
Faye’s POV

I stared at the photo that is supposed to be the past reincarnation of Brianna. The person in the picture has deep brunette hair that only shows up as black since the photo is in black and white. Her hair is a bit wavy but can be managed. Her face shape is a bit round, her nose is sharp, her lips are thin, and her eyes...her eyes were tantalizing. The best ones I've seen. In her every reincarnation, her eyes are the one that keeps pulling me in closer to her.

That's how I know that I already found her.

I should have just really listened to my guts and killed her right there.

"You seem to be in deep thoughts." Jessica placed a cup of alcohol in front of me. "The usual, right?"

I nodded.

Jessica is another immortal like me who was also punished to live a miserable life forever. Though her situation is different from mine. Her goal is to wait for the reincarnation of a specific person and then kill them. Unfortunately, that person hasn't reincarnated yet. Whoever that could be.

"Yeah," I drank the alcohol in one sip.

She refilled it immediately. Jessica, just like me, hasn't aged one bit from the time her 'immortalization' has been granted. Her hair is in a pixie cut, her nose a bit flat, thick lips, and dark skin, and stands shorter than me.

"What's the problem?" Jessica asked,

"I've been tricked and played."

"Aren't those words share the same meaning?"

I shook my head. "Tricked because I thought I got the wrong person when I did not. I actually got the right one. Played because..."


"She doesn't remember who she was. Unlike her past reincarnations."


"The angels said that she did some major sin while she was reincarnating so as punishment, they took away her memories in this lifetime. So now, Brianna has no idea who I was at all. I really thought she was joking at first but I guess, she was not." I drank the alcohol in one sip again.

"That is such a huge problem," Jessica refilled my glass. "So she can't remember that you two..."

I shook my head. "None of it."

She returned the alcohol bottle back to its shelf. She sat on the stool next to me so she could pat my back. "You poor Faye..."

"All I could do now is just calm myself down, I guess. Then we can talk again."

"Are you going to tell her everything?"

"I guess it will be much easier if I do so, so yes. She needs to know everything. Everything from the beginning."

"She might not believe you."

"She has to. That's the only way she would accept death."

"Are you sure?"

"That's the reason why her past reincarnation does not run away from me. Because the past reincarnations know the situation. They willingly let me kill them! This one, this one runs away! So it is very hard to do. I have to take her blood and drink a little of it. It's my poison. But I will only die while she dies too. We need to die together."

Jessica nodded. "Yes, that is your case."

"Refill?" I showed her my empty glass.

"No, I cannot have another drunkard in my condo." She looked at the sleeping woman on her couch.

"Is she not wearing any clothes?"

Jessica smirked, "we had a lot of fun last night. How about you?" She tugged my coat. "Do you also want to have fun?"

I shook my head. "I'm not in the mood to do it with you, Jessica."

"We could try. I mean it's more fun while that other girl is still here. Let me just wake her up."

I stopped her from getting off her seat. "No means no."

Jessica rolled her eyes at me. "Fine." She sat back down. "Well, you can't stay glum the whole day, can you?"

I showed her my empty glass of alcohol again.

"Ugh," she groaned. She went back to the other side of the bar to take the alcohol from its shelf and poured some into my glass.

"Thanks." I drank it all at once. "I need more."

This time, Jessica offered the whole bottle to me instead.

I gladly took it from her hand and drank it all.

I need to recollect my thoughts. I need a plan so I could explain it all to Brianna.

I stared at the photo in my hands again. If we didn't commit that sin, if only we followed, we would not suffer like this.

But I do not understand. What mistake did we make?

Why is it something that they cannot easily forgive us and instead we need to suffer this much?

And what the heck did Brianna do while she was in the process of reincarnation? Did it just worsen our case? Why can't she just stick to the plan?

We meet. We kill each other. That's it.

Though I guess I couldn't blame her much either. I can only imagine being in her shoes. Imagine waiting for me like a grim reaper. Imagine having to live a whole life only to be killed by me in each lifetime.

I sighed.

"You're drunk now." Jessica noticed.

"Leave me be for now."

"This is my place, Faye. I don't want you to stay here."


"No means no."

I frowned, "Did you just use my own words against me?"

She shrugged, "I really cannot let you stay here."


"Because I want to have fun! I can't have fun when you're around here being so sentimental and sad. You will ruin the mood."

"I'll stay here. You can do it in the bedroom."

"I like moving around! Faye, she's about to wake up any moment now."

"You're really choosing her instead of me? Your friend?"

"No, I am choosing myself first than you. There's a huge difference."

I landed the alcohol bottle on the bar. "Just one day."

"Find your own place. You have lived a thousand years. For sure you have to money around."

I bit my lower lip.

"Ha, you enjoyed the hypnotization power so much, huh?"

I nodded.

"You never paid for anything?"

I shook my head.

"Since a thousand years ago?"

I nodded.

"Well, I do not see how any of it is my problem."

"Some of my things are in here. I will just stay in my small room."

"Storage room that you picked yourself. I am not forcing you to sleep in there."

"You have no other rooms. I do not want to be in that guest room. Who knows what kind of germs you have in there."

Jessica's mouth fell. "Excuse you. I choose my partners wisely."

"Blah blah...I'm going to my room which is NOT a storage room. It's MY bedroom."