Chapter 114 Chants

"That's my!!!"

The sudden situation caught Inoichi off guard, muttering while clenching his teeth, eyes burning with anger, hands clenched into fists.

"Just what is happening...?"

Tsunade watched the couple before her kissing to no end with a speechless and confused look, just now she was with Dan who was still alive and now Azuma and Ino were kissing right before her.


The voice of confused Tsunade fell in the ears of the couple, Ino tracing her green eyes towards the source, only to notice Inoichi looking back at her with a somewhat helpless look now.

"Ahhh!!! D...Dad....?"

This time Ino couldn't deal with the embarrassment, separating from the lips of Azuma who didn't stop her this time, unlike Ino, still a calm face.


Seeing his daughter embarrassed, Inoichi opened his mouth to say something but eventually just let out a sigh, knowing he didn't have much say in whatever his daughter choosed to be with.

"Don't think too much, the war is over, we have won"

At this moment Azuma spoke, clearing the confusion of Tsunade who was looking at them for a while, looking for answers.


As his words fell, purple lightning burst around Azuma, disappearing and appearing at a peak far away.

"Hey, look there!!!"

Soon nearly everyone was released from the infinite tsukoyomi, the remaining being released at high speed.

At the battlefield with long gashes and sliced mountains everywhere, thousands of shinobi's were gathered now, but at this moment one of them pointed towards a peak with a surprised face.

Whether it was the five kage, konoha eleven or anyone else, they all looked in that direction, seeing a sight which will stay in their heads for a long time to come.

On the peak that overlooked the whole battlefield, stood Naruto and Sasuke next to each other, hands connected to form a rat seal, a smile on their face.

Behind them was a tall figure, hands across his chest, a black blade with gems inlaid in the cross hilt fixed at his back, the yellow eyes gazing at the whole battlefield under him.

"Haha...I guess...they really did it all by themselves"

Laughed out Shikamaru seeing the sight, an emotional look in his eyes, a rare smile without a hint of laziness on his face.

"Did...we win? Is the war over?"

The three figures on the peak were too familiar to everyone, seeing them fine and no sign of ten tails and madara, some shinobi couldn't help but ask out in a trembling tone, hope on their face.

"Idiots! is there still any doubt left?.... the war is over...we have won and those three over there won for us!!!"

The passionate voice of Tsunade was the the answer to all the questions, everyone trembling with excitement.

WE DID IT!!!!! WE HAVE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Every Shinobi on the battlefield cheered at the same time, tears of joy pouring out of every eye, all chanting the names of MVP's with passion.

" have truly surpassed the previous hokage...

"Of course, whose student do you think he is? Hahahaha!!!"

In the huge cheering crowd, stood side by side Kakashi and Jiraiya, the former with a nostalgic look in his eyes, though the latter just laughing like he already knew, just the tears pouring out of his eyes betraying him.

"Mother... Father...Shisui..are you watching?...look...the name of Uchiha has been restored...

Itachi watched everything unfolding before his eyes, talking to himself while looking towards the sky, his eyes slightly wet.

The name of Uchiha that was tarnished was finally restored, Sasuke became a hero who saved the world.

"These guys...if only they knew we hardly played a role...

Naruto and Sasuke heard the cheerful and grateful chants, the latter speaking with a rare funny look on his face.


Naruto couldn't help but agree, rubbing the back of his head with an awkward look.

"Don't belittle your efforts, you bought me precious spare time and helped in releasing mugen tsukoyomi, be proud!"

Azuma behind them spoke up, reminding them of there efforts, he didn't really want them to foolishly give him all the credit of ending this war.

Although it is true that he dealt with the enemy alone, he didn't wanted to be the sole hero, destroying his peace, he had lived a quiet life and wanted to continue doing so.


At his words, Naruto and Sasuke gave each other a look before they shook their heads, laughing out a little.

The chants lasted for a quite a long while before they ended, bringing curtains to the fourth shinobi world war that swept the whole world.

The war which brought the years of fighting between nations to an end, starting a new era.