Chapter 111 Troublemaker Clan


Thunder rang around the surroundings as the sky got covered by the dark clouds, the white eyes of kaguya on the boulder where dark light was constantly flashing, dread somewhere deep in those eyes.

"It's Azuma...what is this dark power...I'm getting chills!"

The focus of both Naruto and Sasuke was completely shifted from Kaguya, the former eyeing the dark light saying out his thoughts, his sense of danger in six paths mode was second to none, he could feel the terror from that dark light.

"Can you truly reach this height just with a blade...can a sword truly defy the reality?"

Another person was watching the scene on the battlefield the purple eyes of the sage of six paths on the black light, immense emotion in his tone, he has been watching this human since the start of the war, what he had done just using a blade was hard to beleive, a person who hardly inherited his power down the line had surpassed him today.


Amid the shock of everyone remaining on the battlefield, the black light suddenly vanished and without Naruto and Sasuke even noticing, a person appeared beside them.


Red Hawk Eyes, two small red lines tracing down both eyes, six black tomoe marks from the chest to the stomach in a vertical line and a black aura all around the body of Azuma with black lightning flashing from time to time.

"Wait...when did he...?"

But both of them weren't unaware for long, noticing Azuma standing beside them, shocked how did they didn't even notice him.

"You guys did well providing me valuable time, now let me end this farce"

Said Azuma turning to look at both Naruto and Sasuke, ignoring their surprise, some gratitude in his tone.

" remain calm as ever Azuma, Hahaha!!"

Naruto was taken aback by his words a little but laughed out eventually, the careless attitude returning, the arrival of Azuma seemed to have swept the fear of Kaguya.

"Don't underestimate her, she is unlike any other foe we faced till now" Sasuke Reminded Azuma, unlike Naruto still on guard, his eyes on Kaguya suspended in the air a little ahead of them.

"Otsutsuki...really a troublesome clan"

Said Azuma in an annoyed tone, finally focused on Kaguya before him, unlike Naruto and Sasuke, he knew a lot about Otsutsuki, kaguya wasn't the only problem he was destined to face, it was a whole clan full of troublemakers, this war wasn't the end, it was just a start of his long journey against Otsutsuki.

"Clan...what are you talking about?"

His words brought a look of surprise on the face of Naruto and Sasuke, first they were surprised at how Azuma even knew about Kaguya and second his mentioning of "clan" only increased their surprise.

"Hmmm...who are you? seem to know alot about me?"

Azuma's words also brought shock to Kaguya, this human from she was feeling immense danger seem to know alot about where she came from.

"Otsutsuki...basically a bunch of aliens devouring one planet after another to attain's long story...I'll leave it for later, for now...time to deal with her!"


Said Azuma as he moved his neck a little, ready to settle this.

Sasuke: "Devouring planets...huh!"

Naruto: "Ummm...what is a planet??"

Sasuke "...."

Azuma "Uh-nevermind!"

Sasuke was left speechless at the words of Naruto, Azuma just shaking his head with black lines on his forehead, wondering why he even wasted time explaining.

"Later?, you seem to have a lot of confidence that you'll live through this,let me break that illusion!"

Said Kaguya with immense confidence in her tone, waving her hands the next second, the world around suddenly changing.



The dark sky was suddenly covered with smoke, burning lave mountains everywhere, a lave ocean to the end of sight as well, Naruto and Sasuke surprised by the sudden change but couldn't get time to understand what was happening, suddenly falling down, the former yelling out.

Azuma on the other hand seemed to have long expected this change, air bursting out of his soles, a huge booming sound spreading everywhere, a huge massive gap appearing in the lava ocean hundreds of meters below Azuma.


But Azuma didn't care about the destruction caused by his casual move, a red and dark light shimming under the black sky covered with smoke, a palm covering the face of Kaguya completely, the touch on the skin making Kaguya notice the existence of Azuma, a horrified look in her white eyes.



But at this moment it was too late, the palm dragging the horrified kaguya forward, Naruto and Sasuke who were falling down seeing an unbeleivable scene, a superimposed black and red light rushing towards three volcanos in a straight line.

The light crashed with the first volcano, going through it and then the second and third easily, the gigantice volcanos bursting open completely, burning lava flying everwhere, a scene of doom before the eyes of Sasuke and Naruto.

(Please read the update)

Chapter ahead on

(Book almost ending)