Goibniu Conchorbar: The Iron Canine

"When Merlin had escaped, I realized I could only see Artoria's body on the battlefield, and I took off when I heard someone else coming into the area. I figured it was the rest of the backup, but I didn't turn back to look. So you are suggesting that the Black Knight..."

"Yes, the body of the Black Knight isn't artificially created by Merlin. It was Mordred's deceased body. So think about it. It would be the most compatible body to use for the revival of the Fallen King since Mordred is the child of the King."

"Then why wouldn't Merlin grab the King instead? The King's body would be easier to work with instead of his child's," asked Bryan, confused.

"That would be too obvious. If Merlin had stolen the King's body, her most trusted Knight wouldn't have found the dying King's body, and history would collapse. And no one would bother about the traitor's body, so it was a good target for Merlin to take."

"Anyways, shall we continue to research the final kid? Ah, but we have to ask Z for permission to use his room again," I said, standing up.

Mavislin hurriedly grabbed onto the hem of my skirt and yanked it. I was surprised at such an action, and the table started to shake. The three of us backed away as the table transformed from wood to metal and started beaming out projections of holographic screens.

It was like Z's tabletops, only a bit smaller.

"Z said that you liked his invention so much that he specifically took four Chimes to create a miniature version for you to be placed in your room. It works the same way as the one in Z's room," introduced Mavislin, gesturing for me to use the computer.

I was overwhelmed with happiness as my hand went near the screens. A floating keyboard popped out, and I searched about the Five kids that we had discussed for the past day. At last, I managed to retrieve the final kid's profile.

After figuring out this last one, I would finally be able to figure out a plan to go on the attack to complete this Mission. But, unfortunately, I doubt it would be successful like all my previous cases in my old world. But as I put up the final profile, Bryan's face went pale.

"That's the Iron Canine, Goibniu Conchorbar! Also known as the Hound Of Madness, this guy was the 37th head of the Top Wing Foundation in Teuton! That dog was the most revered head of the Mafia Clan at the northern part of Teuton and the youngest one to take over the job."

"The sources I've got told me that Goibniu had killed the previous head within a fight using only fists and destroyed the opponent's face beyond repair. I can't believe that he is a child!" exclaimed Bryan, pointing at the profile.

"Well, none of these Mages are considered children since they were all from the Unknown Children Project. Especially this mad thing of the Universe, the only child to gain powers from being attacked by the Corruption Element in the First Wave of Husks," explained Baldwin, standing at the window.

Z was right about this Angry Man having a fear of doors. I raised my eyebrows as Baldwin leaped from the windowsill and into the room.

"You know, Sir Noble, you might get into trouble if you entered a maiden's room in such a manner. It makes you look like a creep," added the Slayer, carefully sipping on a cup of tea.

"I don't want to hear it from the boy that used to serve as bait for the Mafia within the Albion Domain. If anything, you are way creepier than me with that endless thirst for hard liquor. I wonder if you still have your liver within that skinny body of yours..."

Mavislin let out a loud 'ahem' before glaring at Baldwin. The Angry Man then understood the gesture and went over to me.

"Like what the Slayer has described the Hound Of Madness, Goibniu was a fist-fighter within the streets of Teuton. That was before the guy became Corrupt. At first, Z was in charge of his profile after finding Goibniu within a village on the outskirts of the Teuton Domain."

"After the massacre of the project, Goibniu became a test subject from my side of the Congregation. However, I never told Z since he didn't like the kid that much. However, the boy was a Metal Mage and a strong Mage with a promising future."

"But after the breakout of Husks, Goibniu got Corrupted and went insane. When the guy could control his powers again, I had no desire to continue the test project again and made the wrong decision to let him go. The kid became a thief and overall scumbag."