I Regret Meeting You

Brianna's POV

"No, please. Don't push me away," Faye continued to beg.

I shook my head, "No. Stay away from me!"

"Please, let me explain everything to you. I can explain everything to you. Just listen to me."

"Are you not tired of explaining yourself, Faye? You have been explaining yourself to me for the past two weeks."

"No, no. I am not going to get tired of that. I just really need you to listen to me." Her voice was turning into a whisper as she tries not to cry.

I took a step back from her making my back hit the door.

I don't even know who this person is in front of me was anymore.

Looking back at all of our memories...our memories...

For a thousand years. Which one is the real Faye? When did it all start for her? Why did she think that cheating on me was the best choice to pick? When did she even start thinking about it?

Faye is now standing in front of me. I know she wants to hold me but she also knows that she already lost the right to even make her skin touch mine. "Brianna..."

I waved her hand away from me. "My memories, Faye. They all have just returned. Just now."


"You sound happy about that? You can no longer hide your lies from me."

Her lips parted, "what do you mean?"

"In my last life...I saw you...I saw you with her. That woman who did all of that to your body," I pointed at the mark on her neck.

She covered it with her hand, "what?"

"No wonder you can't tell me where you live because you live at her place."

She shook her head, "I can really explain everything to you just listen to me."

"What is there to explain, Faye?" I walked away from her. I don't have any plans to be cornered by her at all.

"A lot."

"No. I do not want to listen to you. I can't believe I have to suffer this much for you but you won't even stay loyal to me! I reincarnate, Faye. I reincarnate just so you could kill me! Just so you could finally die and live like a normal human! And what do I get for doing all of that?" I threw my books at her. "I get cheated on!" I threw more things at her.

"Brianna, please! Stop!" She groaned as my books hit her.

I found a cutter on my desk and opened it.

"Brianna?" She stayed put on her spot. Nervously, she tried to talk to me. "Brianna, put that down. As you said, you remember everything now. So you should also remember that we already tried that one where you're the one who killed me and again, it didn't work. So please put that down."

"Who said I'm going to kill you?"


I pointed the edge of the cutter towards my neck.


I took a step back. "If I kill myself now, you will have to wait for me to get reincarnated again so you could kill me. I will never ever show myself to you."

"Don't do this, Brianna. We could talk this one out. I swear." She fell to her knees. "This is not how I wanted things to happen."

"You hurt me, Faye. Why?" I lowered the cutter on my side. This is ridiculous. It's not like it could cut deep anyway. It's a cheap kind of cutter.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I had to do it becau-"

Faye wasn't able to continue whatever she was going to say because my bedroom door opened revealing my mother who seemed frantic.

"Brianna, why are you shouting? Who are you shouting at?" Mom's eyes landed on Faye who was still on her knees. "Who are you?"

I closed the cutter and returned it to its place, "she's no one. She's not even supposed to be here."

Faye's lips quivered. Is she really going to justify her actions? Cheating? How is she going to justify that?

"Well, Miss. Whoever you are. Leave my daughter's room now before I call the police." My mom was calmer than I thought.

I thought she would throw hands at Faye since she literally made me cry and hurt me. Well, to begin with. She never really got mad at anything. Sometimes, I feel like I do not have anyone to defend me because of it. She always lowers her pride when a conflict is arising.

I remember getting bullied in grade school but instead of my mom defending me from my bully, she instead apologized to that bully's parents and made me transfer school. That's when I met Sofia and our other friends.

Them...I remember getting bullied in elementary. I know I cannot depend on my mom so I just kept it to myself. But not the three of them. My friends... especially Sofia. They defended me from that bully. That's the first time I felt like I could rely on someone. It feels amazing to finally have your guards down even for just a little bit because you know someone else could protect you.

But those good old days are now far gone. Sofia and I transferred in highschool to another school closer to us and since then, I guess I could tell that my life has gone through a downward spiral.

I watch my mom as she trie to pull Faye up from kneeling. Her eyes are still wet.

"Please, Brianna."

"Stay away from me," I said sternly.

"I will find you again. Wherever you go."

"And I will try my best to hide from you. I will even ask the angels to guide me."

"Go," my mom pushed her out of my room.

Faye, even though she doesn't want to lose contact with me again, left. She cannot do anything about it because this day will not end until she left anyway.

"Who was that, Brianna?" My mom is so soft-spoken that sometimes I feel sorry for her. She let other people look down on her.

"No one. You don't need to be bothered by her."

"Are you sure? You seem hurt because of that person," my mom brushed away my tears with the sleeve of her jacket.

"I'm fine mom. Really." I'm stronger than you. I can handle it myself.

After all, I am an angel.