself.

{Some time earlier}

"Damn!! it's evolving again!"

Shouted Naruto, who was currently shrouded in yellow charka, eyeing the huge beast before him enveloped in a red barrier, a desperate look on his face.

"It's getting more and more draining for me…we have to think of something I don't think I can hold on for long!"

The complexions of Sasuke weren't much different from Naruto, sweat rolling down his brows, the Susanoo from earlier nowhere to be seen, the battle getting more and more tough for them.


"You should have stayed at the sidelines honestly, why bother struggling?'

At some distance from the red barrier which had enclosed the evolving Ten Tails was Madara, before him a huge wood dragon holding the five Kage, along with Kakashi and Guy in its tail, defeated looks on their faces.

Asked Madara looking at the struggling Kage in the grip of the wooden dragon with a bored look on his face, this strength was not even enough to get him excited.

"If only I could help them…damn! What do I even do?!"

Naruto spotted the struggling Kage, a helpless angry look, how much he wanted to help them but he already had his hands full, Obito attacking them from all sides.

"No point being angry now, go help them Naruto, anyway it's gonna take some time for it to evolve, leave Obito to me!"


Said Sasuke and immediately waved the Kusanagi sword in his hand to his left, metal colliding sound spreading, Obito with a black rod jetting out his palm appeared near Sasuke at some point, the Rinnegan looking deep into Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo.

"Be careful!"


Said Naruto to Sasuke in a hurry, whizzing towards Madara at lightning speed.

At the battlefield, explosions resounded from time to time, flames everywhere, Naruto madly attacking Madara who calmly dealt with his every attack, the pale Kage lying motionless on the ground along with Kakashi and Guy.

Sasuke also hurled Lightning attacks at Obito from time to time, only for them to go through him without any harm, an annoyed look on the face of Sasuke.



At this moment, the red barrier around the evolving ten tails had a crack, more and more appearing instantly, before like a glass breaking completely, a roar shaking the heavens.

Horns on its head, a rinnesharingan on the forehead, spikes on the back, a huge budded flower on the mouth, Ten Tails evolving again.

"It's finally budded completely…time for the red moon to shine is here!"

All the battles stopped at the appearance of the ten tails, Obito seeing the Ten Tails current form, muttering to himself with an emotional look.

"I can't be a jinchuriki in this form…I need to resurrect first!"

Some haste appeared on the face of Madara as well, knowing he had to resurrect quickly.

Thinking of this, Madara gave Obito a look and raised his gloved hands, about to make a hand sign.


Obito who was happy at the appearance of the ten tails, suddenly shook completely, a voice falling in his ears, a familiar voice that he hadn't heard for decades, yet he still recognized it instantly.

Obito looked in the direction of the voice, a girl with brown hair and paint on her cheeks stood at some distance, looking at Obito with a shocked look on her face which had some cracks on it.


"Who's that girl?"

Obito seeing the girl called out the name in disbelief, Sasuke at some distance with a slightly pale face from overuse of chakra, also taken aback at the sudden appearance of the girl.

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