Faye Part 2

Faye's POV

Since the angels had interrupted me before and I had to run away, I lost sight of Brianna once again. This is going to be a bit of a struggle.

My first plan was to go back to the place I last saw her which was her house but when I got there, it was empty.

I tried waiting for an hour or two but I realized that I have terrible patience so I left the house and searched for her somewhere else.

It's impossible for her to be back at that elementary school since she is already in college. I don't know where she's studying right now.

I went back to the house to find some clues. I ravaged her things. I don't care if I am creating so much mess right now. Her room is not clean in the first place anyway. There are fashion magazines scattered on the bed, the bed cover is not fixed, and her study table is full of random things like nail polish, books, hair rollers, and other stuff.

I went to her backpack that was lying down on the side of her bed to search for anything that might tell me what her college's name was.

I guess I have been so focused on searching in her bag that I didn't realize that someone was at the door already.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Brianna standing by the door.

Her eyes wandered around her ruined room. "What did you do?"

"I was searching for you."

"Searching? You think I would fit in my own bag?"

"Ugh," I tucked her backpack back into its place on the floor.

She slammed her bedroom door closed. "Clean my room."


"Clean it! I am not having you just simply barging into my bedroom and messing it all up."

"But your bedroom has always been a mess, to begin with." I looked around. I am sure I haven't gone through her desk yet.

She glared at me.

"Those glaring eyes do not work on me, Brianna."

"Ugh," she groaned, "Just clean it! Clean my room! I know it was a mess earlier but come on! My clothes are all over the floor, my magazines are all over my bed when I remember very clearly stacking them all on the edge of the bed! Do not even start with my study table!"

"Whoa, that's not on me. That has always been like that."

"Just clean it before my mom arrives!"

I sighed, "fine. But after cleaning the room, you and I are going to talk. You need to know everything about your past lives and why we ended up this way."

She pinched the bridge of her nose as she thought, "Fine. It's not like I'm not curious about this whole fiasco."

"Great." I started cleaning her room. I started with the clothes that I threw on the floor.

"Meanwhile, I'm going to take a shower. When I get back. The whole place shall be spotless."


She left her room again and took a shower.

I went back to cleaning the whole room. After her closet, I went to her bed. I stacked the magazines on the side table and then also fixed her bed. Then I cleaned her desk too even though I did not make that mess.

After cleaning, I took a rest on her bed by sitting at the end of it.

Her room isn't that bad. The size if it is enough for a girl who is in college. The pink paint of her room has faded already, the wooden flooring does not have its shiny look, and also has lots of scratches already.

A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened to reveal Brianna.

My stomach twisted when I saw her just barely wearing anything.

"Why are you covering yourself with just a towel?"

She closed the door, "why? Scared of bare shoulders?"

"No, there is another person in your room and you're wearing nothing but that. No, hopefully, you are wearing something underneath that."

She only looked at me.

"You are not wearing-" I stopped talking and just turned my head away. "Just put on some clothes."

I heard her walking around the room and then the closet doors opening. "You could start talking. Thank you for cleaning the room by the way. I did not expect you to clean it all the way."

"I need you to listen to every word that I am going to say. So I need you to focus."

"I can hear you even though I'm busy here."

"No. This is a serious matter. You have to understand that your life is at risk too. You already know that my goal here is to kill you. I need you to understand why."


I jolted. I turned to see that she was already leaning close to me. How come I didn't feel her walking close to me?

I gulped. Every time, this is getting much harder than last time.

"What? You are not comfortable with what I'm wearing?"

I didn't even realize what she was wearing. She's wearing an oversized shirt and I think that's it. Hopefully, she got anything else underneath that.

"I am comfortable wearing oversized shirts since I am just inside my house. Usually, I don't wear anything underneath but for your comfort, I wore a short." She raised her shirt for me to show the shirt.

I scooched a little away from her. "You didn't have to show me that."

She took the hairbrush lying on her side table. "I don't understand why we have this kind of tension between us, Faye. Do you have an explanation for that?"


"Or maybe it's just you? You've become nervous when you see me just wearing a towel." She started brushing her hair.

"Can you not bring up anything else and just listen to what I am about to say?"

Of course, there is tension between us. There is no lifetime we've met that this tension does not exist.

"Sure, start. I'm all ears."

I watched her tuck her hair behind her ears. I swallowed. I turned my head away so I could not see her.

"Hello? Earth to Faye? Are you out of signal? I cannot hear you speak."

I gripped the bedsheet. "It is really getting harder and harder with each reincarnation of yours."


"I really do hope that this will be your last reincarnation, Brianna. I do not think I could handle another one."

"I hope I could understand everything you're telling me right now but you are barely giving me any explanation."

"Where do you want me to begin?"

"I don't mind anything. Just tell the story in your own phase. I am just here to listen to you."

"Fine. As you know, you are an angel."

She nodded.

"Thousand years ago, we met. It was during the time when the angels and people were much closer to each other."

"Really? Angels really talk to people like how it was in the books?"

I nodded. "So, one day you came down to me and told me that I have a mission."

"And what is that mission?"

"That I shall sacrifice a lamb so the curse of my family would end. I did it. The curse of my family ended."


I nodded, "but our communication didn't end there."

"You must be a good person if I keep coming down from the heavens just to hang out with you."

"That's the problem. You shouldn't have been doing that."

She furrowed her brows.

"The relationship between angels and people should remain a business relationship. At least that's how I see it and how they explained it back then. But you and I..." I studied her eyes. They really are the same ones that I saw from thousand years ago. The eyes that took me in.

"You and I? Why did you stop? What happened? What's me and you?"

"We fell in love."