Chapter 115 Popular


Hey!!! Let us enter the village!!!

Move away! I wanna meet them!!

Do you know how far we all travelled to see them, stop being stubborn!!!

At the village's entrance, thousands of people could be seen, all pushing to cross the barrier placed to stop them from entering, gathered here to see the war heroes.

"Please respect the village policy, we can't allow so many people to enter the village at once, please calm down"

Few Konoha Chunin and Jonin were present to preside over the situation, genma one of konoha jonin, trying to handle the situation, a tired look on his face.


Konoha Hospital.

Near the main door of the hospital, in the garden stood a lot of people, all of them easily recognisable.

"I can't believe it, why don't you have a single wound despite fighting those monsters!!?"

All the five kage stood next to each other, Itachi and Jiraiya present as well, in front of them the three war heroes, Tsunade after giving the report in her hands a look asking Azuma with disbelief.

It's been a week since the war ended, after the funeral for the fallen shinobi, every village started to recover from the war, rebuilding, treating the injured, doing everything that was needed.

Tsunade despite Azuma telling he was fine insisted on a check up, the report showing not even a small injury, hard to believe.

Well~ he is the biggest monster of them after all"

Azuma didn't respond to her question, Naruto next to him answering with a shrug.

"If this is all, I'll take my leave!"

Said Azuma ignoring the comment of Naruto on him, with an expressionless face nodding at every one present and leaving, soon disappearing from everyone's view.

"Sigh...he sure is I wanted to invite him to tour Mist village"

Said Terumi in a helpless manner, some disappointment on her face, why ever quality man was so uninterested in her.

"Don't think too much, it's just how he is, anyway let me escort to hokage building, we need to talk a lot on how to deal with the aftermath of the war"


Said Tsunade in a careless manner, the other kage nodding and following her out of the hospital, walking towards the hokage building.

"Let's go have Ichiraku Ramen, pervy sage"

"Nah, my research has been on hold for a while, some other time!"


"W-wait...pervy sage....!!!

Saying that, Jiraiya turned into an afterimage disappearing, Naruto who still wanted to convince him, rushing after him.

"Let's go Sasuke"


The remaining Uchiha brothers didn't dawdle in hospital anymore as well, going home as well.


The sun had gone down, a black blanket over the whole sky, stars twinkling, the moonlight showering all around the world.


Welcome home!!

Azuma pushed open the door, entering his house, the door making a creaking sound, but followed was another sound, a happy one.


There was a sound of quick footsteps as a blonde girl appeared in the vision of Azuma, an apron over her purple dress and a ladle in her hands.

"Um! I'm back!"


Azuma just eyed her for a while, before a small smile appeared on his face, as removing his shoes, he responded lightly, walking into the house next moment, rubbing the head of Ino while passing by her.

"freshen up while I'm cooking dinner"


Said Ino with a sweet smile on her face, Azuma nodding and going to take a shower, Ino walking towards the kitchen, a pleasent atmosphere in the house.


Late at night in the bedroom, on the bed lay Azuma and Ino next to each other, the latter with blankets covering most of her body sleeping with a rosy look on her face.

Next to her Azuma still awake, with one hand behind his head quietly looking at the ceiling.

"I guess... it's time to say hi"

After a moment or so, Azuma removed his hand under his head and muttered while giving the black diamond mark on his palm a look.

Quietly Azuma stood up from the bed, trying not to wake Ino next to him.

Soon dressing into his normal shinobi gear and fixing the blade at his back, Azuma closed his eyes and disappeared from the room next moment.


Land of Fire.

In the endless dense forest under the dark forest, suddenly a red light flashed near a kunai dug into the ground, the figure of Azuma appearing.

"It'll be safe here in case of any accident"

Said Azuma as next moment red aura appeared around him, eyes with a red gleam in them focused on the black diamond mark.

Next second, Azuma felt his consciousness wavering for a second, appearing at an endless white space.

Chapters ahead on