Chapter 103 Betrayal


Obito called out the name his wide open eyes stuck at the girl some distance from him, his whole body trembling, completely forgetting about the humongous Ten Tails, the world around didn't seem to matter to him anymore.

"Obito…is that you?"

Rin looked at the grown up with some familiar facial features, shock on her face, she was just brought back to the world of living, seeing the huge monster Rin was shocked and seeing Obito shocked her even more.

"It's that girl…it seems you want to make it easy for me!"

Madara also recognized the girl, after a second guessing everything why that girl appeared here, a smile appearing on his face.


Instantly, Obito appeared right before Rin eyes solely on her, the world around the doesn't seem to matter to him, trembling hands reaching towards her but right at this moment, Madara at some distance from Naruto, making a hand sign.




The heart of Obito trembled, black markings appearing on it, Obito letting out a groan, going on his knees suddenly, terrifying Rin immediately reaching out for him.

"What is he up to?"

Both Naruto and Sasuke watched with watched the scene with wary and confused looks, they just saw Madara making a hand sign and Obito had gone down, what the hell was happening!!?


But they didn't get much time to think as the newly evolved Ten Tails roared, on its huge body numerous sprouting's appearing, the skin soon spreading, hundreds of small monster rushing towards Naruto, and the dozen or so tired shinobi left, others all dead.

"What the hell are these!!?"

"Don't just stare loser, Fight!!"

Shouted Naruto in disbelief, watching the numerous monsters rushing towards him, shocked by this development, Sasuke bringing him back to the senses, rushing towards the numerous monsters next moment.

"Aghh…that seal…"

Obito with eyes red from unimaginable pain clutched his chest, murmuring to himself, black markings beginning to appear all around his body.

He knew Madara had planted a seal on his heart but he never could deal with it, he did have the plan of destroying his heart and becoming a jinchuriki immediately but he didn't even get the chance to exact his plan.

"I need to retreat…

Said Obito exhausting all his strength, the mangekyo in his right eye beginning to spin, a spiral appearing around him.


But suddenly blood splashed, the spiral disappearing and a kunai dug into the right eye of Obito, whose pain seems to have vanished completely, just staring at the girl holding the kunai with his other eye.

For the person he wanted to destroy the whole world and rebuilt it, betrayed him.


The eyes of Rin were white, as without any emotion on her face she took out the kunai from the eye of Obito, blood dripping down on the ground.

"Hehe, time for you to serve your purpose Obito!"

A mocking laughter also fell in the ears of the stunned Obito, black Zetsu coming out of the ground, slowly seeping on to the body of Obito, the latter unable to do anything in response, the black markings keeping him immobile.


Soon in a matter of seconds, Black Zetsu completely covered Obito, Rin in front of Obito also tumbling down into dirt, the reanimation of her seemed to be lifted.

"It's time for the savior to return!"

Madara quickly appeared before the controlled Obito, talking to himself in an emotional tone, Obito under the control of Zetsu raising his head, making a hand sign.

"Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth!!"

The hand sign was completed, the black hair of Obito turning white at an astonishing rate, a green light shot towards Madara who stood first.


White smoke enveloped Madara completely which soon was swept away, Madara with his upper body bare walking out, both eyes closed, the cracks on his face from earlier gone, long black hair reaching his back.


"This feeling…Haha…I'm back!!!"

Madara with his eyes closed brought his hand before him, taking a bite on the thumb, blood seeping out, Madara feeling the blood pouring out, laughing loudly.

"I told you that day…don't thank me so early, we are square now!"


Then Madara turned his face towards Obito with white hair, who lay motionless on the ground, black Zetsu nowhere to be seen, speaking to him while extending his hand towards his eye.

Blood splashed again, Madara digging the left Rinnegan of Obito out, plugging it in his left eye instantly.

"Here is the other one!"

At this moment, Black Zetsu emerged from the ground again, in his hands the other Rinnegan, presenting it to Madara, who took it immediately, plugging it as well.

"This feeling of strength…amazing…but it's not enough…I need to hurry up!"

Feeling the familiar strength in his body, Madara felt relieved but two hawk eyes suddenly flashed in his mind, the feeling of superiority going away instantly, Madara looking towards the ten tails, whose small monsters were currently dealing with Naruto and Sasuke.

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