Chapter 60 - Exile

King Watanabe stood up from his chair, looking in disbelief at what had just happened before his very eyes.

While he was having a private meeting with his closest nobles, an intruder barged into the throne room, revealing two dead bodies behind him.

The violent intruder was Lin Soha, one of the Arutimesu, the current-day heroes of the land.

"King Watanabe, I want to have a word with you!" he said at the top of his voice angrily, triggering a slightly turbulent wind that engulfed the throne room.

The King, instead of throwing threats at the intruder, concerned himself with the nobles that were present with him and chose not to anger the intruder beyond the level he was at for their safety.

As he stood still, two security guards behind the king's throne sprung forth from the darkness to attack the intruder. They were camouflaged in the throneroom for situations like this, and it worked so well that the King almost forgot they were there.