What is this?

Trigger warning: mentions of su***de

Brianna's POV

Faye disappeared just like that. No, not just like that. She will come for me again and will kill me.

"Brianna," the female angel called me.


"I know you cannot remember anything at all but...you shouldn't have done that thing. Now you are more in the deep. Things will become hard for you now."

The male angel gazed his eyes at me. He looks at me in pity.

"What mistake did I do from thousands of years ago, huh? Why did I deserve such punishment?" I asked them both.

They just lowered their heads and seemed to cannot answer my question.

"Fine, I guess I am not allowed to know that, huh?"

"At least in this life as a punishment. In your next life, you will remember everything again." The female figure answered.

I scoffed, "I am being punished for something I am not sure. Wow..."

"Just do your best to stay away from Faye. For sure, you don't want to experience a grieving death." The male figure said.

I just brushed them off, "where is my mother anyway? Do you happen to have any idea?"

"When Faye took you last night, we took it upon ourselves to help you by cloning you. In their eyes, you never disappeared. So now, your mother is with the clone version of you in a mall."

"What the heck? For real? Where is that clone when I needed an excuse to be absent from class?"

"Until then, Brianna." The female angel reopened the portal.

The two of them entered it leaving me alone in the front yard of our house. Alone.

I went back to my room to wait for my mother to return home. I wonder what will happen if she realizes that the Brianna that is with her is not the original one?

Finally, after long hours of waiting, I heard a car parked in front of the house. I immediately got down to the entrance of our house to reveal myself to her.

The car doors opened but no clone came out from it.

"There you are, Brianna. You are so quick, You were just in the car," she smiled. She handed me lots of paper bags that had the name of different store brands on them.

"I-I was with you?" I cannot tear away my eyes from the passenger seat of the car. No one is here.

"Yeah. Why are you acting so strange, Brianna?" My mom undid the tie of her hair to lay out her curly locks.

"N-nothing..." My clone just simply disappeared and my mom didn't even notice it. I closed the entrance of the house and followed her to my mom to her bedroom. "So, what did we buy again?" I opened the paper bags to check.

"Are you excited to wear the new dress you bought?" She opened one paper bag and showed a floral dress.

At least my clone me knows my taste in clothing, "that is pretty."

"Right? It was on sale too so it really is good." She handed me the dress.

"Thanks." I feel disappointed. My clone version was able to hang out with my mom. That almost never happens since she's always busy with her work.

The next day, I returned to class. Sofia was the first one to greet me as soon as I entered the building.

"Your party is so great!" Sofia's smile was so wide that it reached her ears.


"I can't wait to see the photos get developed. When will you receive the photo album?"

"Next week, according to the photographer." I wonder what the clone version of me looks like.

"OOh, call me when it's already in your house. I want to see them. We had many photos together! Anyway, I'm going to my lass now. See you at lunch!" She waved at me and made a turn to the right hallway where her classroom will be.

I went straight ahead because my classroom is the last room in this hallway.

During the whole time, I can not take my mind off the things that happened yesterday. From Faye kidnapping me to trying to kill me, to the angels, to the reincarnation, and to the possible sin that I have done to anger the Heavens.

I sighed.

I cannot imagine living in this strange world of mine just so Faye could hunt me and kill me.

Then I have to reincarnate again only to be killed by her again.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. My head is aching already just by thinking about this.

Maybe she is right. Maybe I should help her kill herself?

I stared at my hands. I don't think I have the guts to do so. I am still a simple 18-year-old girl trying to live my best life. Not to mention that I am very petite and Faye is tall...so if I have to kill her, it will take me lots of physical strength to do so. Can electric shock help?

Hold on, she told me that we already tried it before but she didn't die.

I gulped...do I have to...do it to myself? No, right? Yes? No?!

I took a deep breathe...no way.

No way I would do that. Is she crazy? What the hell? Are the angels crazy? This is basically suicide!

"Miss Cho, why are you standing?" The professor called my attention.

"Standing?" I looked around. Hold on, yeah. Why am I standing? Did I do it uncontrollably because of shock? "I apologize."

"Well, since you are standing already. Solve this then," he motioned me to get on the platform and answer the question on the board.

I gulped once more. I don't know how to compute investments. Why am I even having this class in college? This is not even my major. Why am I here?

"Miss Cho, we are waiting for you." The professor tapped the blackboard with his chalk.

Without any other choice, I went up to the platform and took the chalk from his hands.


Party A

Party B



How much money will it make in ten years?

How would I know?

The percentage of increase is 1%...blah blah blah...

I put down the chalk. "Professor...I really do not know the answer."

The people in the classroom laughed.

The professor looked disappointed, "well, next time. Listen to the lesson and do not daydream. Go back to your sit."