Chapter 109 Fulfilled Dream

"His chakra is even stronger than before now, be careful loser, we can't afford to let our guard down"

Said Sasuke to Naruto in a deep voice, his eyes at Madara who floated in the sky, having just absorbed the massive divine tree and getting even stronger.

"Got it!"

Said Naruto and immediately the orange chakra around him began to wobble, six chakra arms condensing from his back, rasengan of different chakra nature revolving in each hand.

"Eat this!!"


Next moment, Naruto squatted a little, and immediately appeared above Madara in the air, all the different charka natures rasengan crashing down on him.

"No matter what you do it's futile, the time for the red moon to shine is here"


After absorbing the divine tree, Madara didn't seem as worried as before, the black staff appearing in his hands, while speaking in a winner's tone, slashing the black staff at all rasengan, an explosion setting off in the sky.


From the explosion the figure of Naruto blew out and crashed on the surface, drilling his feet in the ground to stop the inertia pushing him back.

Madara in the explosion wasn't without injuries, some wounds on his body from the rasengan explosion but were recovering quickly.



At this moment, a sharp tearing sound fell in the ears of Madara who frowned and immediately tilted his head back a little, the Kusanagi sword whizzing past his nose, eyes of Madara widened a little.



"What the...?"

But suddenly the sword vanished and in its place appeared Sasuke, black lightning in his right hand, thrusted towards Madara, the latter shocked at his sudden appearance.


But couldn't even complete his words hit by the Black Chidori, like a bullet Madara crashing down from the sky, hitting the ground and creating a huge pit, smoke and dust everywhere.

"Naruto, prepare a sealing jutsu!"


Sasuke knew this was far from enough to deal with Madara, shouting at Naruto who immediately was on to it, a blue rasengan with black markings in condensing in his palms.

"Dang! What was that?"

From the pit walked out Madara with a bruised face and confusion in his eyes, how the hell Sasuke had suddenly appeared in front of him, what had happened?




But just when Madara was thinking about what had happened, the surrouding around him suddenly changed, the former finding himself in the middle of Naruto and Sasuke, from left and right a blue rasengan and black chidori making way towards him.


"We got him!"


The rasengan and chidori hit Madara who suddenly appeared, Naruto shouting with a happy face but it didn't last long as Madara in the middle flew up, leaving an invisible entity trapped in his place.

"So thats your rinnegan's ability...really annoying"

Said Madara to Sasuke floating above him and Naruto, and he continued speaking

"Although I have always longed for worthy opponents...this war was never to satisfy my battle craze....It was to save this forsaken world...and it's time for me to do that"

"Chibaku Tensei!!"

Saying that, Madara began to fly higher, raising his right arm as well numerous black spheres jetting out from his palms, going higher and higher.

BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!

The surroudings began to shake, everything in area of miles began to tremble, massive chunks of earth rising towards the sky going towards the black spheres, the sky soon filled with hundreds of humongous meteors.

Madara waved his hand down,all the suspended meteors in the sky began to rain down fire surrounding them as well, from the dark sky burning meteors raining down, a scene of doom unfolding before the shocked eyes of Sasuke and Naruto.

"Don't just stare loser!! If those meteors hit the ground everyone will be reduced to bits and pieces! destroy them before it happens!!!


Shouted Sasuke at the shocked Naruto, purple chakra bursting out of him the next moment Sasuke immediately going perfect Susanoo, the massive wings fluttering and the huge purple tengu nosed giant rushing towards the raining meteors, the blade slicing every meteor in the way neatly.

"Multi Shadown Clone Jutsu!!"

Naruto also got to work, cloning instantly and hundreds of Naruto shooting numerous rasengan's up in the sky, obliterating every meteor, the sky lit up by fireworks.

"It's time!"

While both Naruto and Sasuke were busy dealing with the meteors, Madara with an emotional look on his face arrived before the red moon in the sky, muttering to himself in a relived tone.

Then Madara gripped one of the horns on his head, breaking it with a jerk, an eye opening on his forehead, the eye facing the red moon.

"Infinite Tsukoyomi!!"

Black tomoe marks appeared on the red moon Madara shouting with all his might the red moon suddenly turning white, a white light enveloping every place on the planet.


Sasuke who saw the situation cursed and immediately rushed towards the stupified Naruto, the huge Susanoo folding its wings covering both Sasuke and Naruto.

Everyone in the world just looked at the shining moon with a dull face, all eyes having the rinnegan pattern, the ground shaking and white stripes enveloping everyone, soon every human on the planet hanging on the branches of the divine tree like mummies.


The white light also fell on the figure with the black blade on his back, who was quitely mediating but red lightning burst out of him flickering around him, the approaching white stripes halting and going back, not harming the figure.

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