
Brianna's POV

How long has it been since?

I stared at the clock above the blackboard. The class is about to end soon and I still do not understand anything about whatever the professor was discussing. My head has been everywhere since that day.

Since my memories have returned, I tried to look at each one of them to get answers.

The angel said that Faye and that other woman's relationship started three hundred years ago. But it's impossible that it happened overnight. There have to be some signs even years back.

Did I do anything that made her decide to do that?

What did I do?

Whenever I look back at our memories, all I could find were our happy times together. Even the times she had to kill me felt like a sweet goodbye than torture. So when did it all start to go wrong?

I doodle words in my notebook that seems to make an impact to me.


Gray wings





As expected, the angels played with us again. They made sure that Faye will not find me.

After that incident, my mom received a call from the company that she works at and told her that they will offer her a higher pay if she moved to the main office of the company which is located in the city. Sadly, it was too far from us so her company offered a place for us to stay. Then my issue since I am a student in college and the city is far from my college so the company offered to sponsor my transfer and now I am studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

How long has it been since?

I stared at the ticking clock.

One year.

It's been a year since.

I wonder if Faye has been searching for me or if she just gave up.

Heck, I don't even know why I am hoping she does. Isn't this what I want? I want to be far from her as possible so I could let her suffer because she doesn't deserve forgiveness.

The pen I'm using broke as I heavily write her name on my notebook.

We've been in a long relationship for so long, a thousand years in fact, and I still got cheated on?

What kind of joke is this? Is there really anyone out there who is still loyal to their lovers? Or everyone is really just playing at each other at this point.

Ugh, this whole thing is making my headache.

"Alright, class." Our professor closed his laptop and projector. "That is all for today. See you next week. Be prepared for a long quiz."

"Goodbye, professor!" My classmates bid at him.

Unfortunately, since I transferred, Sofia couldn't come with me. She's got a scholarship in my old college and she cannot simply let that go. Not to mention that if she transfers, she also need to find a place to stay and she cannot stay in our apartment since she's not accommodated by my mom's company.

So I have been feeling alone for a year already.

I miss Sofia grinning at me as soon as she saw me entering the gates of our college. I miss her voice as she talks about how her day has been or if she wants help in deciding what to wear on her date.

I stopped at the front of the pond in the middle of the university's garden. I watched as the Koi fishes swam around and slightly moved the water lilies around.

Thunder echoed in the sky.

I look up to see that the sky has turned gray.

It was like this too...the day when our punishment started. It was raining heavily. I thought the sky was crying with us. I thought it was feeling the same pain we were feeling. But now it's different. The sky felt sorry for me because I had to suffer and it's all because I fell in love with a mere human. No wonder such a relationship is forbidden.

Human emotions ruin an angel.

We should be rational beings after all.

Emotions should not affect us. We should not let mere human emotions affect us.

That's how an angel turns into a demon.

A demon feels envy, jealousy, pain, anger...all of that...and because they feel all of that they start to act on it. They want those suffering to be over so they do everything to make it disappear. It doesn't matter if it hurts anyone else.

So now, me...

I am an angel but my wings are slowly changing. It's all because of these human emotions that I am now feeling anger, pain, and jealousy...If I only remained as a rational being...I would have not ended up this way. My life would remain at peace.

I finally left the vicinity of the university and walked my way home. Home? Can I really call it home? It doesn't feel like it. It doesn't have that same warmth as my old home. My mom, because she got promoted, is now working much harder than before so she's really barely in the house.

"Let's go watch something later when we get home," I heard a group of students talking. It seems like they are younger than me but have a better social life.

"I think the new episode of Gang just got released today," one of the teenagers said.

"Oh! Isn't it the climax?"

They all started chatting about it excitedly.

"We should head to the convenience store to buy some snacks." One of the teenagers suggested.

Her friends agreed.

"Okay!" She started to cross the road.

"Wait, hold on. It's still red!" I shouted at her but I don't think she heard me because she was still talking.

"Hey!" I rushed towards her and pulled her out of the way.

"No! Miss!" The group of teenagers shouted.

"Miss!" I heard another group of people screaming.

My head snapped to my left and saw a car driving really fast. I pulled the other girl with me but since it was raining, the road is wet and I slipped. Luckily, I still managed to save her.

I watched the fear in the teenager's eyes as she felt guilty for being reckless.

"Miss!" One person tried to pull me up but it was too late.