take me back please kitten

axels point of view. im so sorry baby, i want to make it up to you. i reach out to her again and she doesnt move and i get a burts of confadence that is most likely misplaced. but i continue anyway i reach out to hug her and she lets me. i am actually hugging her right now,my face is burried in her neck and my arms are tightly wrapped around her back i am afraid if i let go she will disapear. i whisper in her neck" kitten please take me back,i promise i wont do this again i promise i will talk to you when i am hurt and not run off when i am hurt like a two year old child.

" i want you kitten please kitten i want you back i always wanted you." but she is just silent which scares me. "kitten please say something" i beg." i need you please i know i fucked up please let me make this right" i beg again. tears are now sliding down my face like a kid on the playground going down a slide.im still holding ava" take me back baby and if you do i will be the best husband ever i will win your heart and trust back i promise i wont break it again please baby please take me back" i beg again i dont care i will beg til she gives in i need her back.

she sighs and starts to play with my hair and i relax alittle because now she is touching me on her own acord. i am not gonna lie i am also enjoying her playing with my hair. i burrow my face deeper in her neck and i inhale her scent man i missed her why the hell was i stupid.i dont know how i thought i could get her out of my mind. i have been in love with her ever since i first saw her.why did i think i could get over her with spme random ass girls sucking my cock? i must have been delusional because this girl has my whole heart and soul in her hands. i used to be like jacob and bed a new girl every night but that was before i met ava. when i saw her i left the sluts alone never touching another woman again.

i have always loved her long before i found her on the roof top.oh god i saved her ....i fucking saved her life. and i just stomped on it like it was nothing at all like she no longer mattered to me. oh god im stupid i begged her to come home with me i confessed to her on that roof top.i gained some trust for her to come home with me where i earned all her trust and she even loved me back after awhile. and how do i repay that i go out and cheat on her fuck i am stupid.