You and Me Part 2

Brianna's POV

She was motionless on the bed though I see her throat move as she swallowed.

"What are you planning, Brianna?" She asked nervously.

Why did she have to ask? How am I going to answer that question?

"You want to get to know me on the bed?" She almost chuckled but it all disappeared when I didn't join her. "Brianna?"

I sat on her hips.

She flinched that I almost thought she will throw me away from her but instead, her hands moved to my thighs.

I traced my finger in her eyebrows, on her lashes, down to her nose then to her lips.

I could tell that she was somehow heating up because her cheeks are turning pink.

"A-are you sure about this?"

I don't know but I know I want it. I want to tell her that but it sounds so desperate and I am not ready to reveal that part of me yet.

"You barely know me. I know you very well but you barely know me. We met just...two weeks ago?"

"People do it even though they just met a minute ago."

"Yeah but..."

I moved my hips a little and it somehow made her shiver.

I guided her hand inside my shirt up until she could reach my mound. It seems like she is experienced with this because she already knew what to do.

Her fingers started playing with the tip and as she do it, I felt electricity running from that part to my belly.

I moaned.

I lowered myself to her to lean for a kiss when the door to my room burst open.

"Oh my god!"

Faye pushed me away from her which caused me to fall on the hard wooden floor.

"Sofia!" I groaned.

"I am so sorry! Your mother was downstairs...and...oh my god. Oh my god."

I looked at Faye who seemed very disturbed by it. Her face was flashing red.

So am I.

We were so close.

Why did Sofia have to ruin it?

"Do I leave? No, why am I even asking? I should just leave," Sofia turned her back at us in panic.

"No, stay," Faye told her. "I'm leaving." She stood up from the bed and fixed her top.

"Faye?" I called.

She didn't look at me. "See you...later." She went out of my room leaving me with Sofia. Her 'later' sounds like a question than a statement.

Oh my god, Sofia.

She just witnessed what was about to happen.

"Wh-who was that?" Sofia asked.

"Faye..." I answered. I pulled myself up on the bed and massaged my shoulders since it's the part of me that hit the wooden floor.

"I mean, your relationship. When did you two meet? How? Where? I need the details, Brianna!" She sat on the bed with me.

"Are you not ashamed one bit?"

"Kinda. I am sorry that I ruined the moment but I am now very eager to know everything about this relationship."

"There is no relationship."

"Friends with benefits?"


"One-night stand?"


"No relationship? Not even dating?"

I shook my head.

"Whoa. So it was a risk?"

I don't know.

Now that it was dawning on me...I really was just about to do it with her.

I covered my lips. I even initiated it. I let her touch me...

The warmth on my mound that she left is still there.

"Well, I am deeply sorry that I ruined the moment. I rang the bell multiple times but no one was answering until your mom parked in the driveway and she let me in. I thought you were just napping and I always just simply enter your room and nap with you..."

"It's okay."

"You should have locked the door if you didn't want to be disturbed. What if it's your mom that entered the room, huh?"


"How would you explain that to her."

"I don't know."

"Anyway, who is she? Did you call her Faith?"

"Faye. Her name is Faye."

"How come I don't know anything about this person? Are you keeping secrets from me now?"

"No, I am not."

I barely know Faye too.

Barely and yet...I was so ready to spread myself to her.

The more I think about it the more I feel embarrassed.

Where did I get all of that courage? I've never initiated before.

I was the one on top of her!

"Hey, girl. Brianna, are you alright?"

I nodded, "I think so."

"I really ruined the moment there, huh? You were in heat," he teased me.

"Ugh, just tell me why you're here." I positioned myself on the bed and wrapped myself with a blanket.

"Nothing. I always go here for no reason at all."

Wrong timing.

"Wrong timing, I know." She said as if reading my mind.

I wonder if Faye is still open to doing that thing with me. What if she got too embarrassed that she will never do that with me? Ever?

Why am I even disappointed? Shouldn't I be happy that it didn't happen? I have my dignity sti intact.

Sofia positioned herself next to me and wrapped herself with the same blanket. "Don't worry. Next time. Text me when she's coming so I know if I should come or not."


"I'm serious. Tell me too if you want me to distract your mom. I'll take her to the mall or to the park. Anywhere. Just so you could spend time with Faye." She winked playfully at me.

I smacked her face jokingly, "stop it. I'm already embarrassed enough."

Sofia giggled. "So, how did you two meet?"

How? How did we meet?

How do I explain it to Sofia? She kidnapped me and tried to kill me.

Won't I sound like a masochist? I am literally offering myself to her if that's the case.

"Is it a secret? Come on, you don't have to keep a secret from me."

"Nothing. There's no secret," I lied.

"Did you meet online?"

I nodded. I guess that is a good excuse.

"How long have you been talking that you reached this stage already?"

"Two weeks." That was not a lie.

"Just two weeks!?" Sofia's mouth fell open.

"Shhh. My mom's room is just o the other side. She'll hear you."

"You are quick, Miss Brianna Cho. I did not expect this from you."

"Just shut up, Sofia. Again, my mom is just in the other room so you better lower your voice. She doesn't know who Faye is."

"Not yet. But soon you will let them meet each other, right?"

Soon? Someday?

Then what?

Suddenly, I will disappear because Faye killed me?

She will be the first suspect for sure. What if killing me didn't work again? She will be taken and might be put into jail.

Huh...I wonder if she's been put in jail before because of my past reincarnations.