Chapter 116 Dreadful Kaguya

In a pure white void, stood Azuma hands across his chest, right before him floated Kaguya, total silence in the void.

"I was planning to slowly take over without alerting think you made it here as well...

The silence was broken by Kaguya, a hint of helplessness in her tone, a disappointed look on her face as well.

The power this human possessed was way above hers, the only option she had was to slowly make his body more suitable to reincarnate in, then suddenly taking over in one motion.

"The way you planted the karma on me...despite knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it...the power of time is really mysterious"

Said Azuma, giving a compliment, a hint of dread in his tone, the power of time was really troublesome.

During the fight, when he launched his final attack, he saw the future, him killing Kaguya and everything going in a state of stillness, including him in the future.

Though he was a bit careless, if he had tried to see the future earlier, he would have refrained from killing Kaguya and would have let Naruto and Sasuke seal her away.

Just like Momoshiki, Kaguya probably had the power to control time while implanting Karma.

"So you really do know a lot about my clan... and the powers you have...are you a descendant of someone not from this planet?"

"That would explain you knowing about my clan that has spread terror around the universe"

Said Kaguya her guess, the power that killed her wasn't chakra at the base, it was something totally different, she knew for sure this power didn't exist on this planet.

"You don't need to worry about that, now the main matter of concern is that you are living in my body, waiting to take over"

"But first, let me clear the misunderstanding that you have of being absolutely safe here"



Azuma's words fell, the familiar dark red lightning burst out of him, all centered on Kaguya, her face changing suddenly.

The painful scream of Kaguya rang in the void, veins popping on her forehead, her white eyes nearly turning red from pain, just screaming constantly.

But eventually those screams died down, Kaguya floating in the void without moving, no life in her eyes, blank, even her silhouette looked vivid.

"The power of works hundred times better in this spiritual plane"

"Thought it didn't erase her but if I keep doing this everyday, eventually she'll probably disappear...but it will be a waste...

"To deal with Otsutsuki...I need there power...who knows what kind of powerful monsters they are hiding"

Contemplated Azuma with a serious look on his face, his eyes on Kaguya who floated without moving at all, having lost consciousness.

He knows Karma will eventually turn his body into an Otsutsuki, his body will awaken doujutsu and abilities that kaguya possesses if the karma extraction goes normally.

Knowing this, Azuma didn't want to kill Kaguya without squeezing all the benefits, when all is done, he will deal with Kaguya.

Anyway with today's warning, Kaguya won't try anything funny, staying tamed and under his control.


After a while, the blank eyes of Kaguya regained there luster, seeing Azuma still in the void, moving away from him at quick speed, words stuck in her throat, fear in the eyes.

"So today's lesson should have told you that nothing has changed, you are still as helpless when you faced me"

"If you don't want to feel this soul wrenching pain again, don't try any funny business"

"So long!

Saying that, Azuma gazed at her one last time with those hawk eyes, disappearing, leaving a dreadful kaguya in the void.

Azuma in the forest opened his eyes, a red gleam in his eyes for a second before disappearing, a confident smile on his face.


Next moment, a red light flashed as he disappeared from the forest, appearing back in his room, Ino still sleeping soundly, hawkeyes going soft a little.


The aftermath of the fourth shinobi world war was quite a mess to deal with, every shinobi village working together.

And just like this two years passed since the war ended, finally the allied ninja world entering a state of rapid development.

The gloom that had always enveloped the whole ninja world seemed to have disappeared, smiles on every face in every shinobi village, no worry of a sudden war anymore.

Though at Hidden Cloud, a meeting was taking place, concern the oddly large moon shining brightly, lighting up the world.

(I will update boruto volume on p@treon regularly as I'm focusing more here on my one piece zoro fanfic)

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