Me Part 3

Brianna's POV

"Where do you want to eat then?" The woman asked.

"How about back at my home? I can change clothes and then we could talk there while I am eating breakfast?"

"No way. I will not bring you home. You don't deserve to be comfortable after the way you acted to me this morning." She stared at her watch. "It's only seven in the morning but you are really becoming a bit handful."

"Seven? What day is it again?" I pulled her wrist so I could check. "Monday! I have an exam today! Take me back! I cannot miss it! It's my major too!" I panicked. "The professor in that class doesn't like me so this will be a feast for her if I didn't show up today!"

She tugged her wrist from me. "No, we have more pressing matters to attend to." She held me by my hand and teleported us somewhere.

The silver-haired woman brought us to a fast-food chain.

"Hey, can you order for me instead? I feel like I also have a bad breath. People are already looking strangely at me so...I don't want to ring in more unwanted attention."

She sighed, "fine. What do you want? You are such a baby, you know that?"

"Ugh, the pancake is good enough. Do you have money to pay for it?"

"Who said I'm going to pay for it?"

I furrowed my brows. "What are you planning to do?"

When it's finally our turn. The woman started ordering and then the clerk asked for the payment.

"I already paid," the woman said.

I watched her. What is she doing?

"You paid?" The clerk checked the cashier.

"Yes, there," the woman pointed at the clerk's hand.

The clerk stared at her own hand then nodded, "Right. I received five hundred." The clerk pressed her cashier registrar and took out a change, "change is seventy."

"Keep the change," the woman said.

The clerk smiled, "thank you."

The woman took our orders from the counter and went away.

"Wait, how...what did you just do?"

"I hypnotized her."


It's a bit worrisome that she could do that. What if she has other powers that I am not aware of yet? Teleportation...hypnotization...what else? What else do I need to know about this person?

"Just sit down." She ordered me.

"How did you do that? That hypnotization thing. Are you some sort of a demon?"

Her ears twitched at the mention of the word 'demon'. "I am not! I am a human that was cursed with immortality."

"Calm down. I'm not trying to insult you. I am just wondering how you are able to do those. You said there's a demon at my friend's party. Are you two friends or something? Did you sell your soul to her? Is there really such a thing as selling a soul? What do they do with the sold soul? Do they eat it?"

"Can you shut up even for just a second?"

"Answer my questions."

"Ugh, fine. She's a colleague. Sort of. We do not see each other often as she has other things to do too. I didn't sell my soul. I still have my soul with me. And yes, there is such a thing as selling your soul but again, I am not a demon so I do not take souls for payment. No, demons don't 'eat' the souls they took. They use it as payment to the demons above them. And, I want to stress this one, I AM NOT A DEMON. But compared to angels, I prefer their company."


"They understand humans better than angels do." The way she answered somehow shows a sensitive side of her. As if she's speaking from experience.

"Then how...why do you have such powers? Teleport? hypnotize people...huh?" I changed the subject. Maybe the topic of angels is a bit too much for her.

"Just eat." She started digging into her food. She also ordered pancakes.

"Hold on, why are you eating so fast?" I sat in my seat. "Calm down!"

"We have lots of things to do. I want it to be done as soon as possible so eat quickly."

"You are not even enjoying your meal. It's your first meal of the day. You should savor every bite!"

"So? I could order again someday and savor it someday."

"You are going to get choked by the manner of your eating!"

"Just eat, Brianna. If you want this day to end quickly, just follow as I say. Hopefully, we find your look-alike as soon as possible because I do not want to be stuck with you any longer as much as you do not want to be stuck with me."

I tried to eat too but not as quickly as her.

I observed her. She looks a little frail but I guess it's because of her pale color and silver hair. Somehow, I thought she could pass as an old woman until you see her face and she looks really young.

"What are you looking at? Didn't I tell you to eat? Why are you still not touching your food?"

"Because unlike you, I want to savor my breakfast," I opened the sachet for the pancake syrup. Actually, I am struggling to open it. I tried to bite it to try opening it but still nothing.

"Ugh!" The silver-haired woman snatched the sachet from me and opened it with her teeth. "Here."

"Yuck, it's now contaminated. It's got your saliva."

Her eyes twitched. She must be so annoyed with me. Maybe if I annoy her enough she would let me go. "Just. Eat." She said.

"Kidding. I don't mind that." I took the sachet from her and poured the syrup on my pancake.

I almost forgot that this woman has some strange powers and there are still things that I don't know she could do so I can't annoy her too much because she might hurt me. But I will try to stall this thing as much as I can, I should get some information from her so I could report her to the police. Then probably warn other people about her existence and then put her in jail.

I just need a perfect way to do this.

Annoy her but not too much.

Make her tell more about herself without being too obvious.

"You are looking at me again. I am not the food. The pancake is not on my face."

I cut a piece of it and chewed, "your hair is nice. Is it natural or did you color it?"


"A young person with natural pure silver hair?"

She looked at me as if I just hit a sensitive spot. "You really don't know me, huh?"