Chapter 110 Pawn

The white light enveloped the whole world, everywhere on the branches of divine tree people coiled in white stripes hanging, the whole world seemed to have gone quiet.

The moon shone for a long time before it eventually turned red again, Madara floating under red moon the purple eyes looking at the quiet world under him, the eyes that had seen too much, finally spotting no hate, anger or war, everywhere peace.


Madara eyed the quiet world under him for a long time before he finally burst into a laughter, immense emotion on his face, finally he had done it, finally he had brought peace to this forsaken world, the world that took everthing from him, his clan, his brother, he finally brought the never ending wars to an end.


Laughing Madara landed on the ground creating a small pit where he landed, at some distance the purple chakra dispersing, revealing Naruto and Sasuke unharmed by the infinite Tsukoyomi.

"What the....?"

"Is this Mugen Tsukoyomi...?"

Looking at the sight around, everywhere the branches of divine tree and people hanging on them, Naruto was left completely mind blown, words too hard to describle the sight, Sasuke shocked as well, although understanding what was this.

" your rinnegan was powerful enough to neglect the effect of Infinite Tsukoyomi...but it's of no can't do anything now...I have brought peace to the world...It's over!"


"You have lost!"

Said Madara to Naruto and Sasuke, his tone calm and on his face endless peace, peace from finally having accomplished something which took two lifetimes.


"No, its you who have lost!! Dear Madara!!"

Some anger appeared on the face of Naruto at the words of Madara but before he could say anything, a sound spread in the silent surroudings, blood splashing on the ground, a black hand gone through the back of Madara coming out from the front, a gloomy voice falling in the ears of stunned Madara.

"Black are my will...what are you doing...?"

Madara sneaked atttacked couldn't move an inch, as coughing blood he asked in a voice full of disbelief, couldn't understand what was happening.

"Hehe...your are so mistaken Madara...just like you used Obito as a pawn...I used you the same will has always been Kaguya!!



The words of Zetsu fell the ground around cracked, blue chakra from everywhere rushing towards Madara who began to bloat, expanding more and more, Naruto and Sasuke still shocked at the name that Black Zetsu pronounced.

Sage of Six Paths when granting them his powers, did tell them about his mother and how terrifying she was, so hearing the name both Naruto and Sasuke were left stunned.

"Kaguya...Pawn...No its not possible...I found about the Mugen Tsukoyomi on the Uchiha Tablet left by sage of six paths...I was never a pawn..."

"Hehe...I have been around longer than you Madara...for centuries I have been preparing to bring my mother back...I had long before your birth tampered the Uchiha Tablet...for generations the Uchiha and Senju Clan have been playing under my palms"

"No...that can't be... just...where did I go wrong Hashirama...?"

The truth was too sudden for Madara who always beleived Mugen Tsukoyomi to be the last hope to save this forsaken world, denying everything and also questioning his resolve...his life long rival coming in his mind.

These were the last words of Madara, the red eye on his forehead completely enveloped by the black matter, Madara who had turned into a huge black ball, changing more and more, a white attire, two rabbit horns on the head, a rinnesharingan at the mid of the forehead, long silver hair, two white eyes and beautiful face.

"Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

"It's her...the mother of Sage of Six Paths...Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

Said Sasuke to Naruto, one red and the the other purple eye on the woman at some distance from him, dread and worry in his tone.

"What monstrous simply has no end!

Naruto feeling the immense charka of Kaguya, couldn't help but comment, never he had sensed something like this before, just getting chills from her endless chakra.

" are Hagoromo and are Ashura and It was Hagoromo who gave you that power!"

At this moment Kaguya also noticed Naruto and Sasuke before her, spotting the marks on their power, guessing who were they and how did they got the power.

"Be careful, don't let your guard down!"

Seeing Kaguya focusing on them, Sasuke immediately reminded Naruto, fully alert, knowing they couldn't afford to be careless against the mother of chakra.


"This Power...

But at this moment, the attention of the three was suddenly taken by an explosion, at some distance on the boulder black light shining, the sky immediately covered by dark clouds, Kaguya feeling a power like never before, stupefied.

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