Chapter 61 - Welcome Home

The now exiled Arutimetsu sat in a carriage, owned by Senator Kohana, heading for the Haruka Clan's region. The King had now banished them from the Mainlands, to potentially spend the rest of their lives in the Haruka Clan, never to be seen again until they were summoned (basically until another invasion).

Lin Soha was awake but not himself; he wasn't fully conscious, so he looked pale and remained silent.

The short trip remained silent for most of the journey. Nobody was in the mood for chit-chat, especially after what had just happened. If the situation was examined correctly, Lin Soha was very lucky not to have been killed by the King, as the crimes he had committed were enough to warrant capital punishment.

Mu Lei had tried talking to him, but to no avail; he could not respond nor react to anything, as was evident when Tang Fei slapped him for what he did in the throne room, to which he did not react at all.