Involvement With Camelot

Baldwin landed back onto the ground without any flinch or looked of injury. Mavislin then sighed and motioned the two Mages to back away from her, to which they complied. Next, the Valkyrie's Aura appeared and engulfed her while making the ground tremble.

I was going to panic; was she seriously thinking of fighting the guy right here and now?! That's insane! But before I could protest, Bryan placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, preventing me from moving.

"Have faith in our boss, and she isn't the type to randomly start fights in places like this. After all, her underlings are here. She can't risk our lives for some petty accusations," murmured Bryan as the dust cleared to reveal an older version of Mavislin.

She was taller and had long, golden hair with chestnut ends. Her chest was more developed, and her limbs were more muscular yet slender at the same time. Mavislin slowly opened her eyes to reveal two golden orbs that seemed much more mature than the previous set.

"I knew I would've been found out sooner or later, but I didn't expect Baldwin to suspect me of such things. The Headmaster knew about my age before I faced the Umbras. That's why he wasn't too hell-bent on going after me. But the rest of you treated me like a child."

"Not that I mind. On the contrary, I do love the attention of being a small child in this little mixed family. However, if I were as innocent and naive as the way I'd acted, then I would've been dead for a very long time. Because back when I landed here, you weren't even here yet."

Baldwin's eyes widened as Mavislin said those last few words. I tried asking Vania for information about Mavislin's history on this planet, but it kept coming out as an error to the point I was afraid Vania would shut down on me. Finally, I had no choice but to hear from Mavislin herself.

"What do you mean by... Wasn't I even here yet? I landed earlier than Gillian! I was here before the Congregation was even constructed and was hiding in the caves of Teuton before getting captured!" argued Baldwin in anger.

"To be clear about the timelines of our appearance on this realm, Z was the first, followed by me. I have always manipulated my form to fit my situation, so it shouldn't surprise that I am almost a fully matured Valkyrie. Only adult Valkyries can pluck out feathers from their wings."

"So that would mean I've been an adult since you've met me. The reason was the fall of Valokia, where I unleashed the final Spell to send the entire planet into a space that no one could touch and stop the war from continuing. That event tossed me here."

"Because of the nature of the spell, the Element of Time had affected how I traveled to this world. By right, I was supposed to land here after the destruction of my home. However, the spell was unstable and sent me flying into the past of this planet."

"I landed here at the age of Gods, specifically toward the end of that Age, where AD would start. I was there to witness the King Of Uruk rule the ancient city of Mesopotamia. I dare say it was quite a sight to see. From there, my journeys started," explained Mavislin.

King Of Uruk! So this world also has a version of Gilgamesh, King Of Heros?! I hope that I will never meet him. He sounds like a terrible enemy to fight against.

"I couldn't recall much since I was still a young Valkyrie who had lost her home and wondered about a foreign land. But, then, I learned that there was a beast that ran rampant around the world 12,000 years ago, and that's why the 'Gods' were no longer with us."

"Another thing that I was interested in was the Six Fairies that constructed the Holy Sword to defeat the giant beast. Its name was Excalibur, and I wanted to find it since it used the Element Of Light. After the beast fell, humanity started to grow into the civilizations we know now."

"I was surprised when I managed to reach Camelot while young Altria was still allowed to play in the fields. I met Merlin first since he sensed my presence, and he was also the first Mage I encountered. I worked with him since I wanted to get my hands on Excalibur."

"But Merlin said I couldn't have it since only the Promised King of Briton was the only one capable of wielding it. So then I decided to stay on the sidelines and watch Altria train into the future King. When that was done, I turned my attention to the unwanted son, Mordred Pendragon."