Chapter 36

I had a dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach when I woke up this morning. The housemaids help me get into the overly complicated dress Lady Seiryuu sent me. What is the point of designing a dress you can't wear without a small army of maid's help? It's not even comfortable, and the dress makes breathing painful. I hope I can talk Satou into selling the dresses he made all of us so this world can have some more comfortable clothes.

Nana and Pearl are so lucky that they don't have to wear something like this and get to attend in armour. The dress is pure white, with the Seiryuu family's crest embroidered on the sleeve. It looks pretty, but that is the only compliment I can pay the dress. It also came with shoes, despite the fact no one would be able to see them.

The final touches to my look come from my hair and makeup. I'm glad they didn't cover my face in white powder or use brightly coloured cosmetics. Just some light touches here and there to draw out my features. As for my hair, the maids braid it wreathing in some flowers into the braids. It's not a bad look, but I would have preferred to wear my armour instead. It shouldn't be a problem since I am a knight by Henry, and her mother insisted I wear the dress.

After taking longer to get dressed than I ever have, I am finally ready. Stepping outside, I find a crowd has already gathered to greet me.

"Pretty dress!"

"Like a princess, sir!"

Pochi and Tama circle around me, examining the dress from every angle. Liza quickly restrained them, hanging Pochi and Tama under her arms like a pair of stuffed toys. She takes them to the back of the group, scolding the pair for their actions. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but it is for the best that they don't develop bad habits.

"So you finally have to wear this torture device…." Arisa comments.

As a former princess, she probably had to wear dresses like this daily. I wonder if there is a trick to breathing in this thin without the corset digging into my ribs.

"This design… I think I have seen several nobles wearing something similar,"

Lulu isn't wrong. During my time in the old capital, I have seen noble women wearing dresses of similar design.

"Hero Kura, that dress makes you look like a bride, I conclude,"

Nana states, making everyone look at me. it's not like I am getting married… I hope. No, I'm sure someone would have mentioned it if they were planning to marry me to the prince.


"Master, are you getting married?"

Mia and Pearl quickly approached me.

"No, I'm not," I quickly tell them. "All I have to do is meet the king and prince."

And prove I am a hero, fight him in the tournament and throw the fight. We haven't even met yet, and already he is annoying me. I hope I don't have to spend more time with him than necessary.

"Anyway, are you two ready to go?" I say, turning to Pearl and Nana, changing the subject. "The carriage should be arriving shortly."

"Yes," Nana quickly responded. "I have completed all the preparations you requested, I report."

"I am ready, master,"


Mia is going to be the only problem. I would have preferred to meet the prince alone, but that isn't possible. I hope the prince doesn't have a problem with beastfolk like Pearl or takes advantage of someone as beautiful as Nana. Ultimately, Mia is the only one I can shield from the prince.

"Mia, you have to stay with Satou," I kneel and gently tell her. "I promise we will meet up with you after everything with the prince has been handled."




The carriage ride took longer than expected due to the number of people in the street, but we arrived on time. Meeting up with one of the duke's maids, she guides us to where Henry, her mother and brother are waiting. Henry and her mother are wearing dresses similar to mine. Henry's brother, meanwhile, is dressed in an outfit similar to a military officer's. They greeted me, but the royal's airship arrived shortly after we did, leaving little room for conversation.

The airship was peanut-shaped, with jumbo jet-like wings protruding from the indented area in the middle. The globe-shaped turrets are attached to each wing's ends, making it even more fantasy-like. I'm amazed something that big could stay in the air.

"Hero Kura," Nana suddenly latches onto me. "I would like one, I entreat."

Nana was reaching out toward the airship as if trying to grab it from the sky. Nana really is cute in her own way. I will have to work double time to ensure the prince doesn't trick her into certain situations.

"How about I make we make an airship plushie together later?"

Nana clapped her hands together once, then answered me.

"Hero Kura, I want to make an airship plushie with you. I entreat."

"Sure. It's a good design to practice with,"

It wouldn't hurt for Nana to have a hobby. If she doesn't go too crazy and makes too many plushies, it will give her something to spend her free time on during our trip. I will have to enforce a budget to stop her from overspending on supplies, but that is the only problem I foresee with this idea.

"What's a plushie?"

Henry looks at me, so I quickly explain to her. Somehow this led to me agreeing to make one for her. As we talked, the airship softly landed, and a ramp slid out of the side. The duke has already laid a red carpet for the guests and his knights. The duke approaches the airship. I don't see Lady Ringrande anywhere, though. I thought she would have been by her grandfather's side for this event.

But before I could look for Lady Ringrande, the girls and women in the crowd started screaming things like "Your Highness!" and "Sir Knight!" The source of their excitement seemed to be the handsome young man in white armour who had just started descending the ramp. For some reason, he is glaring at me.

"That's the third prince, Prince Sharorik," Henry whispers.

Two knights who appeared to be his attendants followed him, then an entourage of ten or more, including robed sorcerers, maids, and other servants. Some maids run in front of him, throwing flower petals up in the air. It seems too much, but at the same time, it doesn't seem out of place. I'm still not looking forward to meeting him.

From what Lady Ringrande and Henry have told me, Prince Sharorik has a lot of problems. He had caused many problems in the past, so I'd have to ensure he didn't get near Karina. I also want Nana to stay away from him, but my hands are tied. As he approached the duke, he was irritable and didn't wave to the crowd of young women fawning over him. The only person he looks at is me.

Suddenly, he lifted his eyes and focused on a flying wooden horse taking off from the duke's castle. So Lady Ringrande is running away. I can't blame her. I don't want to be here either.


A short cry drew my attention to one of the flower girls, who had tripped and fallen in a most unladylike manner. Fortunately, her skirt landed in a way that wasn't too revealing, but that was the least of her problems. She had flung her flower basket into the air as she fell; now, it was directly on the prince's head. It had hit him in the face while his attention was elsewhere. I would laugh if I wasn't so worried about the girl.

"Wh… why, you..." His voice seemed far sharper than it needed to be.

"I… I'm so sorry!"

The prince was trembling with embarrassment and rage.

"How insolent. Off with her head!"

The prince gave his order in a voice that was shaking with anger. That seems too much for just an accident. I was about to rush forward and stop him, but Lady Seiryuu stopped me. Shaking her head and grabbing my arm, I can understand why she doesn't want to cause trouble with the prince, but I just can't sit by and do nothing. I will just have to do it without anyone noticing.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, missy, I have to obey His Highness's orders!"

With a sadistic smile, the prince's young knight attendant raised his sword. I quickly read through my spell list, trying to find the right one to stop him. However, as it turned out, I didn't have to do a thing.

"That's enough,"

The other knight, a much older man, stood in front of the girl, stopping the blow with his large shield.

"What's this? Swordsman of Shiga or no, Sir Reilus, should you really be defying His Highness's orders?"

"By the Holy Shield bequeathed on me by His Majesty, I cannot let this injustice pass before my eyes,"

It looked like the old knight was charged with watching the short-tempered prince.

"Hmph! Stubborn old fool. Very well, I shall overlook it this once. See that the duke metes out a suitable punishment,"

The sullen prince snapped at the old knight, and a butler came rushing over from the sidelines. Picking up the maid and walking her out of the way.

"Tch. And here I was, all excited to cut down a girl...."

The young knight grumbled as he followed after the prince. What a dangerous pair. I will have to keep a close eye on that young knight.

"Thank goodness Sir Reilus jumped in," Henry sighs beside me.

The prince's behaviour made me want to disappear like Lady Ringrande. I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I can do nothing to avoid this, so I prepare some spells in case things get out of hand. I won't kill him, but I have plenty of spells up my sleeve that can make escaping a piece of cake.

After the duke greets the prince and king, they are led towards some waiting carriages. He shoots one last glare at me before boarding. I really don't want to meet him. I would give anything to be able to leave now, but I follow Henry and her mother to the waiting carriages that will take us to the duke's castle.


The duke has done an excellent job decorating his castle for a visit. It was already fancy-looking, but now it is on another level. But I wish I didn't have to be here. When we arrive, the servants tell me the prince will test me immediately. I am led to the main hall, filled with powerful nobles and surrounded by armoured knights. I take a deep breath and step forward as everyone's eyes are on me.

I am directed towards an altar at the room's far end. The prince, king and duke sat at a table behind the altar, watching me closely. Henry, her mother and brother leave me to go to their seats along the way, taking Pearl and Nana with them. I approach the altar, and the prince swiftly orders me to prove I am a hero. I gently lay my hand on the Yamato stone placed on the altar.

"You won't be fooling anyone after this," The prince hisses.

"Wh… what the… how…." The prince gasps when my stats are revealed.

I struggle not to smirk seeing the prince's shocked reaction. Everyone is shocked, but the prince is faring far worse than the others. Nana and Pearl are the only ones who don't look surprised by what I can do.

"As you can see, everyone," The king speaks up once he has regained his composure. "Not only has our kingdom been blessed by having a hero raised up from amongst our great people. This brave young lady, Hero Kura, also beasted the demon lord in combat."

Upon hearing the king's words, the people in the hall cheer and clap, and a few even call out my name. But the prince's mood seems to have darkened. As I am bathed with applause, I can feel his eyes glaring at me.

"Test her companions!" The prince suddenly demands before muttering under his breath. "They can't be stronger…."

I would have missed that last part if it wasn't for my Keen Hearing skill. But the prince's orders cause some debate, with some wanting to see Nana's and Pearl's stats while others claim it isn't necessary. But Prince Sharorik got his way in the end.

Pearl goes first, making the prince growl in frustration. What is his problem? We did as he asked, and he is still mad at us. Shaking his head, he insults Pearl under his breath as she steps away, letting Nana have her turn.

This is the first time the prince smiles. If only his eyes were on Nana's stats instead of her chest. When Nana steps away, I put myself between Nana and the prince. Hopefully, now he is satisfied, and we can leave.

"The kingdom will surely be safe in the hands of these young ladies,"

The gestures me to approach. Nervously I step forward, stepping around the altar. I don't like getting closer to that prince, but I can't disobey the king. Every step closer I take just causes the prince to look more irritated. I am starting to think there is no way to make him happy.

"I hope we can count on you to continue to protect our kingdom," The king says with a soft smile.

"I will do my best,"

With my reply, I bowed to the king and was free to go but told I would be attending a feast tonight. I'm not looking forward to it since that prince will be here, but I can't refuse to go. Now if only I was free. That young knight appears behind me, blocking my escape as the prince approaches.

"Come with me,"

"You, highness, we have people to greet. You will have to wait,"

I sighed as the king stopped the prince right as he was about to grab my arm. Hopefully, I can slip away when he isn't looking.

"They can wait. I have more important things to take care of," The prince snaps back.

"Sharorik, if you want to be treated like a prince, you must act like one," The king scolds him. "Now come with me a perform your duty."

"This isn't over," With another growl, the prince reluctantly turns away. "Wait here for me."

I don't see any reason to follow that order, and with Lady Seiryuu's permission, I take my leave. Hopefully, I won't see the prince again.


I used the Telephone spell to contact Satou and get his location. They weren't that far, as it turns out, but with how crowded the streets were, it took us a while to meet up with them. They were in the old capital marketplace, which extended from the largest gate to the port. We climbed out of the carriage Lady Seiryuu lent us in a parking area near the gate and walked from there.

But finding them will be more challenging than I thought. There were humans with Asian-like features and many kinds of beastfolk. Of course, I also noticed plenty of people with Shigan features and people from other kingdoms, including some dressed in sari-like or nomad attire. Unlike the quiet nobles' quarter, the harbour ward was crowded even by the standards of modern-day Japan. Hopefully, Satou can find us with his cheat map skill.

Not only that, but a strange excitement filled the air. There's liveliness about this place that I haven't felt in a long time. The shops and market stalls all look so interesting, with various products on sale. Having a large river right next to the city must do wonders when it comes to trade. I ended up stopping to buy some apples and other ingredients needed for an apple pie along the way. It's been a while since I had some, and when I saw those tasty-looking apples, I felt the urge to eat them again.

Unfortunately, the market isn't as safe as it seems. Pearl caught one person trying to pick her pocket, and I stopped a thief after he robbed a store. But I can't take too much credit for that since he ran into me trying to make a getaway.

We met up with Satou and others. We arrived in a section full of daily necessities and fashionable supplies. It looks like they were having a good time while we had the displeasure of being in the prince's company. Mia quickly comes running over with Pochi and Tama. She quickly hugs me while the beastfolk girls start running circles around us.

"Found them!"

"We captured them, sir!"

Pochi and Tama grab Pearl and Nana, leading them to the group.

"Back," Mia says, looking up at me.

"Yeah," I smile, patting her head. "And I should be free until the tournament starts."

I'm no longer competing, but I should at least be there to support Pearl. We reunite and start browsing the stores together. I give Satou a rundown on what happened in the castle, and we both agree to keep the girls as far away from him as possible.

"They've got lipstick and face powder!" Arisa calls out, pointing to a nearby store.

"You're too young for that stuff, Arisa. This lipstick might suit Nana or Lady Karina, though, don't you think?" Satou replies, glancing at Nana and Karina.

"Master Satou, please apply it, I request,"

"I… I suppose I wouldn't mind if you put it on for me as well,"

Karina did her best to piggyback on Nana's request. Unfortunately, unlike modern Japan, there weren't any samples for testing, so Satou ended up buying it before he could try it out. He did see Karina sheepishly closing her eyes and puckering her lips. It seemed like Satou was enjoying it a bit too much, though.

"Master, could we purchase this soap and a pumice stone?"

"Sure. How about this sachet, too? It smells nice and sweet. Would you like me to buy you one?"

It looks like Satou decided to treat her when he noticed Liza picking out everyday necessities.

"B… but sir, to buy something so expensive for a mere slave would be…."

She started to refuse, but not quite as swiftly as usual. The scent of the sachet does smell nice. I was tempted to buy it for myself if Liza managed to talk Satou out of buying it.

"You always take such good care of everyone, Liza. You deserve to be rewarded from time to time,"

After some additional persuading on Satou's part, Liza humbly accepted the sachet.

"Master, they're selling something unusual there,"

Lulu called out, pointing to a large market stand selling a meat dish. I'm surprised Pochi or Tama didn't point the vendor out.

"Is that meat jelly?" Satou asks, walking over to the stand.

"I'm surprised you know such a humble food for common people, sir," The shopkeeper said, eyebrows raised. "Are you really a nobleman?"

"I am, albeit a newly minted one,"

Satou replied with a smile before he ordered enough for everyone to try it. The wobbly texture of the jellied broth was a big hit with the kids. Still, it didn't take long before something else caught their attention.

"Something smells good, sir,"

"Ooh, I'd know that smell anywhere! Someone's cooking with soy sauce," Arisa searched the area eagerly. "There it is. Squid teriyaki! Private Pochi, Private Tama, secure the suspects at once!"


"You're under arrest, sir,"

Tama, Pochi, and Arisa went running up to the stall. Mia followed them, drawn in by their enthusiasm dragging me along. She probably wouldn't be able to eat it. Pearl, Liza and Lulu followed the younger girls at a calmer pace.

"Hero Kura!"

Nana pulled on my arm. She tugged me in the opposite direction of the others, nearly causing Mia to trip. I wonder what she had found that caught her interest.

"Master?" Pearl noticed my absence at once.

"You can stay with the others if you prefer," I tell her. "We'll be back in just a minute."

Nana was pressing my arm into her chest in a way I warned her not to. It should be fine since we are both girls, but it would cause problems if she started grabbing strangers like this. She ended up leading me toward two ratfolk children that were right across the main street. But as it turned out, they weren't ratfolk at all. The look in their eyes and the slickness of their skin have me worried.

"The movement of those larvae does not compute. It is inefficient, yet I cannot look away, I report,"

The kids were what Nana wanted to see were cute but didn't look like they were healthy. They seemed afraid of us, too, when we approached. Just then, a single shout changed everything.

"Runaway horse! Get out of the way!"

Not far away, I heard screams, neighing, and the sounds of people and things being knocked over. Since we had just stepped back into the main street, I carried Mia over to the side of the road. I tried to take Nana too, but she resisted.

"Hero Kura! The larvae are in danger, I declare!"

There was a rare note of distress in Nana's monotone voice. Looking back into the crowd, I saw the two sealfolk children crouching underfoot in terror. A moment later, a large tigerfolk man accidentally tripped into the pair, kicking them both into the air.

"Larvae!" Nana cried, rushing into action.

Before I knew it, she had jumped out into the street. Somersaulting through the air, she landed clear on the other side of the crowd in a matter of moments. She must have used the Body Strengthening skill, though I'd never seen it invoked so quickly. At that exact moment, the tigerfolk man looked over his shoulder at the children he'd kicked. In a moment of poetic justice, the rampaging horse bolted down the street straight toward him. The horse collided with the tigerfolk man, sending him flying like a scene out of a manga.

I was worried for both the man and the horse, but first, I ran over to Nana, who was holding the two sealfolk kids in her arms. The two children are in more need of help.

"Master, master! The larvae are leaking liquid from their mouths. Emergency treatment is required, I request. Please hurry quickly, and with utmost urgency, I entreat!"

I quickly cast a healing spell taking care of their injuries, and whatever sickness afflicted them. But for some reason, I wasn't sure why. The crowd of onlookers who'd gathered around us all cheered. Sealfolk must be pretty popular. No wonder Nana found them so charming.

The rampaging horse had a Wings of Freedom member as its rider, so the guards quickly tied him up and took him away. I must ask Satou to check his map to locate other cult members. Just when I thought they were done too. I hope that was just a lone straggler who managed to escape capture, but if there are others, I will capture them tonight and hand them over to the guards.

The tigerfolk man was bloodstained and unconscious, but I didn't see any serious threat to his life, so I stood by as other tigerfolk carried him away. I didn't feel the need to heal him after what he did, so I didn't offer.


It looks like Mia and Nana handed the kids some treats. It is only some dried fruits and meat, but the sealfolk children are eating like its food worthy of the king.

"Hero Kura, I would like us to adopt these children, I propose,"

Nana held up the two sealfolk kids pleadingly. The sisters made no move to protest, still absorbed in eating the last crumbs of their food.


"Hero Kura, please reconsider,"

"Sorry, Nana,"

Nana pleadingly came closer, but I couldn't give in to her this time. But before long, the distant ringing of bells sent the children into a panic in Nana's arms. They struggled to break free much to Nana's distress as she struggled to keep hold of them. Ultimately, I had to order her to put the sealfolk children down. She hesitated a little, but seeing how frantic the kids were, she relented and put them down.

Nana didn't stay upset for long, though. It turned out the two sealfolk children were heading toward the rest of our group, so we followed behind them. The sealfolk kids led us to a plaza lined by seven temples, where various priests and volunteers fed the hungry. But there were plenty of familiar faces amongst the volunteers.

"Line up, line up?"

"Please get in line, sir! Cutting is a no-no, sir,"

Tama and Pochi were supervising the line. Mia ended up letting go of my hand and finding a spot beside a tree near the two girls. She started playing her leaf flute while staring at the crowd curiously. She probably already figured out we would be here for a while and started to help in her own way. Her tune immediately calmed the people starting to get impatient in the line.

"The line ends here. Please have your bowls ready and line up in three columns,"

"You there! Don't fight, or we'll send you to the back!"

Liza and Arisa were in charge of the end of the queue. The sealfolk kids joined the throng per their instructions. Nana moved to line up with them, and I put my hand lightly on her shoulder to stop her.

"Oh, there you are. What were you and Nana doing?"

"She wanted to protect those kids,"

I briefly explained to Arisa about the runaway horse situation.

"Is that right? Here I thought you went off to mess around together somewhere,"

I wish Arisa wouldn't make those kinds of jokes. Mia and a few people in line stared at me as her voice travelled further than I expected.

"So, how did you all end up helping with this soup kitchen line, anyway?"

"It just sort of happened, I guess? A bunch of beastfolk men were pushing through the line and causing a ruckus, so Pochi scolded them. Liza and the others had to take them down a notch when they tried to attack her. Next thing you know, we were volunteering to help with crowd control,"

"That's good, I guess. I take it everyone else is helping out in the booth?"

"An older lady was doing the serving, but she got injured while those jerks were causing trouble," Arisa shakes her head. "Satou caused a big commotion when he gave her a potion, but that lady drank it and is fine now. He ended up helping to serve with Lulu and Pearl after that."

I ended up helping out too. But since I was still in this torturous dress, those women who call it pretty won't be saying that if they had to wear it, I was not allowed to go anywhere near the food. But I found a way to be helpful. I went around the crowd curing sickness and injuries, with Nana bringing me plenty of children to treat. She still hasn't given up on adopting a child, though. I lost track of how often I had to tell her no today.

"Hero Kura,"

Sara smiled at me as she approached, wearing a pure-white shrine maiden-like outfit. I would struggle to believe she had died recently if I wasn't there. Sara looks like a perfectly healthy teenage girl.

"Good to see you again, Lady Sara,"

She has a pair of knights behind her, and the crowd parts to give us some space.

"So we meet again,"

Sara's voice was full of emotions, and her eyes caught mine and refused to let go.

"Well, I did promise you at the castle in Gururian City,"

"Of course, and you also… you also kept your other promise," Sara quickly bowed her head. "Thank yo…."

Unfortunately, she moved a little too fast and must not have fully recovered because she lost her balance. I don't know why her knights look so angry. It wasn't my fault she fell into my arms, or her face landed in my chest. I quickly help Sara back to her feet before those knights decide to punish me. Where's Satou? Shouldn't stuff like this only happen to him?

"I'm… I'm sorry… I tripped… I didn't…."

"It's fine," I assure Sara as her face turns bright red. "It was an accident."

"Yes… an accident…." Sara takes a moment to compose herself. "Anyway, like I was saying. Thank you for saving me."

This time she lowers her head more slowly and doesn't give her knights any reason to kill me. I can see several more scattered around the area.

"You don't have to thank me. I was just doing my job as a hero,"

"But I must," She's getting way too worked up over this as she steps closer. "Not only did you save my life, but I heard you slayed the demon lord and two greater hell demons single-handedly."

"Demon Lord!"


We were lucky Arisa was here to calm to crowd. She cast Calm Field on the crowd before Sara's words could spark a panic. I assure the crowd there is nothing to worry about as one of the knights reminds Sara she isn't meant to mention what happened. But I think we have Satou to thank for everything returning to normal. The tasty smell coming from the cooking area made everyone forget about the demon lord. Sara apologised to me again for her slip of the tongue, but she really didn't need to.

"Hero Kura, have you been treating the people here?"

Wisely Sara changes the subject while glancing around at the people. Plenty of people had cuts and bruises or some sickness, and even a few people had broken bones, so I treated them. I was surprised that so many children were among the wounded. But I think I have Nana to thank for that. She tirelessly searched the crowd for children in need.

"Yeah," I nod. "I spotted a few injured people and healed them."

"Allow me to thank you on behalf of the temple and those people for your kindness," I don't think I have done anything worthy of being thanked so much. "We were starting to turn people away from the temple who had come for treatment. Many of those people would have had to wait until tomorrow if it wasn't for you."

"It's fine. I'm happy to help out,"

"You truly are a kind soul," Sara smiles brightly. "Most people would have charged or demanded something from those people."

"Well, there is not really anything that I need…."

I need a way to keep that prince away from my friends and me, but I can't tell Sara that. Still, I wouldn't go charging these people for treatment. Most of them look like they don't have much money, to begin with.

Before long, the soup kitchen closed up for the day without too much difficulty. A few people were exclaiming about how the meat dumplings suddenly turned into gourmet cuisine partway through. Still, a glare from Liza silenced them before it turned into a riot. Satou needs to be more careful. It looks like his cooking is more dangerous than anyone expected.

"Helping out is great and all, but keep it in check next time!" Arisa chided him during the clean-up.

Because the priest in charge of collecting donations happened to be around at this moment, I gave them ten gold coins. His shocked expression left me thinking I had made a mistake. As it turned out, a knight like me usually donates a few silvers.

As I thought about all this, we finished cleaning up after the cooking. Everyone helped carry the equipment to the nearby Tenion Temple in the plaza. The temple where Holy Woman lived was in the nobles' quarter, so I didn't have a chance to see her.



Tama and Pochi made for an adorable sight as they hoisted a long table above their heads together.

"One-two, hup!" Arisa started directing them by waving a stick in the air.

"I'm sorry you wound up helping us clean, too,"

"It's no trouble at all, don't worry,"

"I have no problem helping out,"

Sara is appologising too much today. Even now, she is bowing her head as Satou and I help clean up the area. Lulu walked by carrying a heavy-looking stockpot as if it weighed next to nothing. Thanks to the benefits of levelling up, even Lulu was stronger than the average adult male now.

"Look up there!"

"It's Lady Ringrande!"

A pair of young temple knights exclaimed and pointed at the sky. This is turning out just as it had on the ship. I looked up to see a familiar flying wooden horse descending toward us as people pointed and cheered. But not everyone is happy.

"Sister Rin...."

Sara scrunched up her face in a childish pout. As the "Ringrande!" cheers started around us, Sara frowned and pulled me by the hand into the temple storehouse. Everyone else followed behind us, still holding the cooking equipment.

"Lady Sara, don't you want to greet your elder sister?"

"N… not, really. I left the house of Duke Ougoch, after all...."

Satou tried to mediate between the sisters, but Sara wasn't having any of it. I guess she really wasn't too fond of her older sister.

"Sara! There you are!"

Bursting through the temple door and into the storehouse, Lady Ringrande called out to Sara with a huge smile. Lady Ringrande seemed to love her little sister. I wonder what could have happened between them.

"You've gotten so big since I last saw you! You used to be so small… Oh? Is that Satou… and… Hero Kura…?"

Lady Ringrande stopped in the middle of her attempt at friendly conversation with her sister and stared at me. Then her eyes flicked over my hand, still joined with Sara's. Arisa's quiet jokes and Mia's intense, reproachful stare probably drew her attention. The rest of the group had already returned to help with the equipment. Arisa and Mia are the only ones left.

"K… Hero Kura… you're awfully close with my sister, aren't you?"

"Hero Kura... Have you and Sister Rin met before?"

Lady Ringrande and Sara both gazed intently at me. I couldn't keep my heart from pounding at being interrogated by the two sisters. Still, I manage to keep calm and answer them.

"I met with Lady Ringrande when she briefly landed on the ship we took to the old capital," I answer Sara first. "And then again at the duke's castle."

"Come now, why be so reserved after our exciting encounter on that ship?"

Why did she have to say it like that? Lady Ringrande's answer is something I would expect from Nana and was just begging to be misinterpreted.

"E… E… exciting encounter...?" Sara repeated.

She was starting to glare at her sister like a mortal enemy for some reason. I don't want to be responsible for Sara drifting further away from her loving sister, so I added more information.

"Yes, we had a sparing match on the deck,"

"Yes, and then we dined together. Satou treated us to some of his delicious cooking, remember? It was on par with the cuisine of the royal castle or the Saga Empire's imperial court."

Lady Ringrande added. She should have just stayed quiet. Sara was just looking relieved, and Lady Ringrande just undid my efforts.

"W… was it, by any chance, that transparent soup...?"

"No, that takes much too long to make,"

"I see...."

Satou's reply seems to put Sara at ease. Her expression softened again, and her grip on my hand relaxed slightly.

"Transparent soup? Is that the consommé soup that Father asked you to make for the next evening party?"

Satou nodded his head at Lady Ringrande's question. But it brings me down. I've also been invited to that dinner party, and the prince will be there. I hope I can blend into the crowd so we don't meet. But my gut tells me that won't be happening.

"An evening party, you say...?"

Sara furrowed her brow, conflicted. She probably wanted to eat it, but since she'd relinquished her status as a noble, she might have difficulty participating in the party. Satou would make some for her if she wanted him to.

"I was thinking of bringing consommé soup next time I visit the Tenion Temple. Do you think the head priestess and everyone would like it?"

But Satou was one step ahead of me, offering to cook for Sara.

"Yes, of course! I'm sure they'll all be thrilled!" She enthusiastically accepted Satou's offer.

I didn't think the head priestess could eat much, but she should be able to handle some soup. But this time, Lady Ringrande acted a little sullen at being left out.

"Satou, are you after my sister? Sara left home to join the temple because she didn't like living as a noble. You'll have to fight me first if you're trying to use her to get ahead in society!"

"Sister Rin!"

Sara's lovely eyes widened at her sister's challenge. Lady Ringrande must really like her sister because she looks ready to strike.

"Lady Ringrande, there is no need to worry about such things. I consider Lady Sara a dear friend, but I would never harbour such high aspirations," Smartly Satou added. "And I don't want to get ahead in society, either."

"I see... Very well, then,"

Lady Ringrande didn't seem entirely convinced. She was probably still sorting out her emotions. Sara, meanwhile, smiled bashfully when she heard the words, dear friend. As the granddaughter of a duke and a chosen Oracle priestess, she most likely rarely found friendships.

"I'll believe you, at least for now. So, how did you get so close to Sara, anyway?"

"I was appointed to be Lady Sara's guide along with Kura during her visit to the Muno Barony, and we eventually became close after that," Satou answered.

"Close...." Lady Ringrande had the wariness of a mother bear protecting its young as she muttered the word.

"Kura…." Meanwhile, Sara looks suspiciously between Satou and me as she softly says my name.

"Lady Sara! Come quickly! The prince! His Highness Prince Sharorik draws near!"

A priestess suddenly burst into the room, but I didn't pay much attention after hearing what she said. What is that idiot doing here? Is he mad that I didn't wait for him like he asked, or is he here for Lady Ringrande? Don't tell me he is here for Sara. But what could that dangerous prince possibly want with Sara?