Chapter 59

"We're almost at Labyrinth City, right?"

"Almost there,"

As Arisa played with her soft lavender locks, Satou quickly responded. The other passengers in the carriage also appeared to share her excitement.

"Mm. Excited,"

Mia's gaze was fixed on the outside scenery as she hummed a melodious tune. When she finally turned to face me, her youthful features were adorned with a joyful smile. Her light-blue pigtails swayed in the air, revealing her pointed elf ears.


Mia's hair thrashed wildly in the jam-packed carriage as she moved about, but with her white hair and cat ears, Tama gracefully dodged it all. Her attire included a combination of leather armour and a vibrant pink ensemble.

"Ouchie, sir,"

The stray pigtail accidentally smacked into the brunette's dog-eared Pochi, causing her to let out an exaggerated whimper. Despite her attire being a different colour, it still matched Tama's.


"No problem at all, sir!"

Pochi smiled at the apologetic Mia.


Lulu beckoned for Satou, prompting him to unlatch the hatch and peer out at the coachman's stand. I caught sight of her. Her luscious black locks danced beneath her veil. It was absurd for anyone in this world to consider her anything less than beautiful. Lulu wore her veil not to obscure her face but to shield her delicate hair and skin from the harsh elements of the sun and dust.

"There is a caravan stopped up ahead, I report,"

Nana, always straight-faced, delivered this monotonous statement. Despite her appearance as a buxom beauty, she is actually a homunculus who is less than a year old. Perched on a dinosaur, a raptor-like creature, she bounced rhythmically, reminding me of my own shortcomings.

"Would you like Nana and me to go on ahead and investigate?"

Perched on the other side of the carriage was Liza of the orangescale tribe, her figure exuding an air of boldness as she rode on another runosaur. Despite her unique features, such as a scaly tail and the orange scales adorning her neck, wrists, and other areas, she appeared pretty human-like.

"Wait a second,"

Satou used his cheat 'Map' skill to investigate the caravan. From what I can see, it is a group of approximately thirty individuals, with their luggage being transported by pack animals that look like dear, travelling together. The carriages were being drawn by deer-like creatures equivalent in size to young elephants. Satou would later report these creatures were a mixture of dulldeer, littlehorn deer and greathorn deer.

"They don't look like they are going to attack us,"

Riding a horse, Pearl comments with her long white rabbit ears coated in dust from the long ride. Used a longscope to get a better look.

"Are they in trouble?"

Turning to Pearl with concern in her voice, Sara, a priestess of Tenion Temple and a daughter of the Ougoch family. She nearly lost her veil in a sudden gust of wind, causing her blonde hair to flow out from underneath.

"They look like they are okay," I assure her.

"...Looks like that's the princess of the Nolork Kingdom and company,"

Satou reported after checking them out.

"Huh. All the way from the edge of the west? Could it be a bridal procession?"

Curiously, Arisa peeked out. According to her later explanation, Nolork was situated in the heart of the continent and accompanied by numerous smaller nations. A vast and unforgiving desert could be found to the west, thus earning the term 'edge of the west.' Nolork lay beyond the northern reaches of the Eluette Marquisate, itself situated just north of Labyrinth City.

"Explorers?" Mia looked at me, but I could only shrug.

"I doubt it. Those small kingdoms would never let a young woman move up in the world,"

Instead of me, it was Arisa who replied. She had once been a princess of the Kuvork Kingdom, but due to societal norms, she was not allowed to have a tutor. Despite this setback, she persevered and taught herself the language of their land and even some magic.

"But Lalakie was ruled by a queen, so I guess it really depends on the location and era, even in this world,"

My mind flashed back to the recent happenings along the sugar trade path in the southern oceans. It felt like only yesterday that we had come across Rei, a lost soul with no memory, on the Seadragon Islands and embarked on a journey through the exotic tropical regions.

Although I wished to bring Rei and her adopted sister, Yuuneia, along with us, it was best for them to remain in the southern islands. Due to Rei's delicate health, being in labyrinths or crowded places would be detrimental to her well-being. Despite the distance, Satou and I could stay connected with Rei through the use of the Space Magic spell Telephone, speaking to her almost every day. This constant communication made it feel like she was always close by.

My nostalgic thoughts were interrupted as the grains of sand in the wind jolted me back to reality.

"Must be wind from the desert," Satou muttered.

"A desert?" Lulu asked.

"Yes, there's a large desert past the ridge you can see beyond Labyrinth City,"

While riding in our carriage, we passed through a narrow road flanked by sparse, spiky plants known as 'veria.' These prickly plants resembled a cross between aloe and cacti and were commonly found in the basin surrounding Labyrinth City. However, a region inhabited by aggressive plant creatures known as evil veria lay beyond the ridge. If we met, these monstrous beings would supposedly tower above us, resembling enormous and menacing flora.

"Oh, so that's why the air seems so dry,"

"Mm. Not enough moisture,"

As Mia and Arisa continued on ahead of me, I gently swept the sand from Mia's hair. Then, I averted my gaze from the distant horizon and focused on the path in front of us. The imposing walls of Labyrinth City stood tall and thick, leaving a lasting impact. Flanked by massive, stone-faced statues, the city's gates were an impressive sight.


"Wow, sir,"

Tama and Pochi peeked out from inside the carriage.


"So big, sir!"

The duo stared at the stone statues that were seated nearby. Although seated, their heads remained in line with the towering thirty-foot wall.

"Those are stone golems, I report,"

"They look quite strong. I do not know if even my Magic Spear would work. I think the best way would be to hit them with magic first, then..."

Upon hearing Nana's remark, Liza's mind immediately went to work, devising a strategic plan.

"Oh man, now it really feels real! Soon, I'll make my debut as an adventurer!"

Arisa braced herself against the strong gusts, her body visibly quivering. It was apparent from her trembling form that she was overcome with excitement.

"Kura," Mia tugged on my arm.

"It's a big silver coin, sir,"


Mia retrieved a silver medallion from her Fairy Pack on a delicate metal chain. I've seen it before. Mia's mother told me it was the key to the Ivy Manor. But I don't remember her giving it to Mia.

"What kind of medal is that?"

"Mm, certification medallion. From Gillil,"

Gillil was the house fairy responsible for managing Trazayuya's research facility located within the Bolenan Forest. After consuming dragonspring liquor with Gillil, I believe he mentioned his time residing in Labyrinth City while serving as Trazayuya's assistant. He must have given the key to Mia since she is Trazayuya's granddaughter.

"Is this maybe the key to the house where the elves lived when they were staying in Labyrinth City?"

"Mm," Mia nodded.

"Wow, so it's a key? It's almost like a magic tool. There are even Elvish letters on the back," During our stay in the elf village, Arisa had mastered the basics of reading Elvish. As expected, her thirst for knowledge was insatiable. "Let's see... Well, this one means 'magic.' The next one might be 'flow'?"

Absentmindedly, Arisa whispered to herself, directing a stream of magic towards the medal.

"...Ah!" Mia stretched out her hand in alarm.

"Hmm? Should I not have done that?"

Arisa swiftly halted her magic, although it seemed to be a bit late, given the audible consequences.


"The statues of Celivera are moving!"

"R… run awaaaaay!"

"We'll be cruuuushed!"

In the distance, there was a sudden uproar among the inhabitants of the Nolork Kingdom. As we looked to see what had happened, we saw that the two golems stationed at the gate had come to life and were marching towards us.

"Master, this looks bad!"

From her perch atop the coachman's stand, Lulu cried out. While her concern may have been caused by the golems, there was an additional issue to contend with. Without warning, the dulldeer used by the people of the Nolork Kingdom bolted into the sandy and barren lands of Veria, bringing their human companions with them. The mighty littlehorn deer also joined in the stampede, causing chaos as they toppled carriages in their haste to escape. A knight and their squire miraculously maintained control over their greathorn deer.

But the golems ignored the chaos. They just bent down on one knee. They showed their respect by humbly bowing.

"Look! Nurse! The guardians of Celivera have come to welcome us, no?"

"Be careful, Princess,"

A little girl eagerly stood beside a toppled carriage, animatedly gesturing towards the golems. Perched on a quilt, it seemed as though she had been enjoying a leisurely break outside the carriage. Thankfully, it appeared that nobody had been harmed in the chaos of the fallen carriages.

"Master, we have been awaiting your arrival,"

"Master, we celebrate your return,"

Two voices speaking Elvish were coming from the medallion Arisa was holding.

"Did this cause that, by any chance?"

"Mm. Gimme,"

Arisa timidly poked her head out from the safety of Satou's embrace to be met with a nod of approval from Mia. She gingerly took the medallion from Arisa and bravely raised it towards the looming golems. I swear Arisa would use any excuse to jump into Satou's arms.

"I speak for thy master. We appreciate thy greetings deeply. However, thy duties are of utmost import, so ye must make haste to return to thy posts,"



Mia uttered words in the language of the elves into the medallion, causing the golems to return to their designated seats immediately. Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be words etched onto the back of the medallion. It was evident that Mia was reciting these inscriptions to the golems, guiding their obedient actions.

"Sorry for being so careless,"

"Just read the instructions first next time,"

After giving Arisa a warning, I climbed down from the cart. The citizens of the Nolork Kingdom were still in disarray, even though the golems had returned to their positions. It was my responsibility to calm them down. I had to offer assistance to the injured and lend them a carriage if their own were irreparable.


"Oh-ho? It dost lack aplomb, but this is quite a refined and well-made cart, no?"

The Nolork Kingdom's Princess Meetia appeared fascinated, observing the interior of our carriage. With her captivating, wide eyes, it was amusing to witness her ever-changing expressions. Despite appearing around the same age as Arisa, she was actually fourteen, the same as Lulu. Her youthful appearance was enhanced by her two short, curly pigtails, giving her a childlike demeanour. It was surprising to think she was only a year younger than me.

The princess and her elderly nursemaid joined us on our carriage, exceeding our usual occupancy. This forced Tama and Pochi to ride with Liza and Nana on the runosaurs. Despite this, the space inside was still a bit tight, causing Satou to relocate to the coachman's stand, with Mia sitting on my lap. As we rode, a knight and a young squire girl flanked us on both sides, acting as our protectors.

"Thank you for your assistance, sir! I am Ravna, knight of the Nolork Kingdom!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ravna. I am Satou Pendragon, hereditary knight of the Muno Barony in the Shiga Kingdom,"

I can hear Satou now speaking with the Nolork knight as the squire quietly introduced herself as Ryula.

"This is quite a comfortable carriage, no?"

"It certainly is, princess. This must be the technology of a large kingdom,"

I could also hear Princess Meetia and her nursemaid praising the carriage. After switching off the low-capacity skypower engine that reduced vibration carriages to zero. Surprisingly, the simple suspension and handmade cushions provided enough comfort to make the experience luxurious.

"Are you here to become an explorer, too, Princess?" Arisa asked politely.

To hide her purple locks, which were believed by many to bring misfortune, she donned a blonde wig.

"That is…"


"...Yes, thou need not remind me. I jest, of course. We have come to cure the viceroy's daughter of her ailment,"

"Is the viceroy's daughter's condition serious?" Sara asks.

"I hear her illness is persistent, and so far, no one has been able to cure her, but fear not. I do bear the divine protection of Heraluon. I can simply breathe upon the ill and make them well. Impressive, no?"

The Breath of Purification bestowed upon the princess seemed quite advantageous. As our journey progressed, I observed that most of the chatter within the carriage revolved around Sara, Arisa, the princess, and me, with Mia remaining silent. More so than ushall.

"Thy young lass is a quiet one, no?"

"Yes, Mia is rather shy, you see,"

"Am not," Mia mumbled at last.

"Ah, so finally thou shall look upon me, n… What's this?!"

Princess's tone suddenly shifted, becoming strange as her gaze fixated on Mia.

"Why, thou art an elf, no?! Please forgive my rudeness. I am the sixth princess of the Nolork Kingdom, Meetia Nolork,"

"I am the youngest elf of Bolenan Forest, Misanaria Bolenan, daughter of Lamisauya and Lilinatoa,"

In the small carriage, the princess bowed her head while Mia gave a grateful nod. It had slipped my mind that she tended to appear distant towards those who did not properly introduce themselves.

"Bolenan! Then thou must be kin to the sage Lord Trazayuya, no?!"

"Sage?" The excitable princess left Mia feeling completely bewildered.

"Surely, then, you will be travelling to the Ivy Manor built by the sage himself, no?"

"Mrrr..." Mia hesitated.

"Our master is the one who decides where we will stay, so we aren't yet sure whether we will be going to this Ivy Manor," Arisa responded.

"I suppose I have heard that only elves can reach the gates of the Ivy Manor, no?" The princess seemed to know a lot about Labyrinth City.

"Have you been to Labyrinth City before, Princess?" I asked.

"No, this is my first time leaving my kingdom. I learned much about Labyrinth City from my elder brother, who trained there for a time,"

Princess Meetia revealed that the inhabitants of the Nolork Kingdom would regularly journey to Celivera to obtain Nolork thorns, a crucial element in their monster-repellent formula. Additionally, they would frequently hone their skills in the labyrinth before returning home.

While in the midst of listening in on the conversation, we reached the gates of Labyrinth City. A chaotic swarm of onlookers had gathered, likely due to the recent movement of the towering golems. However, we were able to navigate through the entry formalities and enter the city without much difficulty.

"Where might you be headed?"

The viceroy's official residence, which doubled as a government office, was on the left side of the large plaza beyond the gate. To the right was the explorers' guild. About three hundred feet along the main road straight ahead was the viceroy's personal dwelling, a palace surrounded by ramparts.

"I was informed that the viceroy would prepare a room for us in his guesthouse, but it would be rude to barge in without a prior introduction. We should go to the office and make our arrival known before we visit,"

The rigid knight directed her horse towards the left. Outside the government office, where we parked our carriage, she entered alongside Sara, Satou, and me. My task was to deliver a letter. Rayleigh, the viceroy's second son, whom we had saved from being lost at sea, had provided us with a letter of introduction to his father. Additionally, I had written a welcoming note of my own.

Typically, it would be considered impolite for a viceroy to neglect to greet a noble visitor. However, I wrote a greeting due to the viceroy and his wife's absence from Celivera. Rayleigh claims that the substitute viceroy was a distinguished noble of exceptional rank and influence from the royal capital, as for his other family members. While Rayleigh's older siblings resided in the old capital, his younger siblings made their home in the bustling Labyrinth City.

"Princess Meetia of the Nolork Kingdom, you say?" The middle-aged clerk's confusion grew as he gazed at the knight. In response, the female knight gave a short nod, her expression revealing her discontent. "Please wait a moment while we ready a reception room," The clerk sent an aide to prepare a room while he looked over a schedule. "...I'm afraid her name isn't on this list. Please go confirm with Acting Viceroy Sokell."

"Sir Sokell has not come to the office yet..."

"Again?! The viceroy and his wife cannot come back soon enough... I'm sure Sokell's at a brothel. Bring him back, even if it's on a leash!"

It appeared that Sokell had not been fulfilling his duties, causing them to be unprepared for Princess Meetia's arrival. However, a staff member arrived after some time to inform them that the reception room was now prepared.

"We'll take our leave here, then,"

Now that we had escorted Princess Meetia to her destination, I assumed it was time for our group to continue our journey.

"What? Thou art already leaving, Lady Kura? I still wish to speak more with Arisa and Lady Misanaria,"

"Princess, you must not trouble them too much," The nursemaid gently scolded.

"Princess Meetia, you are staying in Labyrinth City as well, correct? In that case, we can meet again anytime. Once we have found a place to stay, we'll be sure to contact you," Satou gently tells her.

As Princess Meetia and her entourage reluctantly made their way to the reception room, we turned our attention to the ticket window in order to speak with an official. Observing our presence, the middle-aged clerk quickly darted outside.

"Has the princess been offended in some way?"

"No, no, I am simply here to deliver a letter for the viceroy,"

As I reassured the clerk, I pulled a sealed, cloth-wrapped package from my breast pocket. It contained my letter of greeting and the letter from the viceroy's second son, Rayleigh. Satou could be here with me, but after seeing the princess off, he returned to the rest of our group outside. The clerk's demeanour was one of careful politeness as he accepted the letters, carefully placing them onto a delicately crafted tray. Then, suddenly, his shoulders twitched.

"...Dalton, are these ladies the reason you dragged me in here on my day off?"

As I heard an overbearing voice from behind, it compelled me to rotate my body. Standing before me was a youthful man, approximately in his twenties, his attractive features contorted with dissatisfaction as he scrutinised me. It was none other than the acting viceroy, Sokell.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir. I am Sara, Oracle Priestess of the Tenion Temple,"

Sara gracefully curtsied and gave her introduction. Still, Sokell's eyes never stopped glaring at me. I don't know what I could have done to offend him, but he already looks like he hates me. This is going to be annoying.

"I am…"

"I know who you are," Sokell growls. "You're that traitorous scum who pretends to be a hero and made a mockery of His Highness!"

"There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding..."

I don't have any problems with the royal… no wait… is he talking about that pervy prince who saw me as nothing but a trophy? Prince Sharorik, whom I had encountered in the old capital. There is no other royal I have offered. This really is going to be annoying if Sokell is friends with that scum.

"It's because of you that His Highness lost the Holy Sword Claidheamh Soluis and his position with the Eight Swordsmen of Shiga!"

"You have no idea what happened in the old capital, do you? Prince Sharorik lost Claidheamh Soluis and his position with the Shiga Eight Swordsmen because of his own stupidity. If he had worked with everyone and not tried to attack a Greater Hell Demon by himself, then nothing would have happened to him,"

"Making excuses, eh?! You lousy… Is this a letter? First, you smooth talk the king; now you come after the viceroy?!"

While ranting, Sokell snatched my letters from the clerk's tray, brandishing them with fury. The clerk and other officials recoiled at his impoliteness. While my letter was insignificant, I wished he would refrain from crumpling the one from Rayleigh to the viceroy.

"Excuse me, but everything Hero Kura said is the truth," Sara came to my defence. "I was there that day and saw everything that transpired myself."

"You're no better!" But Sokell's rage only grows. "You should have just married His Highness like he wanted instead of hiding in your temple."

"Excuse me, that letter is…"

Sokell looked like he was about to rip the letters to pieces. As I was about to mention that one of the letters came from the viceroy's son, my statement was interrupted by a third party.

"That is quite enough, indeed,"

A portly and affable elderly nobleman emerged, speaking in an unusual way. He showed a clear preference for the colour emerald green, as every article of clothing, accessory, and possession he had was a matching hue. Impressively, he even sported green lipstick and nail polish. Although his peculiar method of concluding sentences was somewhat reminiscent, it would have required him to hide from Satou, who would have undoubtedly been aware if he were a demon or under its control. I regret my impoliteness in assuming he was a demon simply because of his frequent use of the word 'indeed.'

"Counselor Poputema!"

As the green-clad noble entered the room, the middle-aged clerk visibly relaxed. However, Sokell's expression twisted into a scowl, indicating his apparent disdain for the man.

"You mustn't handle a letter like that so savagely, indeed," The noble extracted the letter from Sokell's hands. "Fear not. I will be sure to convey this to the viceroy, indeed."

"Thank you very much,"

I noticed that Counselor Poputema's smile did not fully reflect in his eyes, but I didn't let it bother me. My main concern was ensuring that Rayleigh's letter reached his parents, so I simply expressed my gratitude with a bow. Even if I have a strong feeling in my gut that this guy can't be trusted. There is just something about him, but I can do nothing without proof.

"Hmph. I've had quite enough of this,"

Frustrated with being constantly disregarded, Sokell stormed off to the reception room in a fit of anger. Although I was concerned about Princess Meetia having to handle such a difficult man, she was accompanied by her strict lady knight and caregiver. I was confident that she could handle the situation without any problems.

I apologised to the counsellor and other officials for the chaotic situation and then excused myself. However, I couldn't help but wonder who would select someone as impolite and easily agitated as Sokell to serve as acting viceroy. I hope he doesn't cause trouble for us during our time in the city. I have to ask Satou to keep an eye on him.


"Hey, we should go to the guild first and sign up to be adventurers!" Arisa's excitement was palpable as we exited the office and settled back into the carriage as she bounced around with joy. "And then, and then! We'll start off as F-rank adventurers! And then some nasty mid-level adventurers will be all, 'This ain't a job for little girlies, got it?' and then we'll smack them down on the spot! And then, once we've got everyone's attention, we'll go into the labyrinth and get results no one would ever expect from a bunch of newbies, and it'll freak out the reception lady. Then there'll be a part from a super-rare monster in our spoils or something, and we'll get called to the guildmaster's office, and they'll promote us to C rank or B rank all in one go!"

As Arisa finished her daydream, she was panting heavily. The younger crowd erupted into a round of applause.

"Master, shall I take us to the explorers' guild?" Lulu giggled.

"Sure, please do,"

Soon enough, our carriage came to a stop behind the explorers' guild, right next to the viceroy's residence. The parking lot was quite spacious, and a guild employee directed us to an available spot. As we stepped down from the carriage, our attention was caught by a charming young girl, possibly the staff member's daughter, who was caring for the horses.

"Nana, we need to go inside,"

"Hero Kura, let me wait here, I insist,"

"You need to come with us to register. I can give you some sweets to give to her as thanks her when we leave,"

"Understood, I will make sure the Larva is properly rewarded, I vow,"

Nana still looked like she wanted to stay but followed us toward the entrance without any complaints.

"I'm going in!"

Arisa shouted as she dashed to the entrance, followed closely by Pochi, Tama, and Mia.


"Wait up, sir!"

"No fair,"

Liza and Pearl went ahead with them to keep an eye on the younger kids, while Satou hired some kids to watch our carriage while we were gone. It didn't take us long to catch up with Arisa and the others inside.

Despite the summer day's scorching heat, the guild's interior was pleasantly cool. The marble flooring gave it the appearance of a grand corporate lobby. To the right of the entrance, a staff member and a group of affluent merchants were engaged in a conference. Walking further in, a counter resembling a bank was equipped with eight reception windows but only two receptionists. One was a professional-looking woman in her late twenties, while the other was a strikingly handsome man in his early thirties. Arisa and our companions conversed with the female receptionist. The male receptionist observed them with a smirk.

"Hurry, hurry!"


"Over here, sir!"


Enthusiastic as ever, the younger girls beckoned us to the counter, where the receptionist greeted us with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Sir Knight. My name is Kehna, and I'll be taking care of you today. I understand you would like to register. Are you looking for a regular or a special registration?"

None of the elf instructors or adventurers I had become acquainted with during my time in the old capital had mentioned anything about this. I could only assume that Arisa had already informed them of Satou's knighthood. However, it would be in my best interest if she didn't disclose my own title. Though the guild was currently quiet, I couldn't shake off the feeling that if news of my identity were to spread, it would be impossible for me to find a moment of peace in this city.

"What's the difference between the two?"

"With a special registration, you can immediately receive your gold badge, which identifies you as an explorer. Unlike regular registration, there is a fee, but the gold badge is a magic tool that periodically broadcasts your exact location back to us. If you register your intended return time when you enter the labyrinth, a rescue party can use that signal to come retrieve you if you have not returned after a certain grace period,"

I am not interested in broadcasting my location. Plus, the fact that the location signal is only sent a few times a day makes me believe it is primarily for the collection of remains rather than rescuing anyone. So I don't object when Satou answers…

"We don't intend to stray too far into the labyrinth, so we'll stick with regular registration, please,"

"Certainly, sir. Now, may I have all your names, please?"

We didn't have to present any documents for some reason, and I was curious why.

"You don't need to see any identification?"

"No, we only need a name for initial registration. There are a small amount of explorers who prefer to use an alias or false name,"

The level of strictness surrounding these rules seemed lax. The labyrinth functioned much like a nationally owned mine, generating valuable resources, leading me to be taken aback by their lack of thorough entry control. But they probably have measures in place to prevent thieves and smugglers.

"So, are these elven names correct?"

As Satou was about to confirm this, someone else charged in.

"Wait! Allow me to register, too, no?!"

Princess Meetia, who should have been at the government office, was swiftly approaching us.

"Isn't Lady Ravna with you, Princess?"

"She engaged herself in a fight with a rude noble. I took the opportunity to sneak here and register. Clever, no?"

It was troubling to see that the knight Ravna had become so engrossed in her argument that she failed to prevent her ward from escaping. At least Princess Meetia didn't manage to get lost or injured along the way.

"But won't you be scolded for registering without permission?"

"I will be an adult next year, no? And mine father said he would allow me to register if I do nothing else. Therefore, all should be fine, no?"

As long as she obtains permission from her guardian, then I suppose it is acceptable. Satou must have thought so, too, because he turned to the staff member.

"Please register Lady Meetia here, too, then," Placing a pouch with the right amount of coins on the table, Satou whispered, "A gold badge for Her Highness, please."

I was sure that a princess couldn't settle for a standard ID. Therefore, if Princess Meetia ever managed to escape her guards and venture into the labyrinth, they would be able to locate her using the signal from the golden badge.

"Certainly, sir,"

The receptionist inquired about the princess's complete name, age, and planned destination for the duration of her visit. These details were meticulously noted in a registry book, a significant deviation from the registration process that only required a name that we went through.

"It will take some time to produce the gold badge, so we will have it sent to the viceroy's guesthouse tomorrow,"

"Perfect! I thank thee," The princess nodded gleefully.

"Your Highness!"

With a fierce expression, a knight stormed into the building, her speed and strength so powerful that the door almost crumbled before her.

"That was fast, no? I expected no less of thee, Ravna..." She must have noticed the princess had gone and come to retrieve her. The princess grumbled. "...but thou could have given me a little longer, no?"

"Come with me, please, Your Highness,"

"Very well. Arisa, Lady Misanaria… we shall meet again, no? And, Sir Satou, I thank thee for thine assistance,"

After expressing her gratitude for the man's role in taking them to Labyrinth City, her second round of thanks likely pertained to his generosity in covering the cost of the gold badge. Once we escorted the princess and her companions to the exit, we returned to the staff member.

"My apologies for the interruption,"

"Oh, it's no trouble,"

Once Satou apologised, we continued the procedure.

"Here are your wood badges," She handed us small, thin sheets of wood with a string attached to each. They had been branded with today's date and a three-digit identification number. "For the time being, this is your identification as an explorer. Wood badges are for novice explorers; if you enter the labyrinth and return with five or more monster cores per person, you will become official explorers and receive your bronze badges."

The identification badges came in five types: wood, bronze, garnet, mithril, and gold. Garnet badges were for mid-level explorers who could consistently bring back a certain number of cores each month. In contrast, mithril badges were awarded only to top-notch explorers who could defeat an areamaster. The gold badge, as had already been explained, was for nobles or anyone else wealthy enough to freely pay the fee.

"Please be aware that if you cannot bring back a single core within two months, the wood badge will no longer be valid,"

Their plan was to eliminate all those who were solely interested in obtaining an identification badge from the sounds of it.

"So now that we've got these badges, does that mean we can go into the labyrinth?"

"Yes, you can," The receptionist smiled and nodded. "But make sure you prepare with supplies and equipment first, all right?"

"Yes, ma'am!"


"Of course, sir!"


The guild hall was buzzing with the exuberant voices of the younger crew. They were clearly itching to venture into the labyrinth, and waiting until the next day was not an option for them. Seeing their eagerness, we agreed to sneak a quick peek inside the labyrinth after we found accommodations for ourselves and a safe spot to house our horses and carriage. But while everyone went to find an inn, Sara and I headed off on our own.


Sara and I arrived at the Tenion Temple. From the outside, it looked like a grand palace, with tall pillars and intricate carvings adorning its walls. As we made our way through the temple gates, my eyes were greeted by a sight that took me by surprise. The temple was filled with attractive priests and priestesses adorned in dazzling and intricate attire. Their presence emanated a sense of tranquillity and grace, even if some of them gave visitors the exact look I have seen women of the night give.

As we continued walking through the temple, admiring the vibrant colours and intricate details, I noticed Sara looked disappointed. She stared at a group of young orphaned children running and playing around. Their laughter echoed through the halls.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there,"

Sara nodded to the back of the temple, where a group of priests and priestesses were gathered around a group of children. As we got closer, I realised they were sorting through the orphans and only accepting the good-looking ones into the temple's orphanage. My heart sank at the sight. These innocent children, who had already suffered the loss of their families, were now being judged solely on their appearance.

"I heard that this was common practice here, but I didn't believe it,"

"Peace be with you. It is a great honour to have an Oracle Priestess visit our humble halls,"

Before I could say a word, the head priest of the temple approached us. He gives a bow to Sara, who introduces herself, then me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you,"

"My, what an honour it is. An Oracle Priestess and a hero have graced our temple with their presence. How can we be of service?" The priest gestures to two muscular knights wearing armour that leaves little to the imagination. "We have plenty of handsome knights who are skilled combatants if that is what you require. They are pure-hearted, dutiful and very good-looking."

He was putting a lot of emphasis on the "very good-looking" part as the two knights struck a pose. Part of me was starting to doubt this really was a temple. The situation was making Sara and myself very uncomfortable. The knights were both level twenty and had combat skills, but I also noticed skills like 'Lover's Talk', 'Sex Technique' and 'Seduction' listed there as well.

"I'm sorry, but we didn't come here seeking any services," Sara smiled even though I could see her anger hidden behind that angelic smile. "We merely came here today to make a greeting, and I wanted to inquire about any soup kitchens and charitable healing the temple offers."

The priest's stare lingered on us as if we were strange beings. Sara's inquiry appeared to be a mundane topic to me. It was her habit to ask the same question whenever we settled in a town for an extended stay. She would often help out in her spare time with whatever charitable deeds the temple was doing.

"I'm sorry, but we currently aren't running any of those things right now," The priest replied after taking a moment to collect himself. "We do offer meals to those willing to help out around the temple, but that is it."

"I see…" Sara looked like she wanted to say something more but stopped herself. "Thank you for your time, but I think it is time we take our leave now."

Sara and I bid farewell to the head priest and exited. I still struggle to believe it was a temple, but I can see the sign clearly telling me it was the Tenion Temple. I hope the others aren't like that one and are willing to help everyone, not just those blessed with good looks.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Sara says once we put the temple behind us. "I heard rumours about that place but didn't want to believe they were true."

"You don't have to apologise," I tell her. "Nothing that happened there was your fault."

"I was hoping I could help some of the people here,"

"I know,"

People are sleeping in alleys and stumbling past us, looking like they haven't eaten in days. Despite everyone's excitement, this place isn't looking so great. But there is little we can do. Sara and I could hand out food to people we pass, treat their wounds but that wouldn't be able to help everyone.

"But there is nothing we can do until the viceroy returns," I sigh. "When we meet them, we can ask permission to set up soap kitchens and look into housing orphans."

"I hope they will be willing to help,"

I doubt the acting viceroy, Sokell, would listen to us. Still, hopefully, the real viceroy will be much more kinder and compassionate than Sokell.


"This is a nicer room than I expected,"

At the suggestion of the explorers' guild, Satou secured luxurious accommodations for us at The Blade of Glory, a renowned high-end inn. We will be staying there for five days and six nights. Renowned for its exceptional horse and carriage services and delicious lamb offerings, the inn had earned a reputation for excellence.

Two buildings stood separated from one another, one exclusively for humans and the other housing both humans and demi-humans. This division likely served the purpose of preventing any hostilities between the two groups.

Although it may seem steep, two rooms came at a cost of four gold coins per night. However, the price may have been more reasonable when considering the number of people it was accommodating, eleven in total.

"Call me once you've changed into your armour, all right? I'll go have some tea at the café by the lobby while I wait,"

I used my 'Quick Change' skill so I could talk to Satou about the situation at the temples while we waited. Hopefully, I can use his cheat mapping skills to locate the people most needing help. It still won't solve the bigger problem, but it should be a big help in aiding the people of this city.

We all got new armour for the labyrinth. Well, apart from Satou, who is still wearing the same gear I first saw him in back when we first met. My new armour set was pretty much the same as my last set, only more refined. It was still made up of a mixture of the incredibly sturdy hide of the giant monster fish Tobkezerra but with the mithril plates replaced with ones made from adamantite. But the magic properties require less MP to use, and I added a thin layer of orichalcum underneath to protect from Holy Sword-class attacks.

To top it off, I even added more magical properties to the armour with Satou's help. Before, I only had the 'Air Cushion' attached to my boots to remove fall damage and the 'Danger Sense' skill built into my helmet. I have added the 'Telephone' spell to the helmet and the 'Light Stun' spell built into my gloves. It should make capturing bandits a whole lot easier now.

Needless to say, my armour is showy. Shinny and fancy looking. Even now, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Satou and I followed the usual method of drawing attention to me so he could fly under the radar. I admit I wish I didn't have to be so showy, but after becoming a hero, I have been the centre of attention ever since.

"Our apologies for keeping you waiting, master,"

Liza arrived in her sturdy armour to accompany me, and we returned to the room together. As usual, her trusty Cricket Spear was at her side, but all her other gear had also been specially crafted for the labyrinth.

"The new armour looks great on you,"

"Th… thank you, sir," Liza turned bright red when Satou complimented her.

Upon first glance, the armour was just basic, lightweight protection crafted from white leather. However, a closer inspection revealed that the chest plate, shoulder plates, and other pieces were constructed from massive beetle carapaces, lending impressive strength to the armour. In fact, it exceeded the durability even of the famously heavy armour worn by the fierce Shigan knights.

To the untrained eye, the exterior of the armour was cleverly concealed with tough newt leather. But upon further investigation, it became apparent that the underlying material was none other than the incredibly tough hide of the fearsome sea creature Tobkezerra. Furthermore, Satou had incorporated a thin orichalcum lining beneath, serving as a shield against even the most powerful Holy Sword strikes.

"Master Satou, Hero Kura, we will enter one at a time, so please appraise each of us, I request,"

It seemed like I was about to witness a mini fashion display as Liza took the stage, followed by Nana.

"I shall protect my comrades with my adamantite alloy shield, I vow!"

With precise movements, Nana took on a noble stance as she spoke her words in a dull tone. The whole scenario seemed reminiscent of the moment a new character is unlocked in a mobile RPG game.

Nana's equipment was similar to Liza's, but she wore heavy orichalcum chain mail instead of the jacket. And her beetle carapace pieces adamantite alloy underneath. Her magical shield was also strengthened in the same way. The design of a flock of baby chicks adorned the decorations on Nana's armour set. However, it was difficult to notice unless you examined it closely.

"Yes, you look very strong and dependable,"

"I'm sure nothing will harm us with you around Nana,"

"Thank you for the appraisal, I declare,"


"Ta-da-da-daaa, sir!"

Tama and Pochi entered the room together, striking their signature poses. They were clearly going to stay that way until we complimented them.

"You both look very cool and cute,"

"I'm sure you both will be popular in the labyrinth,"


"Let me at 'em, sir!"

Tama giggled shyly, and Pochi started shadow-boxing on the spot to show that she was ready for a fight. Their armours were very similar, but there were a few minor differences. Pochi was equipped with a small shield made of adamantite. Still, Satou had covered it up with the shell of a war mantis, and the shield and chest plate were decorated with cute paw-print designs. Tama, meanwhile had two of the same kind of Magic Sword. Instead of ornamental carapaces, she had frilly magic items, which created a thin, slippery magic defence barrier.


Mia appeared next, giving a little twirl. She wore short shorts underneath her mini skirt to prevent any unintended flashing of her undergarments. At first, I thought I saw a hint of stripes, but I'm sure it was just the pattern on her shorts.

"You look as cute as a princess, Mia,"

"You look like a very cute little magic caster,"

Her dress-like armour would have fit in perfectly with a magical girl show: a blend of delicate frills and a sturdy breastplate. Crafted from Yuriha fibre, the same material as Satou's mystical robes, the exterior boasted a sleek and enchanting appearance. Meanwhile, the interior was coated with a luxurious fabric made from the silver hide of the giant monster fish. According to legend, this hide could deflect even the most advanced forms of Light Magic and Holy Swords. The thrills, meanwhile, were made of materials spirits love. When I use 'Spirit Vision', I can already see plenty of them around Mia.

Satou had crafted a charming staff out of Mountain Tree wood for Mai's weapon, although it mainly served as a decorative piece. In the labyrinth, Mia would need to rely on more practical weapons, such as Fire Rods and Thunder Rods, which did not require a chant. However, I had also created a staff from the wood of the World Tree specifically for her to use Water or Spirit Magic. I don't know how Satou does it, but making stuff from the branches of the World Tree isn't easy.

"Master, do you really think someone like me should wear such cute clothes?"

After Mia, Lulu entered the room. Satou had designed a unique suit of armour for Lulu, drawing inspiration from a maid's outfit that resembled a battle-ready cosplay ensemble. However, rather than concealing her beauty, the armour only enhanced Lulu's already alluring charms.

"I'm glad I made that," Satou muttered beside me.

"Um, master... It's a little embarrassing if you keep staring at me like that,"

Satou was staring for so long that Lulu had to stop him herself.

"It looks like your beauty left Satou at a loss for words, Lulu," I tell her, nudging Satou and signalling him to say something.

"Sorry, Lulu. Kura is right, it looks really, really good on you,"

"Thank you, sir. Even if you're just being kind, I'm happy to hear that,"

"No, I really mean it," Satou assured her firmly.

Lulu's equipment was made from the same material as Mia's. However, since she'd learned self-defence arts in the elf village, Satou increased the density of the silver hide fibre to make its defence even better, allowing Lulu to protect the rearguard. Satou sewed the "Body Strengthening" magic circle and other runes into her clothes to make that job even easier.

For her weapon, Satou had decided against giving her the Small Magic Cannon he'd repurposed into a Magic Sniper Rifle he had let her use on the sugar route. Instead, Satou tried making a Thunder Rod rifle. It was a custom creation of his: a gun with the exact mechanisms as a Thunder Rod that also allowed the user to fine-tune the intensity of the Thunder Bullets.

"Um… I haven't changed that much, but… what do you think,"

"You still look like a saint, Sara," I tell her.

"Thank you,"

Sara turned red and shyly stood off to the side. She still wore an outfit that looked like her priestess outfit on the outside. Still, beneath were materials that would resist magic and physical attacks, and she wore a bracelet on her right wrist that could create a small shield with practical magic. It was an item we found on a sunken ship. For her weapon, Sara was still using a staff made from the wood of the World Tree.

"Ta-daa! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The star of the show, Arisaaaa! No one in the entire galaxy can resist this cuteness...!"

Arisa's equipment was the same as Mia's, in different colours.

"Yep, can't resist, totally,"

"Nothing can compare to you,"

And that left Pearl, who came out and looked embarrassed when Arisa insisted she say the line. Ultimately, she refused to say it and stood there in silence.

"You look very strong and brave, Pearl,"

"Thank you, master,"

Pearl is wearing armour similar to my own. Bright blue adamantite plates cover the outside, and beneath them is a layer of hides from the giant monster fish Tobkezerra. The only thing that changed about Pearl's weapon was her sheath, which had been altered to fit in with the look of her new armour.

Despite everyone being different, we all had one thing in common. The 'Telephone' spell. The vanguard group had it built into their helmets like me, while the rearguard used small necklaces imbued with the power. In theory, this should give us a team speak ability, but this will be the first time someone other than Satou or me has used the 'Telephone' spell like this.

Now, with the fashion show over, we put on matching blue cloaks. While Satou and his slave girls had his family crest on the back of theirs, while the rest of us didn't. They were made from the same material as the rear guard's clothes, with protection against cold, heat, sweat, and so on sewn into them. Satou made the outsides the same colour so they would be easy to spot, but the inner lining of each one was different to match the wearer's tastes.

"Hey, why am I the only one who gets brushed off like garbage?! Don't make me start pouting!"

Arisa puffed up her cheeks in protest as we left, still unhappy about how we reacted to her turn in the fashion show.

"Sorry, sorry. Your new look is wonderful, too, Arisa. I wouldn't be surprised if you start getting scouted for TV,"

"Hee-hee, you think so? 'Cause I do, too..."

When Satou relented and complimented her, Arisa puffed up her chest proudly and started posing some more.

"Come onnn?"

"Arisa, put your cloak on quickly, sir,"

"Mm. Labyrinth,"

The rest of the younger girls all bombarded Arisa.

"Oh right, I almost forgot," Arisa threw on her cloak with dramatic flair.

"Master Satou, you must equip your sword if you wish to use it, I advise,"

With a tone reminiscent of a weapon shop owner in a video game, Nana presented Satou with his fairy sword. Typically, Satou refrained from carrying it with him due to its weight and potential to ruin his attire. Still, he decided to equip it for our first trip to the labyrinth. Accepting the sword from Nana, and hanging the sheath on his belt.

"Yep, you look manly, all right!" Arisa crossed her arms and nodded sagely. On either side of her, Tama and Pochi imitated the move, nodding in unison. "All right, let's head into the labyrinth!"

Whirling toward the door, Arisa put her fist in the air dramatically.

"Aye-aye, siiir?"

"Let's go, sir!"

"Mm. Labyrinth,"

The youth took the lead as we hurried out of the inn and onto the chartered carriage that would take us to the west gate, our entry point into the labyrinth. As its name suggested, Labyrinth City's streets were a tangled web, resembling a daunting maze. This design likely served as a precaution if any creatures broke free from the labyrinth.

"Eeee, this is my first time going to a real labyrinth! Do you think it'll be sort of like the spriggan training grounds?"

The facility Arisa mentioned served as training grounds for spriggans who enjoyed exploring labyrinths. It was designed to replicate an actual labyrinth. The elf instructors had brought the girls there while Satou and I were occupied with the jellyfish situation. From what I heard, it was designed by Trazayuya, who also made the Cradle.

"Not at aaaall?"

"It's not a playground, sir! It's a real, pulse-pounding, bloodcurdling battlefield, sir!"

Tama and Pochi rose from their seats, exuding a sense of pride and superiority. This behaviour was not typical of them, but it was endearing.

"You two, try to remain calm. At that rate, you'll get hurt in the labyrinth,"


"Yes, sir,"

Liza coolly deflated the pair's egos. Mia and Lulu were quiet, maybe even nervous. Nana was probably fine. She was still looking like her typical self.

While the group continued their lively conversation, our carriage finally pulled up to the bustling plaza before the labyrinth. The vast space could easily accommodate over a thousand people and was dominated by a striking white structure. It was an impressive building, almost like a small palace.

"That's the west guild. It's the liveliest place in all of Celivera,"

A middle-aged explorer explained as we passed by, staring at the building as if we were tourists. And with our attention drawn from the building, we started noticing the people around us.

"Wow, look at all that sweet armour!"

"So fancy,"

"They look like birds, sir,"


Although uncertain of where Mia acquired that term, I agreed with the girls' remarks. Several of the adventurers donned suits of armour crafted from monstrous remains. However, their adornments of feathers and other protrusions puzzled me. Perhaps it was to instil fear in the creatures they encountered. No, I recalled seeing mon hunters utilise similar tactics to stand out.

"Some of this equipment is rather strange,"

"Perhaps it is temporary armour, I offer,"

Liza and Nana appeared just as surprised as the rest of the spectators. The inhabitants of Labyrinth City sported an array of eccentric armour. The youth, in particular, seemed to favour unconventional attire, with some adorning their clothes with bits of wood or bone and others wielding spears made with axe heads or sharpened bone tips. Perhaps they lacked the means to purchase proper armour. It was a striking contrast to the armour worn by the mon hunters of Puta.

The explorers who fought in the tournament in the old capital looked reasonably normal. So maybe it is just the beginners with this strange taste in fashion.

"There are lots of different races, too,"

Everyone nodded at Liza as Satou added.

"I see beastfolk and even scalefolk,"

Contrary to other cities, this one was bustling with demi-humans proudly showcasing their races. Among them, hooded figures were often identified as fairyfolk, mages, or members of the nobility. There were also a significant number of injured individuals; I witnessed numerous people with their faces or limbs wrapped in grimy bandages.

"Master, many of these people seem to be wounded,"

Lulu looked worried as she gazed at all the people with bandages or canes.

"That's true. There are probably only so many priests and mages available, and it's not cheap to use magic potions regularly,"

We possessed self-made magical potions readily available to us, along with Mia and my 'Recovery Magic' and Sara's 'Holy Magic,' so there was no need for concern.

"All right, let's head to the gate!"

"Mm. No dawdling,"

Although Satou had expressed interest in exploring the guild, we encountered a large crowd upon our arrival. As a result, he let the younger members of our group guide us towards the labyrinth via the west gate.

There was a wall along the path to the west gate around three feet high, then stairs down a steep slope around the size of a school sports field. The gate was all the way at the bottom of the stairs. From here, the steps would be almost six feet tall each, so we went to a narrow staircase near a street stall-lined path. This was the path most people used to head into the labyrinth. All kinds of sellers tried to call out to us as we walked by.

"Sir Noble, do you have enough water and preserved foods? One meal only costs a single copper coin. How about it?"

"Mr. Nobleman! How about a lantern and some goblin oil? Nice and cheap!"

"Moron, a noble's not gonna use such smelly oil. We've got normal beast oil over here, mister!"

"You there, young nobleman, why not touch our Item Box for good luck before you level up? It's one silver coin per person, but if you're lucky, you or one of these lovely young ladies might pick up the 'Item Box' skill down the line!"

Although some of them intrigued me, I couldn't help but hesitate to talk to any of them as I knew I would immediately be swarmed by the group. Therefore, I simply ignored them and continued on my way.

"Hey there, new explorer. Don'cha need a map of the labyrinth?" This time, a rather uncouth young man approached us with a map. "Wait a sec! Our map's not like all those other maps, y'know! It's got info I gathered from some garnet-badge explorers!"

Satou suddenly stopped as soon as the phrase 'garnet badge' hit his ears. As far as I could recall, only seasoned explorers were deemed worthy of such a badge. But I still didn't think we needed a map since we had Satou's cheat skills to help us. Even my 'Map' skill, which is nowhere near as good as Satou's, would still be better than that map the young man is trying to sell.

"How much?"

But despite our skills, it didn't stop Satou from wanting to buy the map.

"Three silver coins per map,"

"I'll buy it for three large copper coins,"

"C'mon isn't that an awfully low offer?"

"Then I don't need it,"

"Wait a sec! I'll sell it to you for that just this once! We sell the most accurate maps in Labyrinth City. If this one comes in handy, make sure you buy your next one from us, too!"

At least Satou didn't let himself get ripped off. Still, there was another problem that he quickly found when he tried to read the map. Satou looked back to the young man and asked.

"How do you read it?"

"The reading guide is one copper coin…"

"That's almost as much as what I paid for it already,"

The man tried to get more money from Satou, but he convinced him to hand over the reading guild for free.

"What does this mark mean?"

"It's a sign stone,"

According to the young man's explanation, early adventurers used sign stones in ancient times to designate areas of the labyrinth they had already traversed. These stones were strategically positioned at consistent intervals throughout the labyrinth. They were inscribed with three crucial pieces of data: the section number, distance from the entrance, and serial number. Additionally, these sign stones possessed a crucial element: the ability to emit a crimson signal in the presence of approaching monsters and a blue glow when humans were nearby. The man further explained that this feature helped avert accidental attacks among explorers in the darkness.

"But listen, mister. Just 'cause the sign stone's glowing blue, that don't mean you should let your guard down,"

"What do you mean?"

"It's not all just explorers and salvagers in the labyrinth-there are also robbers known as plunderers who target explorers," Now that he mentioned it, I remember one of the elf teachers saying something similar in Bolenan Forest. "If those guys are coming, the sign stones'll still glow blue."

I see. So if you let your guard down because you think it's just other humans coming, they might jump you.

"What's the best thing to do if you're attacked by these plunderers?"

"That ain't an easy question..."

According to the man, should they launch an immediate attack on you, your options would be to either eliminate them or take them as prisoners to be sold as criminal slaves. However, if they were to approach under the guise of friendliness, it would be challenging to differentiate them from genuine explorers. Therefore, unless you recognised the explorers as known individuals, it was prudent to remain vigilant until a significant distance was put between your group and theirs.

"Good to know. Thank you,"

The man appeared content and gestured while scanning the area for potential customers. Once he spotted one, he made his way over, and we were immediately surrounded by a group of young children dressed in ill-fitting clothes. The bustling plaza was filled with activity, leaving me to question if these were beggars or vagrants. I noticed that a majority of them were petite girls for some reason.

"Mr. Noble, please hire me,"

"Hire me… I'll work for two copper coins a day,"

"I'll take one copper coin a day!"

"Hey, don't try to steal my customer!"

"If you'll feed me, I don't need any money. I'll do anything!"

The group of young girls eagerly gathered around Satou, all vying for his attention. Hayato the Hero, if present, would surely scold them with a cry of 'No touching, Satou!' However, before any of the girls could lay a hand on him, Liza stepped in and gently pushed them away.

"Step away, please,"

When Liza glared at them, the girls backed away but didn't stop their sales pitches. It may seem cruel, but the girls were only level one and two, so it would be dangerous to bring them with us. Soon, I heard a tummy growl from among the little girls. Shaking my head, I took out some sweets I had in storage.

"Here, you can have these,"

I started handing out small bags of sweets to the girls. I keep plenty on me because while we were in Bolenan Forest, Nana liked to feed the fairies. It wasn't a proper meal, but Satou took care of that, buying enough manju buns for everyone from a nearby vendor.

"Ooh, labyrinth manju!"

"This is my first meal in ages,"

"Mm, what a treat!"

"We'll work hard for you, mister!"

Accepting the labyrinth manju, the young girls started chowing down earnestly. This was a popular food in Labyrinth City. It was made with potato flour on the outside and red bean paste, potato, and beans on the inside. They were pretty big, so they should keep a child full for a while. But they tasted terrible. It was so bad it could almost compete with the awful gabo fruit dishes I'd eaten in Seiryuu City. If these girls considered such a gross food a "treat," I was worried about how they usually ate.

"It tingles, sir,"

Pochi tongue jutted out playfully as she contorted her face into a strange expression. She cautiously consumed the murky blend of potatoes, beans, and an unidentified substance in the stuffing, which seemed to have a numbing effect. It appeared that in Labyrinth City, one had to be vigilant for potential hazards lurking even in the street food.

"Kura, turn the pretty on,"

That was a relatively long sentence for Mia, but I didn't know what she meant.


"Spirit light,"

She seemed to want me to release my spirit light, which I usually kept suppressed. While it shouldn't be a problem if it is just to purify the food. As I prepared to follow Mia's instructions, I realised what she was trying to convey. I flicked on my 'Miasma Vision' and immediately noticed the eerie black haze that engulfed most of the food sold on this street. Despite its lack of density, Mia must have assumed that my spirit light could ward off the miasma, hence her suggestion. Although Mia could not see through the miasma, she must have been aware of the abnormality since spirits tend to avoid heavily infested areas.

"Pretty," Mia said in awe, gazing at my spirit light.

I released a minimal amount, but it effectively dissipated all the miasma on the street and the labyrinth manju in my grasp. Within moments, there was not a trace of miasma left.

"What happened?" Arisa asked, curious.

"Kura did it,"

Satou answered, causing everyone to look my way. I explained to everyone about the miasma. Most likely, the food sold here contained monster meat that hadn't been purified.

"This still tastes gross, though,"

Arisa was right: The labyrinth manju was still disgusting even with the miasma banished. Although I had no desire to consume it, I also didn't want to simply discard it. As I pondered my dilemma, I caught sight of a child eyeing the manju in my grasp, prompting me to happily offer it to them. I surmised that what may have been unwanted by me, could be a valued treat for someone else. Satou, Arisa and Sara also did the same, giving away the remains of their food.

"All right, let's head into the labyrinth,"

We reluctantly left the young girls behind as we approached the west gate. Despite our explanations, they persisted in following us. However, Satou and Liza firmly reminded them they could not join us and had to remain where they were.

"It looks like the little girls want to join your party. What will you do?"

"Oh, be quiet,"

Arisa mimicked a system message from an RPG, but we paid no attention. As we passed through the closing western gates, the children we left behind appeared despondent. Yet, I steeled myself and steadfastly refused to backtrack.