Chapter 59 Christmas

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Daphne pov:

Daphne kept staring at the painting while her grandmother is talking about something or the other, the lady in the painting is wearing a beautiful emerald ring. The gem on the ring is the exact same shade of green as those bright green eyes.

"Daphne dear, you seem distracted. You have been like this ever since you came back. Is everything thing alright?" Her grandmother suddenly asked.

"It's nothing grandmother. I just miss my friend Tracey." Daphne quickly answered.

Her grandmother looked sceptical but nodded along anyway.

"Grandmother, what do you think about House Potter?"

"House Potter" her grandmother repeated while looking at Daphne with suspicion "why the sudden interest in the Potters? Is this has something to do with you following that potter boy around the school?"

"I don't follow him around!" Daphne almost yelled. Daphne could feel the embarrassment flowing through her entire being as her grandmother stared at her in surprise, this is the first time Daphne has lost her bearings and raised her voice in front of her grandmother.

Daphne took a deep breath before speaking "we are allies. Harry Potter has repeatedly proven himself as someone worthy of my attention and only with his help I was able to gain a powerful foothold in Slytherin in just a few months."

"You will have to lie a lot better than that if you want to fool your grandmother." Her grandmother said with a smirk.

"Let's see, the potters are as powerful as they are mysterious. They are one of the oldest of houses in wizarding Britain but their entire bloodline is riddled with marriages with half-blood and muggle-borns and only the occasional purebloods in between. Because of this, the potters are probably the most genetically diverse House in wizarding Britain and maybe even the world and this is further evident by the fact that they have hardly produced any squibs in their entire history." Her grandmother explained.

"But there are also lots of things that are weird with the Potters. Like the fact that even when their house was just founded they were already a rich house. Only Potters and our family knows this but the Potters have a huge stake in our potions business and who knows what else." Grandmother continued.

"Really!?" Daphne said in surprise to which her grandmother nodded.

"Yes, House Potter was our first major investor when our house decided to enter the potions industry centuries ago and it's common knowledge among wealthy pureblood houses that potters also own a stake in the Longbottom's greenhouses and plants business. So it's not a leap to think that potters have their fingers in lots of pies but we can never be sure due to the confidentiality clause that is always present in such magical contracts."

"Besides all of this House Potter has the tendency of being right at the centre of every type of conflict and a knack for producing powerful witches and wizards. Even now no one knows what their family magic is specialised in, house potter has produced potioneers, enchanters, transfiguration masters, etc. The most widely accepted guess is that it is related to offensive magic with all of the powerful duellists the potters have produced but there is no way to know for sure." Grandmother continued.

Daphne nodded as she tried to digest all of this information.

"Now that people are already calling her grandson a genius, Dorea Potter is going to be even more arrogant than usual." Her grandmother said with a sigh.

"You personally know her, grandmother?" Daphne asked.

"Of course, I am only three years older than her so we were both in Hogwarts together for a few years. From her first day Dorea made herself known with arrogance and pride you would expect from a black." Her grandmother answered.

"But even with all of her arrogance I still respect that woman because unlike the rest she actually has the abilities to back up her pride and belief in herself. Dorea Potter nee Black is not someone you would ever want to cross, every one saw that during Grindelwald's war and we were once again reminded of that more than a decade ago when those idiots wearing masks had the brilliant idea to attack Charlus and Dorea Potter like they were just another old married couple." Her grandmother spoke with a serious tone.

"I was still working as a senior medi-witch in St Mungo's during that time. I personally oversaw the postmortem procedures of those dead death eaters. Charlus Potter is the same warrior he was during the war, all of his kills were clean and efficient and most importantly quick, his opponents didn't even have a chance to do anything before they died. But it was completely different with Dorea Potter, none of her victims died that day instead they spent the next few days lying in a hospital bed in unspeakable agony as life was slowly sucked out of them. I still can't forget what I saw during that time. Even our most experienced curse-breakers and healers couldn't do anything to help those dying death eaters but that's to be expected with House Black's fondness for dark magic and curses."

Daphne could only sit there and listen to what her grandmother was telling her.

"I am not telling you all of this to scare you. Merlin only knows what I would have done if someone attacked our family. But I do want you to be cautious when dealing with the potters. Their House openly opposed the Dark Lord and still survived, while pureblood houses like ours had to hide behind the cover of neutrality and give out lots of gold and resources to avoid the Dark Lord's attention."