This One Night

Brianna's POV

"What are you doing standing over there?"

Faye anxiously stands by the door. I didn't let her meet my mom yet so she came here by being invisible only to stop by the door.


"Ugh, fine." She took a few steps closer to me.

"I will lend you some clothes." I searched my cabinet for something that might fit her. Luckily, most of my clothes are loose and she's tall so it will just look like a normal shirt for her. I also took a pair of shorts for her. "Here."

Faye took them from my hand.

"Maybe we should shower together," I teased.


"My mom doesn't know I have a visitor. She'll wonder why I am taking a shower twice."


"Whoa, you're actually considering it?"

"Stop teasing me!"

I chuckled, "go ahead. I'm just going to tell her that I have a bad stomach."

She immediately left my bedroom. So now I am left with my own conscience.

My eyes landed on the one bed in my room.

Now I feel a bit conscious.

What was I thinking asking her to be here? I am not only teasing her but I am also punishing myself.

Calm down, Brianna. Calm down. She has more self-control than you so everything will be fine.

After an hour, we were both done taking a shower. We are now lying on the bed and as Faye requested, there's a huge pillow between us.

We are now staring at the ceiling awkwardly.

"Sleep yet?" Faye asked.


"Do you want a story?"

"A bedtime story?" I chuckled.

"The story of our last night together. Me as a normal human and you as an angel."

"Oh." My grin faded.

"Do you want to hear about it?"

I nodded. "Yes."

" do I begin with it? Okay, it was a few days before my birthday and we were planning on what to do. Unfortunately, as an angel, you've got a lot of tasks at hand so you couldn't make it on my birthday. So instead, we celebrated it earlier."

"What did we do? Did we go somewhere?"

"We went out. Layed on the grassy ground. Then we watch the stars."


"It was the best birthday celebration for me. We were just silent just like this. It was all I need."

I want to look at Faye to see what she looks like now. If she's longing for that old golden time for her. If her face is full of sadness...

As if reading my mind, the pillow between us moved. She lowered it so she could see my face.

"I was pretty mean to you when we first met. I pushed you down to the ground."

"You did?"

"You were just 8."

I gasped.

"Then years later, we met again and I kinda hurt you again."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Now, I hurt you again. So, I am sorry at all those times that I hurt you."

Her face is so pure. I just want to get closer to her. Even just touching her face is enough.

It feels like I've longed for her for so long. The thing that I've been longing all these years...her existence explains a lot. The emptiness I used to feel now explains a lot.

"What are you thinking now?" She asked me.

"Nothing," I lied. I feel like it will be weird to tell her everything I am feeling right now.

Honestly, I am all over the place.

Just not long ago, I want her to stay away from me. Then I'm teasing her. Now I feel sorry for her.

Ugh, Brianna. Make up your goddamn mind.

She closed her eyes while she was still facing me.

"Changed your mind about the pillow?" I want to tease her again to somehow lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, actually." She removed the single thing that blocks our bodies and set it behind her.


She pulled me closer to her so I could rest my head on her arm. "We used to sleep like this all the time."

"Really?" I took a glimpse of her face.

She nodded.

"Can I be honest with you, Faye?" I asked.

"What is it?"

"The reason why asked you to be here is because I was hoping that I could sleep comfortably again. The past two weeks have been really difficult for me. The angels...they scare me."

I felt Faye controlling her breathing.

"They've been visiting my dreams so...I try my best to never fall asleep." I gulped.

I waited for Faye to say anything. I waited and waited but there were no words that came out from her mouth.

That disappointed me a little bit.

I was expecting her to comfort me even just a little but instead, she has no response.

"They scare me too."

I looked up to see her face.

"When they showed themselves to us...honestly, that was the first time in thousands of years that I've seen an angel. Two of them, in fact."

"They haven't shown themselves until now?"

She nodded. "That's why I was so scared too." She pulled me closer to her. I felt her lips landing on the crown of my head. "But don't worry. I'm here. You're here. What's important is that we're together."

"You are saying that right now but later on, you will push through to your plan and kill me."

"Let's not talk about that now."

"We have to at some point."

"Yeah...but for now, let's have this moment. I want you to comfortably sleep tonight."

"Will you sleep comfortably tonight too?"

She nodded, "I think so. After all, you are here with me."

That made me smile.

Yeah, I guess this is nice. This feels good actually.

I pushed myself closer to her so and closed my eyes.

I could feel Faye's chest moving as she breathes. I tried to be in sync with her but her breathes were longer and deeper than mine.

She must be thinking about something that is somehow making her uncomfortable. Or maybe...

I look up again, "Your eyes are still open."

"I'm trying my best to close them."

"Why are you not closing them?"

"I feel uneasy."


"Can you stop asking me questions? Please? Just go to sleep. I will fall asleep too at any moment now."

"You're breathing pattern is someone who is not in a comfortable situation. You are just in my room, Faye. What is making you uncomfortable?"



She moved a little bit further from me so she could face me. "Why is your chest so big?"

"My chest?"

"Yeah! I could feel them on my body when you're closer. They are like cushions."

"Why are you even thinking about that?"

"Because I felt them! Unintentionally!"

"Why are you blaming me? Is it my fault that they grew up this big? Do you think I can control them?"

My face met the pillow that was she removed between us earlier and returned it there to act as a wall.

"It's staying here. Go to sleep." Faye turned her back at me.

"You have a talent for ruining the moment, Miss Faye Santiago."
