Chapter 35

Sharorik Shiga's POV

"What is my father thinking to give that pretend hero to Soltrick?!" the pain from slamming my hand into the bulkhead pales compared to the humiliation my father just delivered. "If she is a hero, she should be mine!"

"It must be a mistake," At least someone on this ship can think clearly. "When this so-called hero meets you, I'm sure she will see that only you can save this world from the upcoming disaster."

Yes, once we meet, she will be mine. If not, I will put this want-to-be hero in her place. She will either belong to me or no one at all. I'm sure my father will come to his senses soon and realises I am the only one suitable to lead our kingdom.

"You're right. This hero will see the light once we meet," I take a deep breath. "When I return to the capital, I will have this hero and Rin as brides."

"You're highness. The king requests your presence,"

"Tell him I am busy,"

The servants don't even look surprised anymore. The maid who entered just bowed her head and backed out of the room. Someone else will be sent shortly, but they will get the same answer. If my father finally comes to his senses and realises his mistake, he can come to me. Until then, I have nothing to say to that foolish old man.

"Tell me," I turn to my lone holy knight guard. The only person who can see the truth. "What do you think of the rumours of the demon lord being defeated by this fake hero?"

"It's a lie, of course, your majesty," Of course it is. "The temple released a statement that this hero only won a battle but didn't slay him."

"But they also reported to my father that she slayed the demon lord, but six more will appear,"

"Another lie. The demon lord escaped her, and she is just trying to cover up her failure,"

"Failure. Yes she failed. I am clearly the one strong enough to defeat a demon lord,"

"Yes, you are, your majesty. No one is as skilled with a sword as you,"

"And there never will be,"


Lady Ringrande POV

Things just keep getting worse and worse. First, the new hero beats us to the demon lord. Prince Sharorik decides to visit the old capital, and now Hayato wants to delay his arrival to visit an orphanage. I thought that Meriest would be able to handle him alone, but I was mistaken. I should have promised Rusus and Fifi a tasty meal to help her help. I hope he gets here soon.

"Lady Ringrande, the bath is ready for you,"

The only good thing is that the idiot prince will be too busy to notice me dealing with Kura. If I leave before he arrives, I can probably slip away from him and go unnoticed.