Chapter 112 Karma



Chaos everywhere in the magma dimension, the absolute power of the blade god easily overpowering the progenitor of chakra, the screams in agony of the latter shooking the whole dimension.


The huge rocks of the destroyed volcano's were everywhere, floating on the lava surface, on one of the rocks landed Azuma lightly, the black blade still fixed on his back, a poker look on the face.


"Mother!!!! hurry up and save me!!!!

At some distance from Azuma who stood on the rock calmly fully submerged in the lava was Kaguya, her screams from the constant burn shaking everything, next to her black zetsu who was also submerged in the lava begging to be saved, his body evaporating at high speed.

"You human!!!!!! I won't ever forgive you for this!! Ahhhh!!!!"

Kaguya in the lava due to pain felt even more anger at Azuma, shouting with a raged face, the ten tails in her body providing her enough healing power to not die easily in the magma.



Azuma hearing her threat just chuckled with a funny look, reaching for his blade and pulling it out, the black thunder around him concentrating on Yoru.

"Damn!! He's absolutey killing it!!"

Naruto who stood on one of the truth seeking orb showed his admiration for Azuma once again, the screams of Kaguya in pain weren't hard to hear.

"God or Human, it's all the same before him!"

Sasuke who stood right beside him also shared his thoughts, someone who sage of six paths, a myth was afraid of, was being absolutey neg-diffed here.



Suddenly the world changed again as a cold gust of wind was felt by both Naruto and Sasuke the burning world around changed into a world of Ice, ice mountains everywhere as on the ice floor lay Kaguya smoke coming out of her, the ice cooling the lava and heat on her.


But Kaguya seemed focused on something else than recovering calling out a name with some sadness in her tone, no sign of black zetsu around her clearly killed by the lava, kaguya unable to save him.


"You'll pay for this human!!!"


The sadness turned into anger as chakra burst of Kaguya, standing up as rushing towards Azuma she waved her both fists towards him, a massive air pressure jetting out of them, the ice floor on the way towards Azuma completely disintegrating, the power beyond imagination.

One Sword Style! Infinity Slash!!

Watching the attack of Kaguya approaching him Azuma lightly raised the blade coated with black conquerors haki as he swung it casually, a dark aura sweeping out, the blue sky above turning black with the swing before returning blue again next moment.

BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!!

"oh my god!!"

"This...just what is this...?"

But the land under the blue sky had altered completely to the end of sight every ice mountain was cleaved into two, a long gash several miles created in the world of ice, no sign of Kaguya anywhere, seemed to have evaporated completely.

Naruto who was a mere spectator since the return of Azuma seeing the sight crying out in disbelief, even the calm Sasuke having a hard time controlling his emotion.

"Huh...It's finally over!"

Azuma seeing the miracle he created was calm, with a somewhat exhausted face fixing the black blade on his back, some black thunder still arcing around it.

The red eyes of Azuma turned back to yellow and the black aura around him vanished as well.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, the progenitor of chakra and the mother of sage of six paths, killed by a swordsman, the like never seen before and never to exist again.

Tap!! Tap!!

At this moment, two figures appeared around Azuma, obviousily Naruto and Sasuke.

"Azuma...Kaguya...where is she...?"

With words having a hard time coming out Naruto asked, his shocked and confused eyes on Azuma's face, this all seemed too easy if what he thinking had happened.

"She's dead and unfortunately so are the tail beasts...I obliterated everything...but don't worry tail beasts will be born somewhere around the world again..."

"So let's return, the war is over!"


Said Azuma and without giving the shocked Naruto a chance to say anything he put one hand on his shoulder and the other on Sasuke who was equally shocked, all three of them vanishing from the Ice world.


A red flashed and three figures appeared back in the ninja world, a kunai with some black markings on them dug into the ground.

"Well...this is gonna be interesting"

Removing his hands from the shoulder of Sasuke and Naruto, Azuma gave the black diamond mark at the center of his right palm a look, talking to himself with an interesting face.

Chapters ahead on