
Faye's POV

I gasped for air as I snapped awake from my sleep.

I hold onto my chest as I felt it being stabbed in pain. There's also a throbbing pain in my head and the right side of my body.

I continued to gasp for air.

What is happening?

Why am I feeling this pain?

The door of my room slammed open. It revealed an almost naked Jessica.

"What is happening to you? I could hear you from the living room." She rushed to me and patted my back.

"I-I can't..." I can't speak either. I feel like someone has punched me in my face repeatedly and I can no longer tolerate the pain.


"I can't...breathe!" I managed to say.

Panic was written all over Jessica's face. "What are you talking about? How can you not breathe?"

I gripped her arm since that's the only thing I could do now.

"Gale!" She shouted for the girl outside the room. "Call the ambulance!"

I opened my eyes to see that I am in a hospital. There is still a throbbing pain in my head but it's not as worse like earlier.


I turned my head to my side to see Jessica sitting on a chair.

"I think I know what happened to you," she showed me her phone.

It's a video of the latest news.

+A woman who tried to save a student got into an accident+

That's what the title said.

I continued to watch the video to figure out what Jessica was talking about.

"Just this evening at 6:30, the driver lost control of his car. According to him, he lost control because of the wet road caused by the strong pour of the rain but according to experts, it was actually because he was driving beyond the speed limit. They even saw a bottle of alcohol on the passenger seat of the car. The driver denied the allegation and said that he was not drinking while driving the car. Unfortunately, the car also hit a woman who tried to save a teenager from getting hit by the said car. The woman is actually a student from the nearby university and her name was identified as Brianna Cho."

My heart skipped a bit when I heard her name and her photo was shown on the screen.

The news ended there.

"Wait, how is she? Whe-where is that? What..." I removed the dextrose attached to my hand. "I need to find her."

"Faye," Jessica called me.

"I need to check on her."



She took the phone from me and pressed another video on it.

"...unfortunately, the student named Brianna Cho has passed away. She was declared dead on arrival by the hospital..." the newscaster said.

I almost dropped the phone on the ground but Jessica managed to catch it first.

"Hey, be careful. This is brand new."

"She...she can't be dead, Jessica. She's got to be alive...that guy is lying..."

Jessica nibbled her lips, "I already looked for the details, Faye. I found out where she is. We can visit her now if you want to. We could avoid the hospital bills by doing so."

Jessica lead the way to the said hospital.

"Nervous?" Jessica asked.

I don't know what to feel, honestly.

Once again, she's dead but not because of me.

"I felt her pain while she was dying..."

"You always did. Right? You were the one who used to kill her."

"This is the first time she died because of an accident..." I held my chest.

She can't be dead. I don't know why but this time, I am actually scared. What if she's dead? What if...what if this time she doesn't return? No, I don't care if I don't die. I don't care about that. I just want to see her again.

"Should we get in?" Jessica asked.

Am I ready to see her lifeless body?

"Let's go."

I followed Jessica to the hospital. We kept ourselves invisible so we could secretly walk around the hospital without being stopped by anyone.

We headed to the morgue of the hospital just at the end of the hall not far from the entrance of the emergency entrance.

I stopped in front of the door.


I gulped. I really don't think I could do this...


"Maybe I should just look for her next reincarnation. She's alive now since I am doing well again."


I shook my head. "I can't...our last meeting was not..."


Jessica and I turned to where the voice was coming from.

There we saw the person that we were supposed to see inside the morgue.

"Ghost? Do angels become ghosts? I thought they go to the Nothing when they die?" Jessica wondered.

"Brianna?" I called her name. How is she standing at the end of the hall? "Wait, you can see us?"

"I'm an angel, Faye. Your silly tricks don't work on me," Brianna went closer to us. She eyes Jessica from head to toe.

Jessica flirtatiously waved at her, "Hi and yes, I am the bitch."

"Tsk," Brianna rolled her eyes.

I pushed Jessica behind me, "Brianna..."

"What? Disappointed that I am not dead?"

"No! What? No!"

"Okay, honestly, we thought you were dead. You were on the news." Jessica said.

"The car hit us both. The girl I saved came back to save me and..." She looked at the door that we were yet to open. "She's the one that got hit by the car because the other man was able to save me."

I felt like a thorn has been pulled out from my heart, "I'm glad that you're alright." I went to hug her.

I know she will not return the gesture but I am just glad to be able to hold her like this. Even just this one time again.

"But the newscaster said that Brianna Cho is dead," Jessica tried to remember. "Did I watch the news wrong?"

Brianna removed my arms around her, "my name is very common. That girl and I shared the same name."


"My mom also panicked because it was my ID that they showed on the news. There was a mashup of information."

"Brianna," I called again. "I am really glad that you're alright. Ugh..."

"This doesn't mean that you're allowed to talk to me again, Faye. I'm going to move away again since you already know where I am."

"Please don't. I've looking for you everywhere..."


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything."