Not Who We Thought

There was a new image of the Black Knight without her helmet. It was identical to the one in the game I played, with washed-out blonde hair and eyes with a pale face.

"Do not let the lack of an Original Spell fool you. The Black Knight has been active for the past few decades and has the memories of the real King Arthur. Her foil work skills are second to none among the sworders amongst the Five Domains. However, the sword she wields mainly uses Darkness."

"Although in some rare cases, the Black Knight has been seen using wind-like Elements mixed with Darkness to create small black holes to suck in Mage's spells. Confronting her would be a suicide since she relies mostly on brute force. So better sharpen your weapons once you near her."

Mavislin's instructions were down to the point as I read on about the Black Knight's profile. However, I couldn't help but feel an oppressive gaze coming from my back... Tomoe's tail started fizzing up, and his ears were flicking as if irritated by an Aura.

"You know, I've always thought there something off about you, little Valkyrie. And this is one of those moments," said a booming voice coming from the window.

Z let out an exasperated sigh as we turned to look at the Mage on the windowsill. I took a step back while Mavislin stood protectively in front of me. Bryan backed away but didn't seem concerned about the sudden appearance of Grand Master of the Arks.

As for Raiyen and Tomoe, they were both shivering in fear as Baldwin hopped into the room.

"Great, now we've got more people in my room. I'd thought the Old Chapel was big enough that we couldn't end up in a small place like this, but I was wrong. We have a conference room for a reason, you know! And what's up with everyone appearing at my window today?!"

"I've got a proper door, you know? A beautiful one!" yelled Z, huffing at the Angry Man.

"And people call me the Angry Man around here..." mumbled Baldwin as he passed Mavislin to look at the floating screens.

I was slightly nervous when I felt the Head Knight's glance, but it was only for a split second before turning his attention back to the Valkyrie. Raiyen couldn't stand being in a room with so many people at one time and glitched out to get some snacks.

Bryan wanted to follow but was stopped by Z and Tomoe. As for me, I slowly went towards Bryan so that the Valkyrie and Head Knight could have some space to talk.

"What do you mean by something is off with me, Baldwin Noble?" asked Mavislin, as her words sounded like it was coated with venom.

If I had associated Z as a big, fluffy bear, then Mavislin would be akin to a venomous serpent. I've never felt so terrified since her facial features looked angelic, but her tone sounded evil. Like a small imp being found out by an adult.

"It is what I said. Knowing about King Arthur and so much about the Black Knight makes me think you were siding with them. You know how much the Congregation hated the Round Table even after years. You don't need to play dumb."

"Besides, you were also considered an enemy if you worked alongside Merlin. One thing throughout the time that we've known you is that we never hear from the past adventures you claimed to have had before joining the Congregation. In truth, you were spying on us."

"Gathering all the information you can find about the Congregation and reporting it to Merlin so he would always be one step away from capture. Though the sources could be argued, there were reports of a Valkyrie that played with the young King Of Knights and then his son, Mordred."

"And I haven't even mentioned about the Black Knight's killing spree being over a few decades-long, running rampant in the streets of Albion. Your Domain and you didn't bother to stop the rampaging King. It's more than enough evidence to prove that you are the enemy."

Z then stood up, furious at what Baldwin had accused Mavislin of such atrocious acts. Everything happened so fast; Z had both hands crushing the Angry Man's throat and Mavislin jamming her finger into Z's grasp so the Galaxian Mage wouldn't destroy Baldwin's neck.

"Z, that's enough. Release him this instant and allow me to explain the truth," said Mavislin, as her fringe covered her eyes.

Her voice switched from being a naughty child to one of an angered parent as Z released Baldwin from his giant hands. Who knew a small meeting about an upcoming task would spiral into a feud amongst the Founders?! I certainly did not foresee this.