Chapter 58

The bear's doing an excellent job keeping the enemy's attention as the undead swarm him, leaving the path for me nearly undefended. I would be worried if it wasn't for the fact that the battle was a one-sided massacre with my spirit summons winning. I can still hear the sounds of bones snapping and bodies dropping even though I have long left that battle behind.

As for me, I am making good progress being led through the maze of corridors by my spirit wolf and occasionally freeing a soul or two from their imprisonment whenever an undead monster gets in my way. Claidheamh Soluis is in thirteen separate blades floating beside me while I held Gjallarhorn in hand. Anyone or anything that tried to stop me was swiftly dealt with.

Entering the next section, I gripped my sword tightly, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline as I ran through the crumbling ruins of Lalakie. The smell of decay and death filled my nostrils, but I pushed forward, determined to fight through the maze-like structure and save Rei.

With each step, I scanned my surroundings for any sign of danger. The walls were covered in cobwebs and moss, and the floors were littered with debris. It was a maze unlike any other, with twists and turns that seemed to lead to nowhere. But I pressed on, trusting my spirit summons to guide me.

As I turned a corner, I met a horde of undead creatures. They snarled and growled, their arms outstretched, reaching for me. Without hesitation, I raised my sword and charged towards them. My sword sliced through the air, cutting through the decaying flesh of the creatures. Their blood spurted out, bathing me in a sickening spray. But I blocked out the gruesome sight and focused on my training. I had been taught to strike with precision and speed, taking down my enemies with deadly accuracy.

I took down the creatures one by one, their bodies falling to the ground with a thud. But they kept coming at me, their numbers seemingly endless. I felt my arms growing tired and breathing laboured, but I couldn't give up. I couldn't let these monsters defeat me. I pushed through the hoards, my sword dancing through the air as I fought towards Rei.

Finally, I reached a large chamber, its walls adorned with ancient symbols and markings. And in the centre of the room stood a towering figure, its body made of bone and its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. The monster wore a black hooded cloak and wielded a scythe with a blood-red blade.

The undead giant charges towards me with a mighty roar, but I don't stop running. I slide under its scythe and between its legs when it swings at me. I can hear the blades of Claidheamh Soluis stab into the monster's body behind me, and when I turn to face it, I see the gaint undead turning to black smoke. It was reaching toward me with a bony hand, and a pained expression was etched onto its face, but the monster was destroyed before it got close.

"Is she behind this the door,"


"Thank you for guiding me,"

I smiled as my summoned spirit vanished. I did the same to my bear. Only my thanks to him were communicated through thoughts. They have done their job well, led me to right where I need to be and kept the undead busy long enough. I clean myself up before stepping towards the door, keeping me and Rei apart.

It stands tall and imposing, a relic of an ancient civilisation. The first thing that strikes me about the door is its sheer size. It towers over me. Its surface is smooth and polished, almost like a mirror, but with faint engravings etched into its surface. As my eyes wander further up, I notice the intricate patterns that cover the door's surface. Countless swirls and symbols intertwine, creating a tapestry of magical energy that seems to pulse with a life of its own. I can almost feel the power emanating from the door.

But the most remarkable aspect of the door, in my opinion, is the handle. It's a massive, ornate piece of metal that looks like it's been carved out of the heart of a star. Its surface shimmers with an otherworldly glow, radiating heat as if it holds the power of a thousand suns within it. But despite its apparent heat, the handle is strangely cool to the touch. I reach out and wrap my hand around it, feeling the energy coursing through my veins. Slowly, I push the door open, finding it doesn't make a sound.

"Why have you broken the seal on the Sea Lord?"

I can hear Rei's voice and see her, the Skeleton King and Yuuneia standing in the centre of the room.

"Why, you ask?" The Skeleton King seemed to be annoyed by the question posed to him, with anger boiling in his eyes. "Have you forgotten the words of your mother, my beloved wife, the final queen of Lalakie?! 'Return Lalakie to the skies' that was her final wish!"

"Mother had no time to say such a thing. When she failed to control the Sea Lord, her soul was shattered,"

"What is this nonsense...?"

"Is it not you who has forgotten? Mother wrote in her final will and testament that if she failed, she wished for us to use Lalakie itself to seal the Sea Lord,"

"Ridiculous! She said to 'return Lalakie to the skies.' I am sure of it…"

"Father, who has convinced you of such a lie?"

"F… Father, who was the person who came to you before in a yellow cloak? The one who said 'indeed' after every sentence!"

"Silence! This is no time for an artificial puppet to interfere!"

Yuuneia stepped forward, asking her own question that got me thinking. A demon lord, no, most likely, or a greater hell demon. Whoever it is doesn't matter right now since they aren't around, but it is clear that the Skeleton King was being manipulated.

"Who was that person, Father? Was it even a person?"

"How dare you speak of my ally in such a way! The yellow-clad mage made Lalakie even stronger and even controlled the giant monster fish Tobkezerra before my very eyes!"

So it was a greater hell demon. But at least it is one I know is dead. The Hero of the Saga Empire, Hayato, slew this particular demon during the incident at the old capital's arena.

"Surely that was an illusion?"

"It was not, difficult as it may be to believe,"

The Skeleton King strode across the platform, his cape billowing behind him in a commanding manner. Suddenly, a deafening boom and a violent tremor shook the ground.

"Aah!" Yuuneia screamed. "Sister, look!"

"...The Sea Lord," Rei gasped.

Eight massive tentacles relentlessly attacked the shimmering dome of Heavenslight Protection that loomed over us. As we gazed up, a colossal eye suddenly appeared at the perimeter of the floating island. Its eerie resemblance to a complex insect eye sent shivers down our spines. The eye brimmed with unbridled malice. Hostility and animosity undoubtedly festered and intensified during its endless imprisonment in the ocean depths.

So that's the Sea Lord… it is even bigger than the murals depicted.

"Excellent. In this rage, it will surely swallow any poisonous bait we offer it," Skeleton King, whose eyes were consumed by madness. His laughter echoed menacingly. Started at Rei and Yuuneia. "We shall engrave the rune of domination in Yuuneia and the rune of operation in Reiaane."

The young girls became pale after hearing the Skeleton King's dreadful announcement. However, Yuuneia bravely nodded and proceeded to discard her shrine maiden attire.

"I shall be the bait to catch the Sea Lord, and my sister shall be the linchpin to command it… that is the only way, isn't it, Father?"

Yuuneia nodded once more, appearing to be attempting to reassure herself. She watched the Skeleton King with a quivering gaze, but he did not even acknowledge her presence.

"Father, no,"

"What's this?"

"Yuuneia cannot capture the Sea Lord. I will go,"

"N… no, I can do it! I am your younger sister, after all,"

"If we do it the same way as before, it will not work. Please trust me,"


"Very well. Go on, then," There was no hesitation in the Skeleton King's cold words. "Just you wait, Sea Lord! Soon, you shall bend to my will!"

Laughter, bellowed by the Skeleton King, reverberated throughout the Queen's Tower. Atop the floating island, the Sea Lord emerged, its sheer magnitude causing the landmass to tilt. Magic circles appear at Rei's and Yuuneia's feet.

"I won't let you do that,"

I step out from the shadows, breaking the magic under the girl's feet and pointing my sword at the Skeleton King as all eyes turn to me.



"Hunting dog of Parion," The Skeleton King glared at me as his daughters gasped. "I won't let the servant of some foolish god interfere!"

The Skeleton King tries to attack me with shadow magic, but thanks to the Undead King Zen, that type of magic no longer affects me. I walk to the girls and kneel down in front of them, paying no attention to the attacks hitting my back.

"Rei, we would have helped without hesitation if you asked,"

"I know. That's why I…"

"You foolishly tried to sacrifice yourself?" Rei nodded at my question. "While I can understand why you did it, I have done similar things myself to protect my friends, but there was another way that didn't involve throwing your life away."

"But I can't…"

"I know what you are going to say, but…" I interrupt Rei and look up at the dome. "I'm not the only one who thinks you made a mistake by trying to do this alone," I tell her before muttering under my breath. "And you won't be the only one getting lectured about this ether."


"Larva! I have come to rescue you, I declare!"

"Mm. Here,"

I was drawn to a trio of recognisable voices crying out in Shigan, causing me to look up as the sky darkened. Across the barrier of the Heavenslight Protection, a flying vessel was approaching. The hair ornament that Satou had given Rei was emitting their voices.

"Hmph. I do not know how their voices are reaching, but their impertinence is in vain," The Skeleton King scoffed at the flying ship. The shimmering sphere of Heavenslight Protection clashed with the flying ship's force field, causing a burst of electric blue and dazzling white sparks. "Nothing can break through the Heavenslight Protection given to us by the gods."

"Don't underestimate master's cheat barrierrrrrrr!!"

"Arisa, activate screw mode, I request,"

"All riiiiiight! Witness our drill powerrrrrr!!!" The barrier wall in front of the ship began to spin like a drill. "Liza hit the afterburner!"

"Understood, activating rear propulsion amplification device,"

The smoke billowing from the stern of the ship suddenly intensified.

"This is the perfect chance to say it! Our drill is the drill that will pierce the…"

Just as Arisa was about to speak, the Sea Lord interrupted with a barrage of enormous ice and water spears aimed at the Heavenslight Protection. Despite the force, the spears shattered upon hitting the protective barrier, creating a powerful shock wave that tossed the flying ship away like a mere leaf caught in a gust of wind.

"Utter foolishness," The Skeleton King muttered before turning to me. "You're friends won't be able to save you."

"What makes you think I need saving?" I ask, stepping closer to the terrible farther. "Haven't you noticed that none of your attacks have harmed me."

"I was merely going easy on you. This next attack will take your life!" A giant ball of pure black darkness appeared above the Skeleton King's head. It seemed to suck in all the surrounding light, and the Skeleton King started to chuckle. "This is what happens to all those that stand in my way!"

"You poor fool," I shake my head as the giant dark ball hits me. It wraps around my body, exploding and scattering black flames around. But I was still standing. Admittingly, I had to change my clothes before the smoke cleared, but torn clothing was the only damage I had taken from the attack. "You really have no clue as to what I am doing right now, do you?"

"How are you still alive?!"

"Because you are not a threat to me,"


My body shuddered as a horrifying, ear-piercing noise filled the air. The Sea Lord is really something. Even when it is in pain as multiple explosions strike its body, it is still terrifying.

"Payback, Seafoooooox!"

"All five mounted Magic Cannons are ready for discharge! Firing now!"

Arisa let out a blood-curdling scream, quickly joined by Lulu's shrill cries. The following explosions assaulted my eardrums as fiery orbs pummeled the Sea Lord's tentacle, ripping through it with forceful impact.


"Tama, Pochi!"


"I'll show you how fast I am, sir!"

As the ship glided through the clouds, I caught sight of Liza, Pochi, and Tama manning the cannons.

"The Holytree Stone engine's bluecoin battery replacement is complete, I declare,"

"Lulu! We've finished switching the Magic Cannon barrels, too!"

"Mm. Charged,"

"Fire the next round!"

A relentless barrage of cannon blasts pummeled the tentacle relentlessly. Eventually, one of the Sea Lord's appendages was torn off completely.

"Amazing..." I heard Rei gasp behind me.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeees! We're just getting started, guys!"

Everyone may be confident, but they are not noticing something important.

"Arisa! Ruuuun!"


Suddenly, an immense magic circle materialised above the Sea Lord, obscuring the expanse of the sky. Within moments, a colossal hammer of water descended onto the very spot where the ship had been, threatening to rip the earth asunder. It was a powerful attack, but…

"Arisa... Nana..."

Rei looked upset but nothing terrible just happened.

"Oh man, we almost ate it there,"

"This is no laughing matter, Arisa!"

As I listened, the soft thud of a punch connecting with someone's skull and Satou's reprimanding tone reached my ears. Gazing upward, I caught sight of the unmistakable sails soaring towards us. In a flash, the airborne vessel safely docked at a pier attached to the Queen's Tower. Satou had got there right before me. I was about to block the attack when he teleported the ship out of harm's way.

"Honestly. I wasn't exactly expecting to have to teleport the whole ship the second I got back with the Return spell,"

As they stood on the deck, Satou playfully messed up Arisa's hair before redirecting his gaze towards the situation in the tower. His deep, tender eyes absorbed the entirety of their surroundings in a single glance.

"Took you long enough," I shake my head.

"I got here in time, didn't I? Sorry to keep you waiting, Rei," Rei was hoisted effortlessly into the air, carried along like a delicate feather in a gentle breeze. Eventually, she was carefully set down on the deck of Satou's flying vessel. "I hope we didn't worry you."

Rei instantly hugged Satou with tears rolling down her cheeks as a big smile took hold of her face.

"Reiaane! Have you forgotten your role?!"

Rei's smile faded when the Skeleton King shouted.

"...Your role?" Satou tilted his head.

"Yes, to control the Sea Lord and destroy it from the inside,"

"Sacrificing yourself in the process?"

Rei didn't answer Satou's last question, but the answer was clearly written on her face.

"Don't worry?"

"Master will take care of the rest, sir,"

Tama and Pochi playfully struck silly poses, most likely attempting to uplift Rei's spirits.

"Mm. Safe now,"

"Larva… no, Rei. Please trust Master Satou and Hero Kura, I request,"

"Mia, Nana... But the Sea Lord is no ordinary monster," Rei adamantly refused, shaking her head with persistence.

"No ordinary monster? Is it stronger than a giant monster fish or a fully grown dragon?" Arisa asked casually.

"...It's around the same scale,"

"Well then, it won't be a problem,"


Liza and Lulu both nodded with wise understanding while Rei's expression shifted to one of optimism.

"You really think you can take care of it?"

"Of course," Satou nodded. "I was just waiting for everyone to convince you."

"You utter fools! Even the floating island Lalakie could not defeat the evil Sea Lord with all the blessings of the gods. You think a single ship stands a chance against it?!"

"Sure I do,"

Satou's 120 Lasers merged into a single beam using his powerful Condense spell, hurtling towards the floating island and barely grazing its outer edge.

"A sword of light..."

Yuuneia, who had rejoined the Skeleton King, was the one who whispered the refined name for the potent Laser.

The Laser emitted a blinding burst and a potent aroma of ozone as it effortlessly pierced through the protective dome and the Sea Lord. The once-whole ruler began to descend in two cleanly sliced pieces, gradually descending towards the sea below. But before its body landed, Satou put it into his storage.

"Thank you, Satou. Now my mother and aunt have been avenged," Rei smiled, hugging Satou even tighter.

"...Why? Why? Why? Why?!" The echoes of a fury-filled voice pierced our ears as if emerging from the fiery pits of hell itself. The Skeleton King stood before us, his trembling arms a testament to his seething rage. "Why did an anomaly like you have to be here right now?!"

"... Just luck, I guess?" Satou shrugged.

But he seemed to only increase the Skeleton King's rage.

"Why weren't you here when my wife, Reiaane, sacrificed herself?!"

"I wasn't born yet when Lalakie sank into the sea twenty thousand years ago,"

"Yuuneia, control Reiaane and kill him,"

Still embracing Satou, Rei suddenly wrapped her hands around his neck.

"S… Satou, my body is moving on its own...!" Rei struggled to resist, but her hands seemed to have a mind of their own, moving against her will. "I can't stop… my hands won't listen to me..."

"M… master!"

As Satou began to release Rei from her sister's grasp, the rest of the group appeared apprehensive about his safety. To ease their worries, I assured them that everything would be alright.

"Impossible! He's trying to undo my rune?!" The Skeleton King had noticed Satou's plan flying into another rage. "No! I won't allow it! Yuuneia, activate the sacrificial rune! Destroy that demon along with Reiaane!"

"...D… destroy my sister?"

"What are you doing, Yuuneia?! Did you not hear my orders?!"

Yuuneia trembled as the Skeleton King's gaze turned towards her, causing her to flinch and cower in fear. Her eyes darted between the intimidating figure looming over her, her beloved sister, and the inner turmoil she felt about her impending commands. Tearfully, she glanced between the Skeleton King and her sister, Rei, before bowing her head in resignation.

"Do it now! You fool!"

Yuuneia shrank under the towering presence of the Skeleton King but mustered the courage to lift her head. Where once her expression had been frail while gazing at Rei, now her eyes glinted with defiance, and she firmly set her jaw.

"... I… I won't do it," She spoke with a gentle, fragile tone as she defied her commands.

"Yuuneia..." Rei whispered tearfully.

"What was that?" The Skeleton King snapped.

"I won't let her die for no reason," Yuuneia shook but still refused to give in.

"You useless brat!" The Skeleton King moved to strike Yuuneia, but I quickly grabbed his hands. "Don't interfere!"

"Yuuneia, please head to the ship and wait with your sister while I teach your father why it is a bad idea to mistreat people," I give Yuuneia a soft smile while ignoring the Skeleton King and his attempts to break out of my grip. "You and Rei don't have to live in fear of him any more."

Yuuneia nodded, unsure whether to trust me, but her love for her sister won out. She ran toward Rei as Satou did everything he could to break whatever was used to control her.

"You think I will let you get away from me?!" The Skeleton King shouted after Yuuneia as she ran towards her sister. "Summon Wraith Knights Onryou Kishi Shoukan!"

A group of six spectral mounted knights materialised around the Skeleton King as if from thin air. The horses and their riders had an otherworldly transparency, giving the impression that they could soar into the sky at any moment. At level 45, these wraith knights were undoubtedly the Skeleton King's formidable secret weapons, ready to unleash their wrath at his command. But…

"Dance Claidheamh Soluis,"

In a frenzy, the wraith knights swiftly launched into the sky, soaring above Lalakie like fighter jets evading incoming anti-aircraft missiles. Their impressive aerial agility would have posed a major danger to those on the ground in earlier eras. But that didn't stop them from being cut down by the flying blades of Claidheamh Soluis. Witnessing the gradual demise of his wraith knights due to my precisely flying swords, the Skeleton King could not contain his fury and let out a thunderous roar.

"I haven't lost yet!" It's pathetic. The Skeleton King struggles but only embarrasses himself with this crucial attempt to escape my grasp. "Let me go, and I will use that useless doll to summon the God's Servant!"

"Why would I let you go after hearing that?"

"Then I will have to deal with you first," The Skeleton King growled. "Accursed black chains! Rend them apart and drag them to eternal hell!"

With a deafening roar, the Skeleton King spewed some kind of threat. The once benign shadows beneath us suddenly transformed into a vortex of ominous black smoke, shaping into menacing chains hurtling in our direction. But with the Holy Sword Holy Sword Gjallarhorn, I swiftly cut through the chains while sending Claidheamh Soluis to protect the ship.

"You have a second Holy Sword… it doesn't matter. You will still die here!"

With a triumphant shout, the Skeleton King summoned more black chains that emerged from his feet, resembling tentacles, as they charged towards me. Still, all it took was another swing with Gjallarhorn, and they were dealt with.

"The next attack will surely…!"

I delivered a magic-infused kick to the Skeleton King's stomach, breaking his body in half. I didn't mean to deal that much damage, but after witnessing his behaviour, I don't feel any guilt. The Skeleton King cries out in pain as he dangles by the arm I am still tightly holding onto.

"A… at this rate, I'll be finished. Yuuneia, my beloved daughter, come to me..." Staring at where his legs once were, the Skeleton King called to Yuuneia in a wheedling voice. "I can save myself if I absorb your life force. There are plenty of homunculus life cores just like yours in the underground workshop. I can create a new Yuuneia at any time. So give me your life now!"

Although the request seemed selfish, Yuuneia's love for the Skeleton King was evident. Despite her tears and Nana and Sara's attempts to restrain her, she still reached out to him with familial affection. Suddenly, a stone bullet shot past us.

"Impossible! Rei...aane... How could you strike me...?"

The stone pierced the Skeleton King's rib cage, penetrating the luminescent crimson core inside. I spun on my heels and was met with the sight of Rei's tear-stained face. She looked as if she had just cast a powerful enchantment. It dawned on me that she must have used her topaz ring's power to shoot that bullet.

"It was Mother's final wish. She wanted me to stop you if you ever strayed from the path of humanity..."

"But I am immortal...the ruler of the great skyfolk... It cannot this..."

As I released his arm, the Skeleton King's bones crumbled and disintegrated with a loud crackling and splintering, transforming into a pile of ash. The skull of the king was reduced to ashes, with his crown dropping to the ground with a resounding thump.

"Farewell, Father. Worry not… I will soon join you..."

Rei whispered a troubling assurance as the Skeleton King vanished before her eyes. Her words were so faint that only my 'Keen Hearing' skill could pick them up.

"Thank you, Satou. Thank you, everyone," Rei's smile was almost unnaturally wide as she turned to face us. "Satou, please take me to the Queen's Tower. The Sea Lord has been defeated, and my father has passed on. Now all that remains is for me to sink Lalakie back to the bottom of the sea and activate its self-destruct mechanism so that it does not fall into the wrong hands, and the world will be safe at last." Rei gave a faint, martyr-like smile. "Please take care of Yuuneia for me. Father was only using her. The floating island Lalakie and I will atone for all their sins."

"S… sister...don't leave me... Take me with you!" Yuuneia extended her hand, and Rei took hold of it tenderly.

"No, you must go with Satou. You still have a future of your own,"

Yuuneia shook her head tearfully. If this were a tale, it could have a similar heartbreaking finale. However, it appears that I was not the sole person who refused to accept such a conclusion.

"Arisa Kiiiiiick!!"

Rei received a perfect hit on the buttocks from Arisa's uncoordinated flying kick.

"What? Arisa?"

"Really, this is the problem with you sheltered princesses!"

"But, Arisa, I..." Rei shrank from Arisa's accusing gaze.

"There will be no buts about it, I declare in Arisa's place,"


"Mm. Reckless,"

"You too, Mia?"

As Nana and Mia entered, Tama and Pochi stayed on the sidelines, encouraging the girls with cheers while using fans, possibly from Arisa. Lulu and Liza were busy getting a bed ready for Yuuneia, while Satou left Yuuneia in Liza's care, and we observed as Arisa attempted to persuade Rei.

"Why would you sacrifice yourself after we've already resolved all the problems?"

"If we leave Lalakie here, someone is sure to try to use it for evil,"

"That doesn't mean you have to die with it, though!"

I agreed with Arisa's perspective and allowed them to settle their differences.

"...But you saw the history recorded on the slates, didn't you? We skyfolk have done horrible things that the people of the land could never forgive. The royal family of Lalakie must atone,"

I believe Rei should not be held accountable for something she did not do directly. Furthermore, the individuals responsible for the incident are no longer alive. Arisa appeared to share the same sentiment, nonchalantly brushing off and dismissing Rei's words.

"That was twenty thousand years ago, wasn't it? Even the elves from that generation are gone by now, so I'm sure nobody but the high elves even remembers what happened,"


Rei's mind was overwhelmed with guilt, making her unable to hear Arisa's reasoning. Frustrated, Arisa took hold of Rei's hand and forcefully pulled her towards Satou.

"Master! Give her a hug,"

Although I was slightly confused, Satou followed through with Arisa's plea and tenderly hugged Rei.

"Wait, Arisa? S… Satou, let go of me,"

"Squeeze harder, master!"

"A… ah, Satou..."

At first, Rei's cheeks flushed a deep red, but with time, she gradually lowered her head and regained her composure.

"Looks like she's calmed down now. Physical affection is the only way to go with these daddy-issue types," It seems that Arisa's intention was to provide physical reassurance. "If you go down with Lalakie, you're not solving anything but your own self-satisfaction. It won't help anyone or make anybody happy. Talk about zero upsides."

"Arisa..." Rei's eyes drooped with sorrow as she absorbed Arisa's slightly acrid remarks.

"She's right, Rei. There are still lots of fun things to see in this world, so let's see them together," With gentle care, Satou lifted Rei's chin and spoke in a delicate tone. "Besides, if you die, Yuuneia will follow you."

"He's right. There's no point in a world without you in it, Sister,"


Satou set Rei free as Yuuneia raced towards her.

"Let's... Let's both go on living, Sister,"

"Yuuneia!" Rei wrapped her arms around Yuuneia.

"I wish to participate, I declare,"

"Mm, me too,"

Nana and Mia enveloped the two sisters in a warm embrace, and the other young girls eagerly joined in, creating a big, loving group hug. Someone's hand even grabbed me and pulled me into the hug with them.

"Is this a gaaaame?"

"No pushing or you're out, sir,"

Some of them appeared to be confused, but seeing Yuuneia and Rei smile through their tears brought comfort to me. That was until the hug ended, and everyone started lecturing me about running off by myself.


Our current location was the central island of Lalakie, the place we'd first come to in this territory.

"Master, I brought you some tropical fruit juice,"

"Thank you, Lulu,"

While taking a break under a nearby tree, I observed Lulu expertly preparing and serving tropical fruit juice adorned with fruit slices. Her choice of attire, a bold swimsuit reminiscent of the tropical surroundings, no longer seemed out of place after her two-week stay on the island. After distributing glasses to everyone, Lulu returned to the beach, where the rest of the group enjoyed a watermelon-splitting game.

Following the event with the Skeleton King, we submerged Lalakie once more into the ocean's depths. We carefully extracted the Blazeshine Sword and the elemental jewels from the towers on the Sealtower Islands, restoring Lalakie's original camouflage appearance. Despite our efforts, Rei remained anxious about the possibility of someone misusing it once more. To protect against this, we sought the assistance of the elves in Bolenan to cast a Wandering Ocean spell, forming a shield that rendered it inaccessible. Additionally, while making the barrier, Satou stopped at the islands around Lalakie to plant some Treant seeds, fulfilling his promise.

Satou spoke with Aaze using the 'Telephone' spell, the high elf of Bolenan Forest, thanking her and the other elves for their help. We also cooked a feast for them using the tuna we had caught since just saying thank you didn't seem enough. During our stay with the elves, we approached Nea, the elf chef, and inquired if she could use cacao fruits to create chocolate. Despite our attempt to craft it ourselves, Satou and I failed, as it didn't turn out as expected.

"Hero Kura! I used too much magic power in training. I need more magic! Should I take off my swimsuit?"

As Yuuneia sprinted across the sandy shore, she dashed towards me. She abruptly plunged into the air, landing on my lap. Her previously despondent mood entirely vanished. It was apparent from how she was snuggling up to me at this moment that she had found solace in my presence. As Yuuneia attempted to untie her bikini top, I hastily intervened and prevented her from doing so.

"No, you can keep your swimsuit on,"

"Yuuneia! Hero Kura is my Hero Kura. You must not call her Hero Kura so lightly, I insist. It is dangerous, and forbidden, and unfair hogging. I report,"

"Aw, my sister already told me not to try to hog her. Anyway, Hero Kura, please give me some magic,"

"Hero Kura! It is not fair to only supply Yuuneia with magic, I entreat. Supply me with magic, too. I request,"

With a swift motion, Nana yanked down the shoulder straps of her swimsuit, exposing her midriff. I couldn't help but notice her impressive curves swaying to an unseen beat as she remained facing me. Nana was right about this situation being unfair. Mine would never move like hers.

"Whoa, those are huge, Nana! Not as big as my sister's adult form, though,"

Without hesitation, Yuuneia playfully groped Nana's breasts with a youthful innocence.

"My chest belongs to Hero Kura, I declare,"

"Nana, please just cover up your chest. You can hold a towel over it while I'm supplying you with magic,"

"Looks like you're still popular,"

"Mrrr. Lewd,"

Upon hearing the commotion, Arisa and Mia hurried over to see what was happening. But while Mia is helpful in finding a towel to cover up, Nana, with Arisa, only watches in amazement as events unfold.

"Yuuneia, you mustn't bother Kura too much, all right?"


As they walked over, Rei was trailing behind them, scolding Yuuneia as usual. The young girl had reverted to her childlike state. It was undoubtedly an entertaining sight to see. Before Rei climbed onto my lap.

"Mm. No hogging,"

"I'll move over here, then,"

Rei moved to my right leg, causing Mia to quickly climb onto my left leg.

"Let me join it, I insist,"

"Then me too,"

Sara ended up grabbing my left arm and Nana my right.

"Yeap, very popular," Arisa giggled as she skipped away.


"Are you really going to stay on the island?"

Having taken care of any remaining tasks and completed our exploration of Lalakie, the moment had arrived for us to depart the island. Only there was one thing that unexpectedly came up.

"I am. A half-ghost cannot function in a place like Labyrinth City, where the miasma is thick. And highly populated places tend to be rife with miasma, as well,"

"I hate to part with you, Master Satou, Hero Kura, but my place is by my sister's side,"

As we stood in front of Rei's house, bidding farewell, I couldn't bear the thought of leaving them alone on this deserted island. However, their minds were made up. Despite our desperate attempts to persuade her otherwise, Rei remained resolute in her decision to stay on the island. Even Arisa's impassioned speeches and Nana's tearful pleas could not sway her.

In an effort to assist them in any way possible, Satou constructed several structures for their use. These included a home equipped with a Holytree Stone engine and functioning water and sewage systems. Furthermore, he created a dedicated planting area that would be maintained by living dolls.

"All right. I have the Return spell, so I'll say hello whenever I'm on my way to visit Bolenan Forest,"

"Yes, I look forward to all of you coming to visit,"

"Come back anytime, Master Satou,"

Rei and Yuuneia each laid a kiss on Satou's cheek.

"Larva… no, Rei. I will come back to see you, I declare,"

Nana and Rei hugged each other tightly.

"From Aaze,"

Mia graciously passed a Silent Bell of Bolenan bestowed upon her by Aaze to Rei. Possession of such a bell symbolised the shelter and guardianship of the elves, instantly bringing benevolent treatment from fairy beings and admirers of the elven race to the holder.

""Thank you, Mia,"

Rei gently grasped the bell and embraced Mia, beckoning Nana to join in their hug. Her arms were too small to fully encompass either of them in her current form. Of course, Yuuneia said her goodbyes to the other girls as well. Then, finally...

"Thank you, Arisa. It's thanks to you that I'm able to be here smiling with everyone now,"

"Hee-hee, you're making me blush,"

Arisa was not accustomed to receiving compliments, so she awkwardly responded to Rei's kind remarks.

"Arisa, answer her properly, won't you?"

"Lulu... Oh, all right," Lulu encouraged Arisa to adjust her posture, and she promptly complied. "Rei! All I did was give you a little push, my dear. You're here because of your own strength and determination! You should be proud of yourself. No need to thank me for anything more than that!"

As Arisa made her seemingly masculine statement, tears welled up in Rei's eyes while she expressed her deepest gratitude. They both appeared slightly ashamed of Arisa referring to Rei as 'my dear,' but I refrained from teasing them about it.


As we bid farewell to Rei and Yuuneia's island of Lalakie, our journey shifted towards the sugar route and Labyrinth City. We did make some detours during our travels.

"Hero… I believe it… The Box came back! You returned it to us, just as you promised!"

Satou, Sara and I paid a visit to Lalagi's grand castle and were welcomed by none other than the king himself. He was overjoyed as I handed back the box, which had been taken from him. He seemed to be on the verge of despair after the Skeleton King had stolen it.

"I'm happy to have helped,"

"Don't be so modest! I shall promote you to Liquor Marquis, and we shall have a three-day, three-night banquet to celebrate your peerage ceremony! Minister! Buy up all the liquor in the castle town! We'll give it out to the people for free during the course of the banquet!"

</p><p>With unbridled enthusiasm, the ministers scurried about the castle, making preparations. While it was customary for the finance minister to maintain order, on this particular occasion, even he couldn't resist joining in on the festivities, consulting with his colleagues to uncover any potential wiggle room in the budget.</p><p>Upon returning to the inn, we informed our companions that our stay would last roughly five days. Additionally, we instructed them to make arrangements to move into the room in the castle we'd been given for our stay.</p><p>"Master, that groping bastard says he wants to show you something,"</p><p>"All right. I'll go check it out,"</p><p>As we prepared to relocate, Satou made a trip to the small shop that they had leased for their new business venture. By the time he returned, Satou had offered to give Rayleigh two merchant ships we recovered from the Skeleton King's ghost fleet and became Satou was now the owner of the Dragonpen Trading Company.</p><p>After my grand induction into the liquor marquis peerage, I was treated to a delightful three-day, three-night celebration filled with revelry and endless libations courtesy of the kingdom. They pulled out their best drinks and food for the occasion, and apart from dealing with my drunken companions occasionally, it was a fun few days. But for some reason, Satou looked like he was in hell.</p><p>"Hero Kura, your tolerance for liquor is so remarkable that it will be spoken of in our kingdom for generations. In commemoration of your defeat of a hundred drunkards, I present you with this medallion. It is sure to serve you well in any nation or city within the sugar route,"</p><p>"Thank you very much, Your Highness,"</p><p>"May your journey be safe, and may you encounter many more marvellous liquors,"</p><p>Following our lively conversation with the king, we bid farewell to the Kingdom of Sorcery Lalagi. Our travels proceeded without major setbacks as we explored different regions, indulging in the unique foods of small nations, port cities, and towns. There were a few minor disturbances along the way, but eventually, we safely returned to the Shiga Kingdom.</p><p>As we journeyed along, we came across the Ganika Marquisate. Then, we proceeded to a port located in the neighbouring Ukeu County. We then braved the mountains and made our way to the port of Kiriku County on the opposite side of the peninsula. Due to its extensive size, numerous travellers frequently utilised this shortcut to traverse the vast peninsula. Upon our arrival at Ukeu County, we changed vessels to a typical small ship, and Satou stowed the flying craft in Storage.</p><p>The two counties of Ukeu and Kiriku shared a common focus on fishing and had a quaint, rural atmosphere. Despite their similarities, the rulers of each country had a strained relationship. Still, as travellers, it wasn't of much concern to us.</p><p>"Master, what ship are we going to take from here?"</p><p>"Don't worry. I've got an idea,"</p><p>Although many sailors were reluctant to allow women on their ships, there were a few exceptions. We arrived at a shop that was situated far from the rest of the port.</p><p>"Hello there,"</p><p>"If yer looking for a brothel, try the red-light district on the other side of the harbor. If yer lost, just head right along the beach that way, and ye'll be back in the centre,"</p><p>Without much interest, the attractive female captain gestured for us to return to the door.</p><p>"No, I was hoping you could carry eight passengers to the trade city Tartumina,"</p><p>"Ye can't be serious… Ah, I see. That includes those little ladies over there, does it? Well, all right, then. Yer all welcome aboard the SS She-Devil!"</p><p>Therefore, we were passengers aboard the lady's galley vessel headed towards Tartumina.</p><p>"Look alive, ye scurvy dogs!"</p><p>"Aye-aye, Cap'n!"</p><p>As its name suggested, all the crew members on board the SS She-Devil were indeed women. Most of them were youthful maidens who only wore a chest wrap on their upper halves, causing Satou to struggle with knowing where to direct his gaze. The rowers' seats were directly facing the passenger seats, making it impossible for him to avert his gaze.</p><p>"Yer welcome to look as much as ye like if ye like what ye see!"</p><p>"S'long as ye pay us back with some tasty ale once we get to the harbour!"</p><p>"I'd prefer rum… the cheap stuff's fine with me!"</p><p>"I'll happily treat you to all the ale and rum you'd like,"</p><p>As the rowers laughed heartily, a small smile crept onto my lips. Like any other sailors, it appeared that they were equally fuelled by the promise of drinking. This led to them rowing with a slightly increased speed.</p><p>"Tartumina's in sight now, mister. This harbour's terribly crowded-like, so d'you mind if we take a detour to the next one?"</p><p>"Of course, whatever you think is best,"</p><p>As the heart of foreign commerce in the Shiga Kingdom, the harbour was bustling with large trade vessels from various nations. At the same time, smaller ships chaotically weaved among them. When we reached the next harbour, it was even more vibrant than any we had witnessed on the sugar route or in Sutoandell.</p><p>"Hey, mister! You better join us later!"</p><p>"Yes, I'll be sure to come by as soon as we get to an inn,"</p><p>After we had dropped anchor, I arranged for the She-Devil crew to have exclusive use of a bar for unlimited drinks and food. At the same time, Satou expressed his gratitude to them.</p><p>After receiving a tip from the Harbour Chamber of Commerce, we went to an inn known to welcome demi-humans. Although the residents initially seemed unwelcoming, their attitudes changed once I presented them with the medallion the king of Lalagi gifted to me.</p><p>"I can't believe the Lalagi red silk and the Ishral- lie Heaven's Teardrops sell for so much here,"</p><p>"No kidding. The red silk sold for seven times the original price, and the Heaven's Teardrops were more like thirty times,"</p><p>As Arisa and I eagerly discussed our bargains, we reached the inn. I promptly completed the necessary paperwork for our accommodations and returned to the bar where we were meeting the backup with Satou and the lady sailors. Leaving the rest of my companions behind at the inn, I had covered the cost of a decadent meal of renowned Ohmi beef for each of them. Cutting through a dodgy area of the city, I stumbled upon a bustling arena.</p><p>"Viceroy! If your wife finds out that you're going to the arena this late at night, you'll be in big trouble!"</p><p>"Fool! When else can I enjoy time with those gorgeous young men except when Laytell is in Kiriku County?"</p><p>The lewd dialogue took place between a wealthy, regal middle-aged gentleman and a seasoned butler. Surrounding them were four striking, chivalrous knights clad in gleaming silver armour. I chose to ignore some of the more explicit things and wait for them to pass on by. As the group attempted to walk down the path, they were met by two vigilant guards. One of them stepped forward to speak to them.</p><p>"I'm terribly sorry, good sirs. This way lies a corrupt street used by the lowly commoners. A noble such as yourself should take care not to…"</p><p>"How dare you block my path, man?!"</p><p>The sentry courteously lowered his head, trying to subtly convey that only specific individuals were permitted on this street. However, the noble disregarded this warning and instead lashed out at the guard with his staff, determined to pass through. Infuriated, the second guard bravely stepped forward to staunchly protect his fellow comrade.</p><p>"Hey, noble! This is the path to the gladiator slaves' waiting room. If you want to watch the fight, use the front entrance!"</p><p>"What an impolite cur. Put him in his place!"</p><p>The four knights unsheathed their swords and lunged towards the two guards, who were only armed with clubs. As the weapons collided, blood splattered in every direction before the two guards fell to the ground, defeated. In this kingdom, it was typical for disrespect towards a higher-class noble to result in severe consequences, ranging from slavery to immediate execution.</p><p>"Finish them off,"</p><p>The noble spoke frostily before striding down the pathway alongside his butler and two knights. As the two remaining knights brandished their swords over the defeated guards, so I decided to intervene.</p><p>"Excuse me, but should they really be put to death for their actions,"</p><p>"Are you a friend of these mannerless curs?"</p><p>"No, but surely they shouldn't lose their lives over this incident," I step between the knights and fallen guards. "They may have been rude, but they were trying to protect your lord's reputation. Shouldn't this be punishment enough for their ill manners?"</p><p>I slipped the knights two small pouches of gold coins to further convince them.</p><p>"Hmph. Very well,"</p><p>The knights nodded in approval as they checked the pouch's weight, indicating the presence of gold. They then followed their master with determination. I cast a healing spell on the fallen guards, ensuring their lives were no longer in danger. Staff from the arena approached to investigate the disturbance, and I allowed them to handle the remaining tasks.</p><p>"Are these all the demonic potions you've got?"</p><p>"I've got plenty more corpse potions,"</p><p>"We're good on those for now. How much can you have ready for next month?"</p><p>"That's up to you, Mister Daman,"</p><p>"Don't get smart with me, plunderer,"</p><p>It appeared that the trading of illicit substances was rampant in this Tartumina location, as the area gave off a dangerous vibe.</p><p>"If we pilfer too much, Sokell will catch on to us, so let's keep the extra side jobs to a minimum,"</p><p>Using my 'Keen Hearing' skill, I caught wind of covert chatter from rough-looking individuals. I simply jotted down their names and the details of their transgressions before dispatching them in a letter to the guard's station. Arresting them myself might interfere in any ongoing investigations the town guard is conducting so I didn't capture them myself.</p><p>That night, I found myself drinking with the crew of the SS She-Devil until the sun rose. Satou seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself, surrounded by a group of flirtatious women. Arisa gave him hell for that when she found out what he had been up to.</p><p><0></p><p>"Ryyyye?"</p><p>"And Effie, sir!"</p><p>Several days had passed when Satou decided to cast the Return spell and return to Bolenan Forest. This allowed us to retrieve our horses and carriage, a surprise that filled Tama and Pochi with joy. Liza and Nana were equally pleased to once again ride on a runosaur.</p><p>Despite having the option to take a shortcut to Labyrinth City using our DIY airship, we opted to embark on the journey in our horse-drawn carriage. Satou was eager to try out the new electric bicycle-like contraption he had attached to the magic carriage. The journey was relatively calm, with few run-ins with monsters or bandits.</p><p>On our journey, we made a pit stop at the crossroads town of Kelton. This bustling hub was a crucial land-based trading hub, connecting the trade city Tartumina, the grand royal capital, and Labyrinth City Celivera. The diversity of goods and people in this market was truly remarkable. We then reached Furusawa, a small city situated between Kelton and Celivera.</p><p>As we continued our journey, the number of villages decreased until we passed through a desolate wasteland. As our journey continued, the distance between each village along the road seemed to stretch indefinitely. The barren landscape implied that this area was much less fertile.</p><p>"Labyrinth City is just beyond those mountains, right?"</p><p>Arisa, situated beside Lulu in the coachman's seat, unlatched the hatch and addressed us.</p><p>"That's right. We're almost there,"</p><p>After a long journey, the carriage finally reached the mountains overlooking Labyrinth City Celivera. As we descended, the first thing that caught our eye was the vast basin adorned with a peculiar type of flora known as 'veria.' The barren wasteland resembling a desert was dotted with these cactus-like plants. In the far distance, we could see the entrance to the labyrinth situated on a hill within the city. The basin beyond the city was teeming with various species of plant monsters, extending all the way up to the mountains on the other side. According to Satou, beyond those mountains lay a vast desert.</p><p>"We finally made it!"</p><p>"Aye-aaaye!"</p><p>"Now our battle really begins, sir,"</p><p>Arisa, Tama, and Pochi grinned excitedly.</p><p>"Let's get going. There aren't any villages between here and Labyrinth City, just rest stops with rain coverage, and some of them don't even have water wells,"</p><p>"Okey-dokey! Let's… a go!"</p><p>Arisa's cheerful cry signalled the start of our descent towards Labyrinth City in the carriage. As we journeyed on, I couldn't help but envision the exciting encounters that awaited me. Surely, there would be unfamiliar monsters lurking around the labyrinth's corners, and who knows what treasures lay hidden in its chests, waiting to be discovered.</p></div></div><div class="Chapter_controlBox__hpIP2"><a id="j_chapterPrev" class="Chapter_prevBtn__3BGID" href="/book/22083699705220905/75918463083802980">Last Chapter</a><a id="j_chapterNext" class="Chapter_nextBtn__v6L3K" href="/book/22083699705220905/76108259701878602">Next Chapter</a></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json" nonce="d2Vibm92ZWw=">{"props":{"messages":{"ADD_7100f":"Add to Library","IN_6e1be":"In Library","SEND_bd3eb":"Send Gifts","_MONTH_bc1a3":"/Month (1st Month Special)","COINS_39b14":"Coins In value","HAPPY_ebf82":"Happy reading.","EXPIRES_cfc36":"Expires","AFTER_08b72":"After Membership is purchased, it will become effective in 24 hours, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Membership.","MEMBERSHIP_27657":"Membership benefits can be used for one account across the platform.","AFTER_ec612":"After being activated, The corresponding Coins will be deposited into your account immediately. 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The story usually sets in modern cities and takes the love between men and women as the center.","EASTERN_c3ffd":"Eastern novel is a subgenre of fantasy novel that has elements of Asian culture as the foundation, such as cultivation, xuanhuan, wuxia, or xianxia. It usually contains the Daoist culture as the elementary core.","GAME_5e391":"Game novel is a subgenre of webnovel that set in a game. The core of the story is based on the game and it also involves fantasy elements. A main plot is that heroines play a game immersively with a helmet and the storyline is spread in the game.","URBAN_116dc":"Urban fiction is a subgenre set in a city landscape. The tone for urban fiction is usually modern, focusing on the city living.","FANTASY_d1c1f":"Fantasy fiction is a subgenre of speculative novel involving magical elements, typically set in a fictional universe and sometimes inspired by mythology and folklore.","HISTORY_5668c":"History fiction it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","TEEN_ddf2a":"Teen fiction is a subgenre of webnovel that is written for or marketed to young adults. Heroines are mostly students and the story is happened on campus.","SCI_FI__5e052":"Sci-fi  is a subgenre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes etc.","FANTASY_fb88e":"Fantasy fiction is a genre that involves magic and supernatural elements. The background is set in a fictional universe or unpredictable world and characters use magic to fight against powerful supernaturel enemies such as dragon. Compared with Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy refers to Western fantasy and is inspired by mythology and folklore. Fantasy is also distinguished from science fiction and horror though there is an overlap between the three.","SCIENCE_c38b5":"Science Fiction (sometimes shortened to Sci-Fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, extraterrestrial life, sentient artificial intelligence, cybernetics, certain forms of immortality (like mind uploading), and the singularity.","HORROR_c39a3":"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror,. Horror intends to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere for the reader.","SPORTS_ff72c":"Sports novel is a literary genre that focuses on the theme of sports. Characters are athletics or love sports. The main plot usually involves various competitions.","ACTION_12c9e":"Action fiction is the literary genre that includes spy novels, adventure stories, tales of terror and intrigue (\"cloak and dagger\") and mysteries. This kind of story utilizes suspense, the tension that is built up when the reader wishes to know how the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is going to be resolved or what the solution to the puzzle of a thriller is.","A_d9d77":"A war novel or military fiction is a novel about war. It is a novel in which the primary action takes place on a battlefield, or in a civilian setting (or home front), where the characters are preoccupied with the preparations for, suffering the effects of, or recovering from war. Many war novels are historical novels.","REALISTIC_fc592":"Realistic fiction typically involves a story whose basic setting (time and location in the world) is real and whose events could feasibly happen in a real-world setting.","HISTORICAL_23dbe":"Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting related to the past events, but is fictional.An essential element of historical fiction is that it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","ACG_6ff33":"ACG (\"Animation, Comics, and Games\") is a term used in some subcultures of Greater China and Southeast Asia. Because a strong economic and cultural connection exists between anime, manga and games in the Japanese market, ACG is used to describe this phenomenon in relative fields. 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I would be worried if it wasn't for the fact that the battle was a one-sided massacre with my spirit summons winning. I can still hear the sounds of bones snapping and bodies dropping even though I have long left that battle behind.\u003c/p\u003e","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"454a2d607c71847515065a66db4f9b03","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp\u003eAs for me, I am making good progress being led through the maze of corridors by my spirit wolf and occasionally freeing a soul or two from their imprisonment whenever an undead monster gets in my way. Claidheamh Soluis is in thirteen separate blades floating beside me while I held Gjallarhorn in hand. 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Thank you, everyone,\" Rei's smile was almost unnaturally wide as she turned to face us. \"Satou, please take me to the Queen's Tower. The Sea Lord has been defeated, and my father has passed on. Now all that remains is for me to sink Lalakie back to the bottom of the sea and activate its self-destruct mechanism so that it does not fall into the wrong hands, and the world will be safe at last.\" Rei gave a faint, martyr-like smile. \"Please take care of Yuuneia for me. Father was only using her. The floating island Lalakie and I will atone for all their sins.\"\u003c/p\u003e","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9547932a57746adf500d870de2517f59","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp\u003e\"S… sister...don't leave me... 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