Chapter 59 - A Dark Future

Lady Haruka walked with her assistant, Hotaru (also a Haruka, of course), heading towards the "sacred room"—the part of the royal cave that housed the source of their power, the source of their magic, the source that essentially made the Haruka Clan unique and prosperous.

Deep in the center of the Haruka region was the Royal Cave; deep into the Royal Cave was the Lady's throneroom; and going even deeper from there would lead to the Sacred Room, housing the source of the Clan's near-infinite power.

It was the item that had no other name to describe it other than "the source."

It was so real and powerful that it was believed to have sentient features, and people had always been warned not to get too close to it as it was known for seducing people into misusing it. What would happen if it was misused remained vague and unclear, though it was obvious that it was an item too powerful to take for granted.