
Brianna's POV

I rushed up to my room as soon as I got home.

I know it's crazy to be this excited to see someone but...I don't know why, I just feel really at peace when I am close to her.

I slammed the door open, "Faye!" I shouted her name excitedly.

I found her on my bed silently reading one of my fashion magazines. "Wow, you really kept your promise."

"Somehow," she said.

My eyes went to her clothes, "hold on, did you leave?"

She put the magazine aside, "yeah. I went to my place to change clothes. I also took some spare ones since I cannot keep borrowing your clothes, right?"

"I really do not mind that," I threw my bag on the side of my room so I could sit on the bed beside her. "Last time when I asked you about where you live, you said it's something you can't tell me. Why? Is there a reason?"

Her expression changed from stoic to what seemed like worry.


"It's really something that I couldn't tell."

"But you really have a place to stay?"

She nodded but her nod seems like she is unsure of her answer, "sort that."

"My question is a simple yes or no. You could just answer yes or no."

"I know that's complicated."

"Fine, I guess you really cannot tell me whatever the reason is. But hey, if you need a place to stay, you can stay here for as long as you want? How many clothes did you take with you?"

"Ugh, just enough for a few days. I think...Brianna," she called me.


"I cannot stay here like this forever. What happens if your mom catches us?"

"Can you not just make yourself invisible? Or hypnotize her into thinking that she already knows you?"

"You are willing to do that to your own mom? You want to play with her head? What kind of daughter are you?"

"No, that's not what I mean. It's just an easy way out."

"Easy way out? That's where problems arise...just introduce me normally to your mom then let's ask her if I could crash here for a while because I got kicked out from my apartment or something," she moved the blanket on her legs causing for her shirt to move around. That's when I noticed something on her neck.

"What's this?" I touched the bruise.

"Huh? What? Hey!" She removed my hand from her. "D-don't touch me."

"Is that a mosquito bite? Do you need an ointment for it?"

She shook her head, "no." She fixed the collar of her shirt but it only revealed more bruises.

"Who scratched you?"

Her eyes widened as if I just pointed out something that I shouldn't have. "What scratch?"

"Faye, you're acting a bit strange. Are you okay? Did you get into a fight?"

"N-no...not really. It's not a fight."

"Then why do you have bruises?"


"They are not bruises." I stood up from the bed. "You did it with someone else."

I know that we just met two weeks ago but I feel so attached now that I am a bit hurt. I thought she was my lover since hundreds of years ago? Then why is getting on someone else's bed?

"Brianna, it's not what you think it is."

"I don't get it. You won't do it with me but you're okay doing it with someone else?"

"Calm down."

"Calm down? I feel cheated! Last night, you were so romantic. You even talked about how we were thousand years ago and...and suddenly...I asked you to stay in my room but" I clamped strands of my hair.


"I do not want to reincarnate anymore," I cried to the angel.

"But it is your punishment."

"No, no. I do not deserve this kind of punishment. Not with her!" I cried louder.

"You know the rules. To end this punishment, she must die too. If she dies and she reincarnates, you can come as an angel again. Then you could completely cut ties with her."

I shook my head, "I do not deserve this. She betrayed me!"

"We are sorry that you have to witness that," the angel rubbed a hand on my back. "But she's merely a human. They easily get swayed by their emotions."

"I trusted her but...she betrayed me...she's got someone long has this been going on? Do you have any idea?"

The angel couldn't look me in the eyes, "I do. We all do. But we cannot interfere with human concerns. You know the rules."

I cried harder, "Since when? Since when? Since when has she been with that other woman? How long has she been hiding her from me?"

"Been like that for three hundred years..."

I gripped my white veil, "I don't want to be with her...she deserves to be punished..."

"What are you planning?"

"Make me forget. If I can't remember her, things will become harder for her..."

"Make you forget?"

"My next reincarnation shall never be killed by her no matter what. If she can betray me, I can betray her too. I know we made a promise with each other that I will let her kill me whenever I reincarnate until she dies. I will never let that happen. I shall only die because of old age, sickness, or by my own hands."

"Hey, that is not angel-like. You cannot speak ill."

I feel numb. No, angry. I want her to feel the pain of being betrayed. "I guess I am starting to grow horns, huh?"

"Y-your wings..." The angel pointed at my back.

My wings have turned gray.


I let go of my hair.

That memory...why did it suddenly appear in my head?

"Brianna," Faye tried to reach for me but I pulled myself away from her before her skin touches mine.

Faye...I stared into her eyes. How dare she look at my eyes so innocently?

I felt my chest tightens as anger grew in it.

I gripped my jacket to manage my anger but it was not helping. I want to cry but I don't want to show weakness. Not in front of her. She doesn't deserve to see this fragile side of me.

"Let me explain this to you. Please," Faye begged.

Lies. She will only lie to me.

"Get out."

Slowly, all of my memories even from my past lives came rushing back into my head. Has that angel finally unlocked my memories as we talked before?


"Get out! I don't want to see you ever again!"