Chapter 113 Care


Everywhere in the world were branches of a huge tree, people coiled completely in white bandages hanging down from the branches, silence like never before all over the world.

"We defeated the enemy...but how do we undo the infinite tsukoyomi?"

Near the flying thunder god kunai, stood three figures, one with blonde hair, one with black hair and one having a black blade fixed on his back, the blonde giving the other two a look, questioning.

"Don't worry, both of you just need to form a rat seal and it will release the infinite tsukoyomi, only you two with the powers of six paths can do it!"


Said Azuma lightly, giving both Naruto and Sasuke an assuring look, Naruto asking again with a happy face.

"Yes, he's right!"

But this time another voice confirmed the words of Azuma, the figure of six paths manifesting around them, the purple eyes of the figure stuck on Azuma.

"Grandpa Six Paths!"

Called out Naruto, surprised at his sudden appearance.

"I guess my power was never really needed to end this war...just who are you...young one?"

Asked Hagoromo, the eyes with endless questions in them stuck at the mysterious young man before him, someone who had surpassed him and had defeated his mother all by himself.

Someone who had hardly inherited his power, was able to surpass him, he just couldn't understand, how was this possible.

"Nothing special...just an ordinary swordsman, that's it!"


Replied Azuma with a little smirk on his face, next moment with a burst of red light, he disappeared, leaving the shocked and confused hagoromo at his place.


The red light traveled the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant as it eventually stopped right under one of the many branches of the divine tree, the hawk eyes of Azuma stuck on one of the mummies hanging on it.


The black blade was swept towards the branch, one of the mummies hanging falling down, the white coiling around precisely cut as well, revealing a figure with a beautiful face and blonde hair, though the eyes having the rinnegan pattern in them.

Azuma quickly went forward and brought the girl into his arms, preventing her from hitting the ground.

"I guess...I care for someone after all!"

Looking at Ino, Azuma had no change of expression on his poker face, though his eyes were a little soft, the only one who he really hanged out with and spent time aside from missions was with her.


At this moment, the white stripes from the divine tree roared out from the ground and rushed towards Ino in the arms of Azuma at high speed.


But they halted suddenly as dark red aura flashed out of the body of the Azuma, enveloping him completely.

"Time to wake up!"

Said Azuma looking at the beautiful face, the hand enveloped with red aura gently caressing the long blonde hair, slowly the red aura covering Ino completely.


"Do you vow to be faithful forever?"


"You may kiss the bride!"

On a stage, stood two figures looking out of the world, one dressed in a white bride attire, blonde hair reaching her back, the other standing right in front of her in a black suit, hawkeyes and green eyes staring at each other.

The words fell, the tall figure calmly moved down towards the cherry lips of the blonde girl, who with rosy cheeks closed her eyes and went on her tiptoes.

But suddenly the happy world changed, everything disappearing.


"As expected, it's working!"

Azuma watched the haoshoku enveloping Ino, as the pattern in her eyes began to dim, the former understanding he was successful in his attempt to lift the infinite tsukoyomi on his own.


At this moment a speechless look appeared on the face of Azuma, a red gleam in his eyes, seemed to have seen something, completely still despite knowing what will happen, just too shocked.


Ino in the arms of Azuma suddenly moved up, the cherry lips connecting with Azuma's, the green eyes gazing at the hawk eyes, the world seemed to have gone quiet.


Some clarity appeared in the green eyes after a moment, the face turning red at alarming speed as Ino pushed back with high speed but a hand landed on her back, preventing her from moving, the lips staying connected.


At this moment, the huge tree all around the world began to shrink back into the ground, the people hanging on the branches all being freed from the world of genjutsu one by one, Infinite Tsukoyomi Released.


The coils around Inoichi and Tsunade dispersed, both of them landing on the ground but a look of disbelief appeared on the former, eyes that nearly popped out staring the two right infront of him.

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